The Auschwitz Memorial preserves two parts of the former German Nazi camp. To make a donation go to | Twitter: @AuschwitzMuseum The Auschwitz Memorial preserves two parts of the former German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz: Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau.
Miejsce Pamięci Auschwitz dba o zachowanie dwóch części byłego niemieckiego nazistowskiego obozu koncentracyjnego i zagłady Auschwitz: Auschwitz I i Auschwitz II-Birkenau
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17 sierpnia 1943 r. około godziny 10.00 trzech polskich więźniów politycznych podjęło w KL Birkenau próbę ucieczki: Edward Kiczmachowski (nr 3414), Edward Salwa (nr 5256) oraz Józef Szajna (nr 18729). Uciekinierzy ukrywali się w przygotowanym schowku na terenie kotłowni w kantynie SS. W nocy opuścili kryjówkę i zamierzali wydostać się z obszaru obozu. Wykryci przez wartowników SS zatrudnionych na przyobozowej rampie (podczas nocnego przyjmowania transportu) zostali zatrzymani. W czasie doprowadzania do obozu, wykorzystując ciemności nocne i znajomość terenu, usiłował zbiec eskortującym go esesmanom Edward Kiczmachowski. Ucieczka nie powiodła się, gdyż więzień został kilkakrotnie ranny i ponownie ujęty, a następnie doniesiony do odcinka BIId. Tam wystawiono go przy bramie, razem z pozostałymi dwoma zbiegami, na widok publiczny podczas rannego wymarszu więźniów do pracy w dniu 18 sierpnia. Ciężko rannego Edwarda Kiczmachowskiego umieszczono w obozowej izbie chorych w odcinku BIIf (gdzie był przesłuchiwany). Po podleczeniu umieszczony został w bunkrach bloku 11 obozu macierzystego w dniu 14 IX 1943 r. Na zdjęciu Józef Szajna. Lekcja internetowa o ucieczkach z Auschwitz:
Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz
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On 12 August 1942 the Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss made the SS Garrison Doctor (Standorarzt) responsible for accidents to SS men caused by gas, especially those resulting from opening rooms treated with gas without wearing a gas mask. He calculated that a distance of 15 meters from the gassed room must be maintained, taking into account the direction of the wind. The gas used at that time was in his opinion especially dangerous because it was almost odourless. The order was issued when the symptoms of a slight poisoning with hydrogen cyanide appeared among some SS staff. Since gassing of the rooms with Zyklon B was discussed in this order, the accident probably happened during the disinfection of the blocks left by the women prisoners in the Auschwitz I camp. --- On the same day 776 Jews deported from France and around 945 Jews brought from the ghetto in Sosnowiec were murdered in a gas chamber in Auschwitz.
74 lata temu Niemcy zgładzili w komorze gazowej Edytę Stein -
Dzisiaj przypada 74. rocznica śmierci w komorze gazowej niemieckiego obozu Auschwitz II-Birkenau karmelitanki św. Teresy Benedykty od Krzyża (Edyty Stein). To pierwsza Żydówka, która przeszła na katolicyzm i została wyniesiona na ołtarze. Lekcja internetowa o życiu religijnym w KL Auschwitz:
ZANIM ODESZLI... - Google Arts & Culture
6 sierpnia 1943 r. kierownik obozu SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Aumeier zawiadomił garnizon SS, że komendant obozu Auschwitz rozkazał wstrzymać wszelką prace w sobotę 7 sierpnia od godziny 13.00 do niedzieli 8 sierpnia włącznie w uznaniu za udział wszystkich esesmanów w akcji specjalnej (Sonderaktion) przeprowadzonej w ostatnich dniach. Była to nagroda i wyraz uznania za aktywne uczestnictwo załogi SS w akcji likwidacji gett w Będzinie i Sosnowcu. Zobaczy wystawę "Zanim odeszli". Wystawa poświęcona Żydom deportowanym do obozu Auschwitz z Zagłębia Dąbrowskiego między majem 1942 r. a sierpniem 1943 r. Ich historię można dziś opowiedzieć dzięki prawie 2,5 tysiącom zachowanych rodzinnych fotografii, które po wyzwoleniu odnaleziono na terenie obozu w jednej z walizek. Dzięki nim dziś możemy przyjrzeć się przedwojennemu życiu polskich Żydów z Będzina, Sosnowca i okolicznych miejscowości. Niemal wszystkich zgładzono w komorach gazowych w Auschwitz.
