Bible Christian Ministry - Power House of the HOLY Spirit INC.
Bible Christian church is a Pentecostal Bible oriented church that believes solely on
the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ.
A. The authenticity of the inspiration of the scriptures by the Holy Spirit is the only 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
B. The trinity of the God head. The Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. The only known composition of the God head.
C. The prophecies about Jesus Christ, His conception by the Holy Spirit. His virgin birth, , His crucifixion, His death and burial, His resurrection, His ascension, and His sitting on the right hand of God, His abiding intercession, the rapture, the judgment seat of Christ, His second coming and the millennial reign of Christ on earth. The resurrection of the unjust, the great white throne judgment, hell fire and heaven, the new heaven and the new earth.
D. That the new birth, justification and regeneration are wrought by faith in the atonement of blood of Jesus Christ.
E. The water baptism by immersion to an adult who has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord to be done in the name of the Father, The son and the Holy spirit once.
F. The Lord supper is only to the baptized believers in Christ.
G. That the Lord supper is the composition of unleavened bread representing the body of the Lord and fruit juice of vine representing the blood of the Lord.
H. That those who are qualified to take the Lord supper, known as Holy communion must be served with the bread and the wine.
I. The baptism of the Holy Spirit with initial sign of speaking in tongues, the accompany gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
J. The theocratic Government of the Church with Christ as the Spiritual Head. And the Apostle being the G.S as the Physical Head of the Church, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, Teachers, Elders and Deacons.
K. The obligation of Tithes and Offerings, Seed faith and Vows of every believer.
L. The necessity of failing from Grace, backsliding.
M. The obligation of the Church to Discipline erring Members through suspension and excommunication.
N. The ministry of going into the spirit through the Vessel for revelations, prayer and deliverance. Being a special gift of the church, giving to the G.S to facilitate the work of the ministry of deliverance.
O. The believer cannot be possessed by demons, but can be attacked, except if he/she is a backslider.
P. The divine healing by faith in Christ.
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