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Warfare Prayers

Nom.7 Punch Road, Imgbi Road Amarata, Yenagoa, Nigeria
Church/religious organization



Prayer House

warfare Prayer is a spiritual fight, or war against demons and anything that oppose the glory Of Yah(God) almighty.
warfare Prayer is Practised in spiritual violence as the scripture says in Matthew 11:12; And from the days of John the  Baptist until now the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent one's take it by force.

Prayer itself is a communication with God, People pray to different gods, but we Christians pray to the almighty God.
Prayer can be practised in different posture, it can be by kneeling down, standing up e.t.c, but many prefer kneeling.
Those who practise this kind of prayer are called.
Prayer masters.
Prayer Warriors.
Prayer band, e.t.c

Warfare prayer can be practised with physical materials like holy water, cross, salt,e.t.c although not all all Christians,churches practise this.

Kill or be killed destroy or be destroyed, set free or be bound.

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Pray in this manner My Father, My Father Any destiny destroyer waiting for me at the junction of my destiny Be destroyed by Fire In Jesus Name

You shall not be blessingless in Jesus Name.

Every witch wizard using enchantment and incantations against you, shall begin to catch fire

Whosoever wants me to suffer, and not enjoy the fruit of my Labour, right now I command the spirit of suffering upon that person. In Jesus name. Continue to pray in that manner

Happy new month This new month God shall strike all your enemies with a thunder bolt, in Jesus name.

From now on my testimonies shall show in Jesus name. Amen

Someone say with me My blessings awaits me

Yes I am blessed Is there someone out there? Say with me Yes I am blessed Above principalities, powers, dominions Yes I am blessed Am a daughter of hope Am a son of faith Am a product of Jesus Christ Yes I am blessed. You are blessed in Jesus name No demon shall trouble you. No witch or wizard shall see you. They may cast spells but they cast in vain.

Whosoever wants me dead, DIE RIGHT NOW DIE DIE DIE in Jesus Name

Let my blessings manifest by fire. In Jesus name. Amen