BEFORE THEY PERISHED... - Google Arts & Culture
On 6 August 1943 the Schutzhaftlagerführer (Protective Custody Camp Commander) SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Aumeier announced to the SS members of the garrison the Commandant's order that all work will cease on Saturday, August 7, starting at 1.00 p.m., including Sunday, August 8, as recognition for the work accomplished by all SS men in recent days for the special operation (Sonderaktion). The recognition expressed in the order and the decision to have a rest break for the SS man is connected with the their active participation in the liquidation of Jews from the ghettos in Będzin and Sosnowiec (Bendin and Sosnowitz). See the online exhibition 'Before they Perished'. The exhibition is about Jews deported to the Auschwitz Camp from Zagłębie Dąbrowskie between May 1942 and August 1943. Their history can be told today thanks to almost 2,500 preserved family photographs, which, after liberation, were found in the area of the camp in one suitcase. Thanks to them, we are able to take a look at the pre-war life of Polish Jews from Będzin, Sosnowiec and the neighbouring towns. Almost all of them died in gas chambers in Auschwitz.
World Youth Day Pilgrims and the visit of Pope Francis at the Memorial Site
In recent days, over 155 thousand participants of the World Youth Day visited the premises of the former German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz. The most important event of the WYD at the Memorial was the visit of Pope Francis, observed by people all over the world. For all pilgrims the encounter with the authenticity of the former camp space was an extraordinary experience and a history lesson, while for the Museum, it was the biggest organizational and logistical challenge in nearly 70 years of its history. The director of the Auschwitz Museum Dr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński thanked all those who were involved in preparatory activities and emphasized that they all performed an outstanding job. “We received support from scouts from the Scouting Association of the Republic of Poland, several volunteers from Oświęcim and its surroundings, and when I say surroundings, I mean even students from Boston! The activities of employees of the Foresty Service from Silesia and Malopolska region helped to secure forested areas of the former Birkenau camp. The Government Security Bureau functionaries supported us much more than it is required by their basic mission, which is to care for persons protected by law. Representatives of the Internal Security Agency demonstrated great vigilance and assistance in field work. The police supported us at all times, especially in connection with such sensitive issues as the arrival of hundreds of buses and the visit of thousands of pilgrims. Medical rescue workers, Oświęcim hospital and firemen worked on full alert and the Oświęcim District Office together with the Bielsko-Żywiec Diocese worked hand in hand to assist us – without paying attention to time and efforts”, he said. “I am obliged to thank in particular the Museum employees who for those long hot days left their everyday duties and with great involvement and sacrifice did everything to help the pilgrims and make the World Youth Day at the Auschwitz Memorial a success. We are, I believe, the best museum staff in the world, ready to move mountains, if it concerns the genuine belief in the righteousness of the idea”, emphasized director Cywiński.
Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz
Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz's cover photo
On 3 August 1943, 3 transports of about 3,000 Jews each arrived from the ghetto in Sosnowiec - all together about 9,000 men, women and children. After the selection 1,102 men and 1,170 women were registered in the camp. The remaining group, most probably 6,728 people, were killed in the gas chambers.
The Roma in Auschwitz
72 years ago, in the night from 2 to 3 August 1944 the Germans liquidated in the Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the so-called family camp for Gypsies (Zigeunerfamilienlager). Nearly 3000 children, women and men, the last of the Roma prisoners were murdered in gas chambers. In Poland, 2nd of August is comemmorated as the Roma and Sinti Genocide Remembrance Day. The International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust prepared a special exhibition in Google Cultural Institute „The Roma in Auschwitz”.
Lord, forgive us such cruelty. Pope Francis at the Auschwitz Memorial.
On July 29th Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, visited the former German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. As desired by the Holy Father, the visit took place in an atmosphere of prayerful silence and focus. The Pope met among others former prisoners of the camp as well as Poles recognized as Righteous Among the Nations who during the war provided the Jews with selfless help, saving them from extermination.
