This is the official site of the Hurtigruten ship MS Finnmarken. One of 11 Hurtigruten ships in service on the coast of Norway between Bergen and Kirkenes. The first Hurtigruten ship to bear the MS Finnmarken name was introduced in 1912 and her worthy successor has been designed to reflect the elegance of the past.
MS Finnmarken was built in 2002 and belongs to the same class as MS Trollfjord and MS Midnatsol. She is the only ship with both a swimming pool and Jacuzzis on deck. Another unique feature about MS Finnmarken is the accessibility of her bow. On Deck 5, guests can walk all the way to the front of the ship. The ship is beautifully appointed and decorated in an Art Nouveau style.
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Er mektig imponert over kaptein Kurt og hotelsjef Tor-Eivind som i går syklet fra Honningsvåg - Nordkapp. De brukte 1. time og 34 minutter til de sto ved globusen på Nordkapp. Jeg fikk i dag mail fra kapteinen med følgende tekst: I går syklet jeg og Hotelsjefen til Nordkapp. Turen gikk fint , men kunne ikke vært igjennomført uten uvurdelig hjelp fra vår fantastiske , hjelpsomme og uforlignelige Expedisjons leder Peter Jensen som stilte opp som følgebil sjåfør. Uten hans inspirerende hjelp , hadde vi aldri klart det. Når bakkene var som brattest kom han med klare og oppfordrene meldinger som hjalp og inspirerte oss til å klare turen. TUSEN TAKK PETER."Hvordan deler av returen foregikk er og forblir en hemmelighet😊😊 Ps: Det kan være at jeg selv har komponert mailen fra Kapteinen, men det er også en hemmelighet🤭🤭🤭 I am very impressed with Captain Kurt and hotel manager Tor-Eivind who yesterday cycled from Honningsvåg - Nordkapp. They spent 1 hour 34 minutes until they stood at the globe on the North Cape. Today I received an email from the captain with the following text: Yesterday I and the hotel manager cycled to the Northern Cape. The trip went well, but could not have been completed without the invaluable help of our wonderful, helpful and incomparable Expedition leader Peter Jensen who lined up as a companion car driver. Without his inspirational help, we would never have succeeded. When the slopes were steepest, he came up with clear and encouraging messages that helped and inspired us to make the trip. THOUSANDS THANKS PETER. "How parts of the return went on is and remains a secret😊😊 Ps: It may be that I myself composed the mail from the Captain, but it is also a secret🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
MS Finnmarkens Reise 13.08-23.08
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
🇧🇻 En vaker sommerdag i Trondheim. 🇬🇧 A beautiful summer day in Trondheim. 🇩🇪 Ein schöner Sommertag in Trondheim.
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
Fantastisk å se hvalen Hvaldimir i dag - og for en stor jobb de frivillige i Hammerfest gjør! :-) Fantastic to see the whale Hvaldimir today - and what a great job the volunteers in Hammerfest are doing! :-)
Welcome to the family, MS Roald Amundsen, what a beauty 😍
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
Nydelig himmel i går kveld etter avgang fra Molde. Beautiful sky after departure from Molde last night. Photo; Fru Maskinsjef Rita Vatle ❤️
MS Finnmarken's cover photo
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
Norway🇳🇴 Rainbow🌈 Sun☀️Just have to love the view🤗
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
Norge er bare flott🥰. Norway is just amazing🥰
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
What a wonderful world...🎶🎶🎶🎶
Snudag fra Kirkenes🤗
Photos from MS Finnmarken's post
Fra Tromsø til øksfjord🤗⚓️.