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Africa Youth Empowerment in Agriculture and Industrial Development

AYEAID Center Opposite F.U.T Bosso Campus, Minna Niger State,Nigeria. , Minna, Nigeria
Non-governmental organization (ngo)



AYEAID is non-governmental organization that is aimed at cutting unemployment rate in Africa, through agricultural and industrial initiatives programmes.
•  AYEAID as a POLICY, is committed to the total emancipation of young people through a direct meaningful and constructive engagement in capacity building, empowerment and wealth creation.



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THE AYEAID COMMUNITY SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME: 20th April, 2016 COMMUNITY : Tsohon Daga District PARTICIPANTS : 24 Communities under Tsohon Daga District Bosso LGA of Niger State, Nigeria VENUE : Tsohon Daga District Head's Palace Grounds. HIGHLIGHTS : Group Strengthening Agricultural Value Chain Peace building initiatives Community Security strategy Ownership of community Projects/Programs Roles of Communities in complimenting Government efforts The Sensitization programme at Tsohon Daga District of Bosso LGA in Niger State, Nigeria is further enhanced by the impacts enjoyed from AYEAID's Community Sensitization programmes since 2012 These Communities are now Farmer collectives, enjoying Peace and Unity amongst them through AYEAID visitations with host of linkages in interventions and support services. The Chairman/BOT MS Bawa Bosso affirmed AYEAID's resolve to support Community Development especially in Agriculture which is the Present Administration's Agenda to enhance good service delivery to Nigerians He further enjoined them to be proud of their Agricultural activities in the area, to remain peaceful and endeavour to be conscious on issues that bothered on their security. Mallam Bawa Bosso maintained that modern Agricultural practices and Value Chain with Empowerment Strategies embedded to local farmers will support Food Security and reduce poverty. Also, supports women involvement in Socio-economic development of the Society. Similarly, the Community Sensitization visit also introduced the Impact Investment Programme by Palladium Investor from UK with 'Agricultural Streaming Finance Scheme project' in six States of Nigeria including Niger State. AYEAID is providing linkages for investors and Donors through Partnerships to enhance Agricultural Value Chain to the society particularly to the small holder Farmers that are mostly poor. Farmers Cooperatives, Coordinators and Volunteers were later strengthened.

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THE VITAMIN ANGELS SECOND ROUND MONITORING AND EVALUATION M&E VISIT TO SUPPLEMENTED CHILDREN UPDATE : 15th April, 2016 The AYEAID SAVING THE FUTURE PROJECT designed to support the safeguarding the Healthcare of the Society through Awareness campaigns, Advocacies, Nutrition, Drug supplementation, Sanitation and good hygiene continued it's support services. Today, at Bosso PHC clinic , by Chief of Bosso Palace Grounds received the Monitoring and Evaluation Team of the partnered International Organization Vitamin Angels, California USA for its second round visit to supplemented children. Highlights were interviews with the care givers, physical Examination of the supplemented Children few months ago to track the impacts of the VITAMIN A and Deworming supplements administered. Also, Children and the Care givers were taken photographs. AYEAID management facilitated the earlier Mobilization, supplementation and tracking of beneficiaries impacts since September 2015. The result shall be supplies to the Organization by VITAMIN ANGELS more drug supplements for children. AYEAID has re-iterated it's position to safeguard the future of Nigerian child and the Society through Healthcare especially the indigent and Vulnerable ones in the SAVING THE FUTURE PROJECT.

