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GULLI Bistrot

Sítio de Santa Susana - EN 120, Aljezur, Portugal
Mediterranean Restaurant



cozinha mediterrânica - pizzeria napolitana - lounge bar cozinha mediterrânica - pizzeria napolitana - lounge bar


Chegou um novo ano e chegou novamente a nossa altura para tirar umas férias! Queremos agradecer a todos os nossos clientes, pelas visitas, pelo amor, pela confiança e lealdade! 1 de MARÇO estamos de volta! Esperemos que vocês também! :) Obrigado e até breve! G.

On behalf of all the GULLI Bistrot team, we would like to thank everyone who shared their New Years Eve with us. We hope you enjoyed our meals as much as we enjoyed your company! We wish everyone all the best! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

WE’RE ALMOST THERE!! jumping into the new year like.... 😂😎🐧🥂🎉

..can you tell which one this is?! 😋😋 sabem dizer que prato é este?!? yummyyyy!!

// HOLIDAYS OPENING DATES // Dearest Gulli customers! Another Christmas and another turn of the year is upon us✨ This year GULLI will be closed for Xmas, on the following days: 23, 24, 25 and 26 of DECEMBER! We will then be regularly open, except for the evening of the 31st of DECEMBER, where we have a special menu and you need to make a reservation in case you want to spend New Years Eve with us 🥂😊🎉 And then we will be open as usual from the 1st until the 7th of January. After that, Gulli is closed for holidays! We wish you all a Merry Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! 🎊🍾⭐️

bom dia, CAROS e CARÍSSIMAS! a versão em Português do nosso menu de PASSAGEM de ANO! 🥂🎊 para INFOS e RESERVAS: 282 994 344

LADIES AND GENTS! 🎉🥂🍾 although we all have to sleep exactly 20 more nights to jump into a fresh year, we thought we'd give you the preview of what you might taste at GULLIs NEW YEARS EVE! FOR RESERVATIONS, PLEASE CALL +351 282 994 344 YUMMY!! 😏😋


queridos amantes da Batata Doce: não se esqueçam de passar pelo GULLI Bistrot! ~ dear Sweet Potato lovers: don't forget to stop by and check out our menu for this years Sweet Potato Festival edition:

tomorrow our little brother VÁRZEA will host this lovely event! tickets seem to be sold out! 😮 for those who have one, we hope you'll have a great time! 🎶🥦🥕🍅🍆🎶

não são lindas, as nossas meninas? 😍💛

if our Tortelli di Zucca & Fichi is not an #iconic taste experience, then I don't know what is. #zucca #thebest #tastefullyartistic
