Spaceship Aurora
Spaceship Aurora is a virtual trip into space. Here you will visit the Northern Lights, and will see their origin and effect on our planet, both naturally and culturally. You will take part in experiments, launch probes and investigate space. Spaceship Aurora is a visitor- and activity center
located at Andøya Space Center. Since 1962, we have launched over thousand rockets into space. This make Andøya Space Center a unique operating Space Center in Europe.
At Spaceship Aurora you can experience a virtual journey into space, learn to know the Northern Lights, how it effects our planet, and how the Northern lights as a phenomenon are reflected in Norwegian history and culture. You will take part in a virtual and exciting mission in the near space. Pilots, navigators, and scientists
have to work together to solve the same scientific- and engineering problems that meet real astronauts.
The Spaceship offers activities for all age groups. A Mission Commander will guide you and your crew through the mission. We can also offer fun and educational souvenirs from our Space Shop.
In the summer of 2016 we are launching new exciting educational experiments and 3D films on big screen in the visitor center. Fun and cool physics experiments for all ages related to technology, space, space physics and physics.
Program your own Mars Rover at the Rover Challenge.
Test how rivers and glaciers are forming our landscapeat our digital sandbox and launch your own built paper rocket in our rocket test tube, and much more.
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Romskipet Aurora gjør seg klar til reiselivsstand på Sortland Hotell. Åpen dag fra kl 14.00 - 17.00 Alle reiselivsinteresserte kan besøke mange av Visit Vesterålens bedrifter. #visitvesteralen #visitandoy #romskipetaurora
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Romskipet Aurora ønsker alle en fantastisk påske! Foruten om Oppfinnerklubbens arrangement den 11. april. Holder Romskipet Aurora stengt fra 10. april til 17. april. Vi sees og høres over påska!
Fly a Rocket
University students from all over Europe are currently at Andøya Space Center to learn about rocketry and lanuch one themselves! Yes, an actual rocket, but before they can Fly a Rocket, they must go on a space mission with Spaceship Aurora. :-)
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En fantastisk bilde av nordlys over Norge tatt i går av National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) og NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration via Met Office
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Romskipet Aurora har behov for vedlikehold. For mye ekstern protonstråling over lang tid gjør at vi trenger en tuning ;-). Oppdrag med Romskipet er derfor ikke mulig i perioden tirsdag 21.mars og onsdag 22.mars. Vi tilbyr uansett film, omvisning og spennende nordlysprat. #vifikserromskipet #spaceshipaurora
Trude Dybendahl på Romskipet Aurora i kveld! Moro og lærerikt.
Romskipet Aurora er stedet for foredrag! Hjertelig velkommen!
On the EM-drive – and scientific publications
Observations from the spaceship: Have you heard about the «EM-drive»? If you have not, do yourself the favour and type the above expression into The Search Engine of Your Choice. Then read this article.
– Heliumskval og folkefest i Andøy
Bli med på folkefest når vi går over i neste fase av The Whale for å utvikle verdens beste hvaldestinasjon videre! #thewhale #visitandoy #visitvesteralen #visitnorway
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«Fantastisk artig! Dette blir en opplevelse for livet for elevene.» - Lærere fra Harstad på lærerkurs i #RomskipetAurora #SpaceshipAurora