EM Castro Educational Foundation Inc.
A school that gives your child a quality education in a nurturing and caring environment with affordable tuition fees. The school logo represents the school’s purpose to provide a structured and child friendly educational program in a nurturing and caring environment.
The E.M. CASTRO EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, Inc. was established in the belief that every child is unique, differing from one another intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically. As such, he/she deserves an educational program tailored to his/her specific needs and interests.
The E.M. CASTRO EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, Inc., a non-stock non-profit inclusive education institution, envisions itself to forming truly competent, independent, well-balanced and socially responsible EMCEFIANS.
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facebook.comEMCEFIANs Strengthening Unity Through Sports Sportsfest 2017
Keep safe everyone. If possible stay with your parents
Happy new year emcefians
See you in November 2.
Tomorrow, we still continue the sportsfest.
Congratulations EMCEF Varsity.
EM Castro Educational Foundation Inc.'s cover photo
Timeline Photos
Get ready! Be kind to others.