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SURE Fitness 247 Centre

7, Mbaba Afia street, Uyo, Nigeria





GREATEST Friends, I am soliciting for your love, support and votes to win the etisalat flash fiction contest. As a stauch member of this group, I am confident that with 100 likes from our over 200 membership, I will clinch the deal and make us all proud. Pls follow this link below Thanking you all for the show of love and comradeship. You are the best!

Great Sure Fitters, I use this platform to solicit your love, support and show of solidarity in winning the etisalat flash fiction contest. My entry HUNGER MAKES A AN MAD is one of those shortlisted. Please click the link below and 'LIKE' my story Here is the link I appreciate you all and pray our bond stays strong! One love keep us!

Pls log on to and like my story HUNGER MAKES A MAN MAD

- If you don’t make time for exercise must eventually make time for illness. -By Robin Sharma Exercise really is a game-changer. I mean when you get up at 5AM in the morning and spend those first 20 minutes in intense exercise, you sweat, you release BDNF, which is miracle grow for your brain, your brain just lights up. You release Dopamine so you start feeling inspired. You increase your metabolic rate, you start to feel absolutely phenomenal. There’s one tradition that once said, “When we are young we would sacrifice all of our health for wealth and when we get old we would sacrifice all of our wealth for one day of good health.” Health really is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see. In my invitation to you, and it’s a lesson that I have learned from life, few things are as valuable as getting into the finest fitness of your life. That is a decision that changes every other element of your life. You want to be fit like a pro-athlete. You want to wake up in the morning, you want to do the run, do the yoga, do the swim, do the burpees, do the jumping jacks, do the skipping and it will change every other dimension of your life.

We have used treadmills for sale! Call us now! 07066864594 is the number. Sure fitness is the game!!

Its d end of a new week. Join us tmrw morning 6.30am-8.00am for our cardio & Aerobics class @ SURE FITNESS CENTRE. no 2 babatunde strt. Off ogunlana drive surulere. Its fun, fitness & wellness all in one. Come in workout kits. Come along with smbdy if u can & pls Share if u can....its a crusade on fitness n wellness. 08126842618 for enquiries. We O u Fitness. C u there!

Good mornig sure fitters. We knw we all had a swell valentines day celebration. Rmembr its a new week of xpressin lov..ours is thru keepin fit. Register & Join us tmrw morning 6.30AM as we begin our weight loss & tummy trimmin abs workout @ sure fitness centre. Also like our facebook page. Sure fitness 247 centre to get fitness tips n updates. We O u fitness. Cu there..

Aerobics classes takes place btw 6.30am -9.00am @ Sure Fitness Centre . No 2 babatunde strt off ogunlana drive surulere. Reg with us n enjoy d fun n workouts to keep yu fit n in good shape. Pls com properly dressd in yr workout kits. We owe u fitness C u there. Tell smbdy.....dey may need it.

Happy new week fit people. We r up n running for aerobics n fitness classes. We work out n shake off d excesses n unwanteds bcos we lov our bodies.....not bcos we dont. We invite yu to reg with us as we r SURE to keep yu FIT. Sm one myt nd dis, let it go round. No 2 babatunde strt. Off ogunlana drive surulere. 08126841618 fr enquiries. We O U FITNESS. C u there.

Happy new week fit people. We r up n running for aerobics n fitness classes. We work out n shake off d excesses n unwanteds bcos we lov our bodies.....not bcos we dont. We invite yu to reg with us as we r SURE to keep yu FIT. Sm one myt nd dis, let it go round. No 2 babatunde strt. Off ogunalna drive surulere. 08126841618 fr enquiries. We O U FITNESS. C u there.

Happy new week fit people. We r up n running for aerobics n fitness classes. We work out n shake off d excesses n unwanteds bcos we lov our bodies.....not bcos we dont. We invite yu to reg with us as we r SURE to keep yu FIT. Sm one myt nd dis, let it go round. No 2 babatunde strt. Off ogunalna drive surulere. 08126841618 fr enquiries. We O U FITNESS. C u there.
