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facebook.comUS election: 50 Trump supporters explain why 13 June 2016 From the section US Election 2016 Republican Donald Trump is a candidate and presidential nominee like no other. So what is it that his supporters like so much about him? Few gave the billionaire a chance when he announced plans to run for the White House, but he has taken the Republican race by storm. Defying repeated predictions of his political demise, he marched through the primary contests by amassing votes from all geographical regions of the US. But he has also been a hugely controversial candidate, accused of divisiveness for his hardline attitude to immigration and national security. Over the last 12 months, his supporters have been telling the BBC why they are so attracted to him and his message. They are angry with politicians Why they love Trump: 'He's not a politician' "Donald Trump is very real and very sincere. We're tired of being cheated. The more they try to attack him, the more we love him." - Sandra Stone, Florida, March 2016 "The other politicians are controlled by their handlers. He's not." - Vern Engel, Kansas City, August 2015 "He's brought energy back to the people. They want somebody that's not connected with the government." Linda Callahan, Florida, November 2015 They like that 'he tells it like it is' Why they love Trump: 'He says what we're thinking' "I backed Trump from the beginning. Because he calls things out. He does not allow lies to live. He just exposes things. Pastors sometimes need to be politically correct, and Donald Trump is not politically correct, and I love that about him" - Crystal Myers, California, May 2016 "He's outspoken. Other candidates wouldn't tell you how it is, but he does." - Betty Tully, August 2015 "I like that he's over the top. My president needs bravado... somebody who is big and loud, strong and powerful." - Victoria Wilen, Orlando, Florida, November 2015 "He doesn't hold back. You get what he really believes in, even if everything that he says isn't what is the right thing exactly." - Nicholas Poucher, Florida, December 2015 They value his business experience Why they love Trump: 'A successful businessman' "Passionate, driven, confident, motivated….I think I've seen him really successful as a businessman, so I'd like to see how he'd be as a leader of the United States." Taylar Martin, a 19-year-old student at American University in Washington DC. "I think he's really someone who understands economics and international finance on a global level in many ways beyond just theory but real first-hand experience " - Issac Eves, Florida, March 2016 "He has so much money but he's waking up everything morning to campaign. He deeply cares about America," John Friedlander, Washington DC, May 2016 "He's the epitome of a business success... he's got contacts in all these countries." John Hikel, New Hampshire, January 2016 They agree with him on Mexicans and Muslims Why they love Trump: The 'wall' and Muslim ban "We need to close the borders... It has to be done the right way and they can't just come into our country and expect us to take care of them, take our jobs, and then for us to have to support them, and all the things America has to do to help them out. "That's not being ugly about anybody or not liking people or not wanting to help people. It's just that it needs to be done the right way. We have so many people in our country that we need to help as well." - Peggy Smith Shortt, South Carolina, May 2016 "My ancestors were immigrants from Ireland in the 1700's, and I support legal immigration in the way our forefathers intended it to be. The current immigration system is broken and millions are taking advantage of it, while having a negative impact on the entire US." - Nascar driver David Ragan, May 2016 They want to 'Make America Great Again' Why they love Trump: 'Making America Great Again' "Trump has instilled hope in people. If he does what he says he's gonna do, we would be less fearful. We fear the federal government very much." Robert Sandifer, South Carolina, January 2016 "In the bigger picture he does have a lot to learn, but we all know he's an excellent manager and very, very bright. I have faith that he will learn and develop the policies that will make America the superpower that we want it to be." - Kathy Baker, Virginia, December 2015 "I don't see that America [of 30 years ago] anymore. So when Trump says make America great again, I fully agree with him." - Jesse Singh, Maryland, March 2016 "I'm 66 years old. Our country is in trouble and we need to do something." - Mary Faulk, Virginia, December 2015
US election 2016: Six reasons it will make history By Roland Hughes BBC News 29 July 2016From the section US Election 2016 Making history: One of these two will make it to the White House It took a while, but now we finally know which two candidates will fight it out in the race for the White House. Donald Trump will be the Republican candidate, something few would have predicted a little more than 12 months ago. And after the Democrats' convention in Philadelphia, we know Hillary Clinton will be their candidate. Whatever happens from this point on, the outcome will be historic. This is how: 1) Twilight years Barack Obama being inaugurated in January 2009 - if he looks young here, it's because he was When Barack Obama first walked through the White House front door in January 2009, he was aged 47, and was the fifth-youngest president in history. Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest, at 42 years and 322 days. The next one will be a fair bit older, whatever happens. Donald Trump celebrated his 70th birthday on 14 June. If elected in November, he would be the oldest president in history (Ronald Reagan was 69 when he took office). Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, turns 69 some two weeks before the election, and would become the second-oldest president on inauguration. She would replace William Henry Harrison, who became president in 1841 (and was the last president born on British soil). 