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Pearl Farm Support Services

49 IKOT ABASI STREET, Uyo, Nigeria



Pearl Farm Support Services (PFSS) primarily focusses on providing Consultancy and Support Services that enhance the profitability of fish and livestock farming. Our Services include but not limited to;
1. Design and building of different types of fish farms (concrete tanks, fibreglass tanks, wooden vats etc),
2. Reactivation of fish farms,
3. Supply of healthy fast growing seed fish (fingerlings, post-fingerlings and juveniles)'
4. Preparation of custom business plans for fish and poultry farming,
5. Design, Building and Starting of PROFITABLE Snail and Grasscutter Farms
6. Training and Capacity Development in Fish, Poultry, Snail and Grasscutter farming and farm management,
7. Farm Production Process Audit, Design and Re-engineering,
8. Design and Execution of Farm Records and Book Keeping Processes and Management.
9. Strategy development and execution.



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