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THE AYEAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOT MEETING UPDATE : 14th April, 2016 RESOLUTIONS The highest supervision and Advisory Committee in AYEAID, the Board of Trustees BOT meeting held at No 1 GRA Minna Niger State, Nigeria met today and came up with the following resolutions : 1) Pledged their unanimous supports and loyalty as Board members to the attainment of the Organization's objectives and the Board's Chairman to succeed always. 2) Extolled and appreciated the opportunities given to them as Members of the Board and will intensify efforts to ensure sustenance of AYEAID and development of the Society through the NGO. 3) Approved the registration fees of each category of members of the Organization *Members #5,000 *Executive Members #10,000 *Key Offices #10,000 *BOT members #50,000 4) Approved the speedy and concrete means available to be in touch as Members to foster relationships and move the Organization to the next level with the Social Media Platform in Conferencing and information dissemination. 5) Reviewed and Received updates on AYEAID Projects and programmes 2016 budget year #42,700,000.00 6) Appraised the activities, projects and programmes from 2015 to 2016, With 2015 Expenditures at #7,894,020.00 and the Debt profile 2015 till date at #1,393,650.00. 7) Applauded the Management for a job well done so far and specifically impressed with the doggedness and tenacity of its Chairman/BOT 8)The Board of Trustees further advised management on the Constituted LOCAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (LAC) across the Twenty five LGAs to intensify communication and adequate Sensitization about their roles and responsibilities in the Committee. 9)Unanimously resolved to rally support to its Members appointed by the State Government with the Contributions that will enhance the attainment of the Agenda and Priority programmes of the Present Administration. 10) Appraised and commended AYEAID for its recent array of International, local and grassroots partners, recognitions and Appointments to its deserving members. 11) Agreed to engage in Capacity building of members about responsibilities, projects and programmes in AYEAID. 12) Impressed vividly on the gains of collective and Individual support to the Organization as a platform that issues relevance and opportunities to develop society and be close to Communities. 13) Board of Trustees BOT meeting charged each other and agreed to mobilize at least five Volunteers to support the 2016 Work Plan 14) Reviewed BOT meetings from quarterly to monthly and agreed to meet every second (2nd ) week of the Month. Next meeting shall be 12th May, 2016 at AYEAID CENTRE. Adoptions of the Meeting resolutions was moved by James Yusuf and ably Seconded by Hajiya Karima Ndatsu (Gimbiyar Paiko) . While Adjournment of the meeting to 12th May 2016 was moved by Zeenat Muhammad ably Seconded by Danlami Maianguwa Nangau.

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ASSUMPTION OF BOT CHAIRMAN TO OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMUNITY & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY CSDA UPDATE : 11th April, 2016 The AYEAID Chairman /BOT Mallam Musa Salihu Bawa Bosso appointed as Board member of the Niger State Government's Community and Social Development Agency by Mr Governor has resumed Office. The resumption to office was marked by documentation and introduction ably received by the General Manager of the Agency Mallam Garba Musa Baba, where he highlighted the history of the Agency from the World Bank assisted programme and transiting to a Community and Social Development funded outfit. Mallam Garba mentioned that the crop of the membership of Board of the Agency Constituted Presently are technocrats with experience in Community Development aspects and the Agency will attain it's goals in no time possible. Meanwhile, the Chairman/BOT of AYEAID and the Board Member of the Agency explained his decision to support the Present Administration under the able leadership of Governor Abubakar Sani Bello through the responsibilities repose on him as Board member and with his Organization. He further said that the need for Nigerlites to support this political will to develop the Rural Communities is paramount based on the Governor's exemplary leadership qualities. Mallam Bawa Bosso was escorted by AYEAID's BOT member - Alhaji Danlami Maianguwa Nangau and Secretary General & Coordinator Projects and programmes- Umar Muhammad Kwatachi to this maiden activity as Board member.

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THE PARTNERSHIP AND COURTESY VISIT UPDATE : 6th April, 2016 Venue : AYEAID Centre Minna Partners: Association of Painters Minna Highlights: Strengthening mutual relationship, Support services, Linkages, Business Development packages, Standards and quality, Transparency, Accountability, Training, Charity and Peaceful building initiatives. The Chairman/BOT MS Bawa Bosso Re-affirmed the Organization's commitment to foster productivity, peaceful coexistence and Development in every aspect of Living. Maintained AYEAID's resolve to succeed through Partnership with genuine people, Groups, Communities, firms and Associations. Meanwhile, the Association Of Painters Minna solicited for collaboration, support services, Training and other services from AYEAID which prompted the Visit. Areas for further moves and understanding were strengthened with the formation of a Committee.

