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Kleen & Fresh Solutions

17 Ohiamini/Psychiatric road by Eterna Filling Station, Rumuola, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Small business



Kleen & Fresh Solutions provides professional deep cleaning services for households and businesses around Port Harcourt using environmentally friendly equipment and supplies. Kleen & Fresh Solutions Story

"Working as a sales man for a home and office improvement company, I observed that people spent quite a fortune finishing and furnishing their homes/offices without being able to find a good cleaning service that pays attention to detail while cleaning up and giving the building a sparkle as well as ensuring that the building gets proper maintenance.

This led us to establish Kleen & Fresh Solutions a one stop cleaning company where clients get five star luxury cleaning for their homes/offices and apartment buildings; forgetting their worries with regard to cleaning and general building maintenance".

At Kleen & Fresh Solutions, we use the services of TRAINED, CERTIFIED, UNIFORMED AND INSURED workmen and women to deliver top notch cleaning services; which is why you should leave deep house/office cleaning to KFS cleaning crew.

Give yourself one less thing to worry about and one more thing to enjoy.

"We Make Your World Sparkle "



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