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Q-Solutions Studio

Głogowska 31/33, Poznan, Poland



eCommerce without limits! Unique user eXperience, tailored Magento extensions & responsive design. Also osCommerce, webdesign, solid support and SEO.


Meet Magento Polska

Kto przebije? Czekamy! :) #wosp

Q-Team Family Christmas party starts just now 😀 #merrychristmas

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It was an exciting week for Q-Team. Not only Jakub has found out a huge #bug in #Magento 1 that was slowing down the entire frontend but Łukasz has also found issues with #Algolia search engine module and his fix to Magento 1.9.3 was accepted by Algolia team - Guys, you deserve a big thank-you for all your hard work! The bug which Jakub has fixed already is related to flat category indexer on multistore configuration. Now we are checking it in Magento 2. Stay tooned for an update because we want to share it with all Magento community. #realmagento #ecommerce Have a great weekend! Q-Solutions Studio Team

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It's special day for Poland. Today we're celebrating the National #Independece Day #grateful . Also we have some events in Poznan because of St. Martin's Day. We're happy to have #dayoff and the opportunity to eat #rogale Marcińskie :) Have a great weekend and see you on Monday!

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EKOMERSY 2016 - sprawdź kogo wyróżniliśmy! :)

Gratulujemy! #ekomersy2016

Ekomersy 2016

Już dzisiaj wieczorem wielki finał i wręczenie statuetek #ekomersy2016 🏆 Z roku na rok wydarzenie nabiera większego rozmachu, a poziom prac zgłoszeniowych jest coraz wyższy 👌 My również, jako Juror, mieliśmy przyjemność bliżej zapoznać się z projektami aż z dwóch kategorii. Wybór był ciężki :) Ale udało się! Już teraz gratulujemy wszystkim Laureatom! Do zobaczenia! #ecommerce

SUPEE-8788 | Magento

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Finally arrived ! 🏔😀

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Ekomersy 2016

Only 2 days left ! #ekomersy2016

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Wspieramy #czarnyprotest 🇵🇱

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Meet Magento Polska

Only 1 day left! See you soon on the biggest Magento event in Poland ! #mm16pl ... but today we can also meet at VIP Pre Party in Dabrowskiego 42 restaurant ;)

Meet Magento Polska

My 1st Years' Prince George moment didn't happen by chance. Here's their secret

Do you remember prince George greeting Obama in the cutest child robe? It was a huge event commented all over the world. You can read more below. This personalized robe for prince George was created by My1StYears company, whose founders we will have pleasure to host tomorrow at Q-Solutions Studio headquater. We've been Magento technology partner for over a year now. We are happy and excited to meet in Poznań where we will discuss futher development plans and next phases of new eCommerce projects.


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