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SPECIAL CONGRATULATORY MESSAGE, UNVEILING AND INTRODUCING MALLAM MUSA SALIHU BAWA BOSSO : The entire management of AYEAID is pleased to announce the appointment of its Chairman /BOT Musa Salihu Bawa Bosso into the Board of the State's COMMUNITY SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CSDA) on the 22nd March 2016 by Mr. Governor Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello Executive Governor of Niger State, Nigeria The well deserved appointment is coming at a time when the Contributions of the Chairman /BOT to the development of Grassroots, Communities, Indigent and those without so much care and support in the State cannot be over - emphasized through his dogged, unrelenting and Charismatic efforts in ensuring Development as an Issue in our daily lives. Mallam Bawa Bosso, is recently regarded as the driving force and the brain behind good Service delivery, Empowerment and development strategies of AYEAID to society by our International Volunteers, grassroots people also regard him as a rallying platform and hence becoming the 'Architect of Human development' in so many ways. It is evident to see him always strategizing with passion ways to enhance love and lift people. He is a man with a great philosophy of out pouring love and compassion to all with a desire to SUCCEED despite Challenges. At AYEAID, he is regarded as the only workaholic Chairman/BOT in recent time., building the fastest growing NGO in Africa with panache and Wisdom. A full blooded Nigerlite from Bosso LGA, married with Children is Congratulated today and celebrated. We are excited and praying for your Success in this new elevation Congratulations sir!

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THE SPARC/DFID END OF PROGRAMMES DISSEMINATION EVENT INVITATION UPDATE : 5th April, 2016 Venue : Haske luxury hotels, Minna, Niger State Nigeria. AYEAID as a leading NGO representing the Civil Society Organizations CSOs in Niger State, Nigeria was invited to witness the STATE PARTNERSHIP FOR ACCOUNTABILITY, RESPONSIVENESS AND CAPABILITIES ( SPARC) ably funded by DFID. For the past four years SPARC has been in Ten States including Niger State Government to give Capacity to MDAs in Policy formulation, Missions, Visions strengthening and core values Planning stationed at the State's Planning Commission Office. The gains and results as portrayed by speakers and International Development Partners present were majorly Centred on Budget Realism, Public Financial Issues improvement, Corporate plan & Yearly Action plan, strategies to improving Policy formulation among others. Also, ending the programme today with submission of Tools to the MDAs in Niger State, Nigeria indicated ( as mentioned) Programme implementation with the believe results, impacts /outcomes will foster transparency and good Service delivery in the state. Meanwhile, the Government of Niger State has appreciated the partnership and will provide unflinching support any DFID programmes in the State, also recognizing the support of other International Development Partners (IDPs) with key NGOs in the state. You will recall that AYEAID as an NGO was part of the reform Agenda of Administration of Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello packaged by SPARC under key sectors Agriculture, Education, Healthcare Social Development since August 19th 2015 AYEAID as advocates of Socio-economic development sincerely hope this programme ended will have direct impacts to the common people of the Society

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THE AYEAID COOPERATIVES CAPACITY BUILDING UPDATE 29th March, 2016 The AYEAID Centre Organized training for key members of HASKE WOMEN MARKETERS COOPERATIVE & MULTI-PURPOSE SOCIETY Maikunkele, Bosso LGA of Niger State, Nigeria. The highlights were : 1) Sensitization on the right direction taken by the Cooperative 2) Applications of International best practices in production, processing and packaging. 3) Maintaining the existing quality in Processing and learning new ways in packaging processed products. 4) Adherence to processing, manufacturing and sourcing steps 5) Costing and pricing finished product. 6) Personal and Environmental Hygiene.. 7) Inter-personal and Customer relationship management. 8) Interactive on experience, Challenges and capacity. The Organization is providing this Capacity to the Cooperative based on it's activities in Processing quality Shea Nut Products in Nigeria. HASKE WOMEN MARKETERS COOPERATIVE has to its kitty several laurels, Awards and Recognition from the Federal Government of Nigeria, National Assembly, State Government and Nation's leading quality control and regulatory Agencies in Nigeria (NAFDAC & SON). AYEAID through linkages and Advocacies is preparing the Cooperative to produce more quality and standard Shea Products for Export as facilitated by AYEAID Chairman /BOT MS Bawa Bosso, International Volunteer - Amar Vora, Business Development Adviser VSO Overseas and translated locally by Secretary General & Coordinator AYEAID projects & programmes Umar Muhammad Kwatachi.

