page is designed to inform all minna emirate students across the globe
on the hapenings of the association, the emirate and state at large
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facebook.comIGR & NIGER STATE YOUTH'S The state government has the capacity to empower the youths via giving them small, small contacts such as: > Supply of chairs to primary or secondary schools. > Supply of white board boards to institutions. > construction of minor drainages ( to students that studied engineering) > design and construction of roundabouts ( strictly to engineering and architectural students) And also when these contracts are awarded to one association or the other, the state government should appoint a supervisory committee which comprises of engineers from the ministry of works and transportation . The Niger State youths can give the best quality of these jobs. Let use this medium to play a little politics, My governor sir, I believe that you can change this stone aged system of deteriorating the future of the Niger state youths, this is a system where first class students, hardworking youth's, brilliant species of gallant youths are being appointed as SOCIAL MEDIA ROBOTS where youths are seen as useless fellow who can be given a little amount of money to defend on politician or another on social media, where youths are born to go office to office for funds solicitation to fund a minor program that will have positive impact in your people . some of these youths exist around you sir, request for their certificates and you will be astonished with the colour I believe they can add to your administration positively and their mountain of experience. This youths have you and the state at heart sir. OK let now do some analysis; a contract is being given to MAY LOLO SUCCEED MEDIA GROUP. all of it's members will benefit on the funds in one way or the other because; Mr A will give some to his parents, the parents now shear with his siblings, the parents and siblings will now move to the kure, paiko, suleja, munya, bids, kontagora, kuta etc markets. The money given to may lolo succeed media team will now be in circulation which tends the states INTERNAL GENERATED REVENUE to increase in seconds! What if the same amount or more is awarded to Minna emirates students ,Niger state youth forum, bida youth forum, makwa youths, kontaroga youths, paiko youths ? Only God knows the rate at which the state IGR will bounce back positively. These said youths have nothing less than NCE/ ND CERTIFICATES so with ZERO thought I believe 99.9% of the result will gain weight. In conclusion My governor, these youths will stand with you to the end of time sir, they will fight for you with out your knowledge, you would have that chance to move freely in your state with zero fear in mind because the youths are with you, your family members are also covered sir! You will die with a smile on your face because of the positive impact you injected Into the system sir. God bless Nigeria. God bless Niger state. God bless the Niger state gallant youths. May God bless who so ever uses his hands to earn a living ( entrepreneurs )
You are all invited
*CONCERNED NIGERLITES SET TO STAGE PROTEST AGAINST AEDC:* The move towards staging a peaceful protest against the incessant power outage by Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) tagged *#PowerPowerState* under the auspices of *#YouthleadNigeria* is seen gathering momentum as all arrangements has now reached an advanced stage. In a meeting held at Democracy Garden Minna, the group unanimously reaffirmed that there is no going back on *#Occupyaedc* protest coming up on the 18th December 2017. Committees saddled with various responsibilities were inaugurated to Fast Track the process. Media and Publicity, Mobilization and Welfare as well as Security and Strategy Committees were constituted although the meeting will reconvene on Wednesday 13th December, 2017 to finalize on its strategies. Among the demands of the group include Niger State as a major power producing state must enjoy 24-hour power supply and GENCOS AND DISCOS should wind up and leave Niger State to give way for competent companies. The *#PowerPowerState* protest is expected to mobilize an intimidating number of Peaceful Protestants that will comprise members of student unions, Associations of market men and women, artisans, etcetera
ABU admission list is out!
