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A IBC Security deseja a todos Feliz Natal e um próspero Ano Novo! IBC Security wishes everyone a Safe and very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
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Photos from IBC Security's post
Pontos de recolha em Almancil, Quinta do Lago, Boliquieme e Tavira de donativos para ajudar os Bombeiros: ALMANCIL: Merry Legs Horário de abertura: 09:00-12:00 e das 16:00-18:00 horas internet: OU IBEX insurance, na Estrada principal de Almancil em direcção a Faro, ao lado da loja Cotton Lovers Outlet! Horário de abertura: 09:00-17:30 horas OU C@SA sports and internet bar, centro de Almancil. Horário de entrega de donativos : Sexta-feira 11:00 – 24:00 horas Rua do Calvario 23, Almancil QUINTA DO LAGO: IBC Security, Estrada da Quinta do Lago, Urb. Quinta Verde, Sitio das Areias Telefone: 289093344 BOLIQUIEME: DIamond Algarve Showroom fica somente a dois minutes do Aldi em Boliqueime, no centro da vila perto da igreja. TAVIRA Ibex Insurance, Rua 1º de maio 26 r/c - Estrada entre o cinema e o hotel Horário de abertura: 09:00-12:30 e 14:00-17:30 horas Precisamos de: Peúgas de senhor 40-45 Peúgas de senhora 36-40 Boxers Pó de talco Biafine ou cremes hidrantes para queimaduras Maçãs Bananas Barras energéticas Toalhas Shampoo Sumos e águas - ATÉ 500 ml !!!! POR FAVOR PARTILHEM !!!!
Drop off locations in Almancil, Quinta do Lago, Boliquieme and Tavira for donations to help the Bombeiros (Fire Fighters): ALMANCIL: Merry Legs Opening Hours: 09:00-12:00 and16:00-18:00 hours internet: OR IBEX insurance, on the main road out of Almancil towards Faro, next to Cotton Lovers Outlet Store ! Opening hours : 09:00-17:30 hours OR C@SA sports and internet bar, centre of Almancil. Opening hours for drop off : Friday 11:00 – 24:00 hours Rua do Calvario 23, Almancil 8135-123, Portugal QUINTA DO LAGO: IBC Security offices, Estrada da Quinta do Lago, Urb. Quinta Verde, Sitio das Areias Phone: 289093344 BOLIQUIEME: DIamond Algarve Showroom is just a two minute drive from Aldi in Boliqueime, in the Centre of the village near the Church. TAVIRA: Ibex Insurance, Rua 1º de maio 26 r/c - the road between the cinema and Vila Galé hotel, open from 09:00-12:30 and 14:00- 17:30 hrs Currently looking for: Cotton socks gents 40-45 Cotton socks ladies 36-40 Boxershorts Talc powder Biafine cream or other hydrating creams for burns Apples Bananas Energy bars and drinks Towels Shampoo Fruit juice & water - not larger than 500 ml PLEASE SHARE !!!!
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