2) New York, New York Welcome to your next president, New York Trump v Clinton is the first presidential contest between New Yorkers since 1944, when the governor of New York, Thomas E Dewey, ran against the incumbent, Franklin D Roosevelt. Whoever wins this time will become the first New Yorker in office in 71 years when the inauguration takes place next year. (And yes, we know Mrs Clinton was born in Chicago, but she was a senator from New York and lives in the state.) 3) Money, money, money If Mr Trump wins, we could be looking at the least amount of money spent by a winning candidate for some time. Federal Election Commission records show he spent $91m (£69m) up to 22 July, of which $50m is his own money. No other candidate since Al Gore in 2000 ($126m) has spent as little. Hillary Clinton is on some $275m so far, by the way. Of course, Mr Trump could break out the chequebook given that he has more campaigning to do between now and November, but it looks likely he will come a long way under what Barack Obama spent last time round - almost $556m. 4) Experience Dwight Eisenhower had decent experience - just none in office A Trump win would be significant for another reason - no-one has been elected president in more than 60 years without experience as a governor or in Congress. Even then, the last president with no political experience, Dwight Eisenhower, was Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in World War Two, before he was elected to office in 1953. Before that, Herbert Hoover, who was president from 1929 to 1933, was previously an engineer and humanitarian. No previous candidate has ever owned a chain of casinos and hotels. But Mr Trump says his experience doing deals, and the fact he is not too tied to the Washington establishment, stand him in good stead. 5) A woman in office? Sarah Palin was a vice-presidential pick for John McCain in 2008 The long years Hillary Clinton has been on the Washington scene may make it easy to forget one fact: She would be the first female president if elected. She is already the first female candidate for a major US party. The closest we have got before is when Republican John McCain surprisingly picked Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008, and when Democrat Walter Mondale named Geraldine Ferraro as his vice-presidential pick in 1984. Neither won the presidency. 6) Democrat relay? Amazingly, only two Democrats have directly succeeded another Democrat as US president. The most recent was James Buchanan, who was president from 1857 to 1861. Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson were both vice-presidents who were named president when their predecessors died. They both then went on to win the next election. A Clinton win, therefore, would bring even more significance to the Democratic Party.
SHORT AND BEAUTIFUL STORY A poor boy who was begging from door to door to feed his hungry stomach, decided he would ask for a meal at next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young girl opened the door. Instead of a meal, he asked for a glass of water. The girl thought, he looked hungry. So, she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, & asked thereafter: how much do I owe you? You don't owe me anything, she replied. Mother has tot us never to accept pay 4 kindness. He said, then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Years later, that girl (now a woman)became critically ill, & the local doctors tried their possible best to save her life but they couldn't cure her. They finally sent her to the big city where specialists studied her rare illness. Dr. Kelly was called in for the consultation, when he heard the name of the town where she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately, he rose & went down the hall of the hospital to her room. He recognised her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day, he gave special attention to that case. After a long struggle, the battle was won! Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the bill and It was sent to her room. The woman feared opening it cos she was sure it might take the rest of her life savings to pay for it . Finally she looked, & noticed something was written at the edge of the note, 'Paid In Full With a Glass of Milk'. Tears filled her eyes as she immediately remembered. Every form of kindness you show is never in vain, it reproduces itself. Well, not necessarily before your eyes, but it always does. I've been kind to you by sharing this story. So, be kind to share it with others, Its good to be good. Always be nice for sure it will come back to you
"NEVER QUIT" William Blake said, "There's no mistake as great as the mistake of not going on!" Long before Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, a German schoolteacher named Reese almost did. Reese's phone could convey sounds of whistling and humming, but not speech. Something was missing. Many years later when Reese had given up, Bell discovered his error. A tiny screw that controlled the electrodes was off by one one-thousandth of an inch. When Bell made this minor adjustment, he was able to transmit speech loud and clear. Think about it- an adjustment so small that you could barely measure it, spelled the difference between success and failure-and changed history! There are two lessons in this: first it's the little things that open the door or close it. Things like, choosing kindness instead of criticism; cooperation instead of independence; discipline instead of impulsiveness. Little acts, little attitudes, they either work for you or against you. Second, if Reese had only persisted or reached for help-his name would be on the telephone today, instead of Bell's... "SUCCESS IS GOING FROM FAILURE TO FAILURE WITHOUT LOSING YOUR ENTHUSIASM" --Abraham Lincoln
There was a farmer whose mule fell into a well. Since there was no way to get him out, the farmer decided to bury him there. But the mule had a different idea. Initially, when the shovels of dirt started landing on his back, he become hysterical. Then this though struck him; "just shake it off, and step on it." so he did. Hour after hour, as the dirt fell on him, he kept telling himself, "just shake it off, and step on it!" No matter how much dirt they threw on him, he just kept shaking it off and stepping on it, until finally, he stepped triumphantly out of the well.. LIFE WILL NEVER BURY YOU RATHER IT WILL BLESS YOU... If you believe this, type AMEN!