STUDENTS UNION GOVERNMENT Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger State. *FROM: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT:* Comr. Mahmud Abubakar Sokun *THROUGH:* *THE SECRETARY GENERAL* Comr. Musa Usman Vulegbo News Headlines!!! This is to inform the general public most especially admission seeker's that IBBUL 2017/2018 Admission list is out.... *Note: the hardcopy will be paste tomorrow. Log on to check your status... Congratulations..... And For the returning students registration portal for school fees and hostel registration will be open this week. *We regret all inconveniences*. We kindly regards.... 📰Accurate information is an aspect of motivation. 👨🏾💻 Signed: *Comr. Abdullahi Mustapha BK* *S.U.G PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER* 🗣Aluta Mouthpiece✍🏾 *Please Kindly Rebroadcast*📲
May the soul of the former NANS President Comrade Muhammad Dauda rest in peace and AL jannah firdaus be his final abide. Amin. The COMRADE died on a unique day that Nigeria independence is celebrated *01-10-2017* But most importantly, he has been buried on a date that can only be described as *MIRACULOUS* because if you read the date forwards, you get; *7-10-2017.* Same as when you read it Backwards; *7-10-2017* This certainly has implications that indeed the departed Comrade is unique in some ways. May Allah forgive his shortcoming and make jannatul firdaus be his final abode. Ameen!
This is one of the best set of advise l have ever read. 1. Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide. 2. People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions. 3. When someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones. 4. Take whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath. 5. In this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success. It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge. 6. Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful. 7. There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat. 8. A path without obstacles leads nowhere. 9. Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay. 10. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. 11. If what you did yesterday still looks big to you, then you haven't done much today. 12. If you don't build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs. 13. If you don't climb the mountain; you can't view the plain. 14. Don't leave it idle - use your brain. 15. You are not paid for having brain, you are only rewarded for using it intelligently. 16. It is not what you don't have that limits you; it is what you have but don't know how to use. 17. What you fail to learn might teach you a lesson. 18. The difference between a corrupt person and an honest person is: The corrupt person has a price while the honest person has a value. 19. If you succeed in cheating someone, don't think that the person is a fool...... Realize that the person trusted you much more than you deserved. 20. Honesty is an expensive gift; don't expect it from cheap people.
From Allah we belong and unto him we shall return, We wish to felicitate with minna emirate and the emir of minna Alh. Dr. Umar Farouq Bahago and the good people of paikoro local government and paiko chiefdom, on the demise of the District head of paiko (HAKIMIN PAIKO) Alh. Baba Mustapha, we pray that all his short comings be forgiven, and may Allah s.w.a grant us the fortitude to bear the loss amin.
We give all praises and salutations to almighty Allah for spearing our dear lives to witness yet another eid celebration. On this note, we wish to felicitate with the emir of minna, Alh. Dr. Umar Farouq Bahago as well as all our students for this year eid-mubarak, may Allah accept all our act of worship amin. Barka da sallah.
IBBUL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL BEGINS ONLINE SALES OF APPLICATION FORMS. MORE PROGRAMMES ACCREDITED AND DOCTORATE DEGREES NOW AVAILABLE. The following postgraduate programmes have been accredited by the NUC recently. M.A Arabic & Arabic Lit. M.Sc Business Administration, Masters of Business Administration (MBA) PGD Management, PGD & M.Sc Physics, M.Sc Sociology, PGD & M.Sc Biology, PGD & M.Sc Animal Production, M.Sc Crop Production, M.Sc Sport Science (Human Kenetics) & some more professional courses like MPPAA. These are in addition to the existing programmes earlier accredited which include: PGD Maritime Studies, PGD, M.Sc & Ph.D Biochemistry, PGD Crop Production, M.Ed Guidance & Counselling, M.Ed & Ph.D Adult Education & Community Development, PGD, M.Sc & Ph.D Agricultural Economics & Extension Services, M.A & Ph.D English & English Literature, M.Sc & Ph.D Political Science, PGD, M.Sc & Ph.D Water Resources & Environmental Mgt. (Geography) The official sales of online application forms begins this week on ibbul portal @ the rate of N15,300, for more details, check university website from 22nd August,2017.
Atinga : What is going on in the next house? Akpos : Oh, is a birthday party. Atinga: Whose birthday party? Akpos: Tuyu. Atinga : who is Tuyu? Akpos : I don't know him, but they keep singing...... happy birthday tuyu...... happy birthday tuyu..... happy birthday tuyu. 😂😂😂😂 Abeg laugh out the stress........................