La'iyoba Nigeria Limited
La’Iyoba Nig Ltd is a fully integrated, dredging, marine and construction company with a sound background and knowledge of construction technology We are proud to introduce our company, La’Iyoba Nigeria Limited to you as an indigenous Engineering Construction, Dredging and Marine, Logistic Support Servicing firm based in Port Harcourt Nigeria. Since its incorporation, the company has been able to meet the yawning gap in Engineering Construction, Marine Logistics Support Services and Dredging Services jobs which has been ignored by indigenous companies.
With each passing year of our operation, it is interesting to note that we have achieved much as could be attested to by the many projects which we have so far executed. Within a short space of time, we have executed different dredging, pipeline and Engineering construction projects in different locations, in support of the oil and Gas business in Nigeria.
However, in the execution of these projects, we have had to contend with community problems. But we are glad to note that our group of experienced personnel has been able to manage the situation appropriately such that our operation is not hindered. Hence we have been able to deliver on time.
In the area of DREDGING SERVICES, La’Iyoba Nig. Ltd. have demonstrated a high level of competence. For instance, the execution of a major dredging and reclamation job for NLNG in Bonny Island and Finima are eloquent testimonies of our capabilities in this field. Also, we have a current dredging contract with shell Nigeria for three years in its eastern operation.
In addition to the MARINE SUPPORT SERVICES, La’Iyoba has carried out for a good number of years now, on a daily basis, Marine Service with SPDC, Nigeria Agip Oil Limited, Exxonmobil Nigeria Unlimited and other multinational companies operating in the Niger Delta areas. This standard has been attained as a result of the discipline, training and dedication of our staff who are keen in maintaining standard. We have severally been successful in NAPIMS/SPDC joint pre-qualification for marine works (Jack-up Barges).
Over the years, LA’IYOBA Nig. Ltd has made tremendous strides in the areas of major and intermediate dredging services for both the private and public organizations within the Niger Delta region and beyond. This feat was achieved through the mobilization of efficient human and material resources capable to deliver.
One of the major dredging jobs undertaken by LA’IYOBA Nig. Ltd in recent times included the dredging of the Bonny and Finima sites for the NLNG train development programmes, valued well over {Eight million US Dollar} Although this feat was accomplished in collaboration with a joint Venture partner Anderson Dredging Inc USA and our equipment supplier IHC of Holland yet, the major initiative for the actualization of this goal was the brainchild of LA’IYOBA Nig. Ltd.
In this programme, over one million, five hundred thousand cubic meter (1,500,000.m3) of sand was delivered to the site, using one of the most sophisticated and modern hydraulic dredging equipment called Francis Beaufort (Hopper dredger).
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