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THE INTRODUCTION & PARTNERSHIP VISIT UPDATE : Date : 25th March, 2016 Venue : HRH Etsussan Minna Residence Niger State The visit came at a time when AYEAID is identifying through a survey very discerning and dedicated Personalities that have their thoughts on the Development of their respective Communities, State and Nigeria in general which His Eminence the Etsussan Jonathan Ndagi Jiya has been playing as a Royal Father and Citizen of the State. The Chairman /BOT MS Bawa Bosso made this known to the Royal Father when he received them at his Minna Residence today. He poured encomiums on the Royal Father's role in bringing the much desired development to his Kingdom translating to the entire State and Nigeria in general. The BOT Chairman further informed His Eminence the Organization's desire to support his efforts to bring development to his Kingdom through creation of Jobs and wealth especially with the Youths, Women and the people in general. That AYEAID is committed to solving Socio-critical Human problems be-devilling the Society through Agriculture, Education, Healthcare and Industry, he stressed also that Agriculture is Key to solving most of the Youths challenges which is why AYEAID is doing everything possible to raise their interests so as to see the sector as a Business and Career. MS Bawa Bosso introduced the Soya Gold project, Skill Acquisition Project, Healthcare project and Improving Market Access for the poor Marginalized farmers IMA4P Project to the Royal Father. In his Royal response, His Eminence Etsussan Jonathan Ndagi Jiya was impressed with the Organization's Empowerment Strategies and mentioned that the Orientation of the past must change to the realities of the recent. ''In the past people are sent to school only to graduate with white collar jobs waiting for them but lately the orientation is to teach them how they can create jobs, wealth and self sustenance.' ' He said that Presently his Kingdom is enjoying some desirable Social Amenities like Roads, Boreholes and Electricity which are paramount for any development of the people, he will support any group that will bring about development to his domain. He also supports the modern method of Farming and Mechanization in the country. '' ''When people live in peace development comes closer to them'', as such he has developed a crisis management Strategy in his domain through dialogue, listening and open system unlike the closed system and dictatorship that breeds Rancour. His Royal Highness stressed that recognizing people for their efforts must be the order of the day to encourage them, and AYEAID with this visit is recognized. The ESSAN DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION will be duly informed and areas of partnership with the Organization shall - as quick as possible be effected after the official provisions required are met.

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THE 'SOYA GOLD ' INITIATIVE PROJECT UPDATE : 24th March, 2016 The PURE GREEN EARTH RESOURCES LTD Abuja is dedicated to creation of sustainable jobs in Agricultural sector of the Economy designed an initiative that will rapidly develop the Nation in creating millions of Jobs for Youths in Nigeria, with this determination to attain the desired goal finds greater expression with AYEAID to implement the Initiative. This project 'SOYA GOLD' is aimed at creating two (2) jobs per Hectare and Pure Gold Earth Resources is collaborating with AYEAID and interested in the Organization's Capacity, Expertise and connection with Communities to secure One (1) Million hectares of Arable land from Farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Farmers will be supported with Agro inputs and the harvested Soya Beans will be purchased by the PURE GREEN EARTH RESOURCES on bulk Farm Gate Price with AYEAID as Facilitators and Monitors. The survey team were taken round over One Hundred Thousand ( 100,000 ) hectares of land mobilized by AYEAID and envisaging training for Farmers to handle the new Farm Equipments as well as new Farming Methods as another major step to kick starting the Project. Also, the Technical team is being expected in the Country very soon to visit these thousand Hectares of land already surveyed and Mobilized.. SOYA GOLD major idea as a project is to make Nigeria one of the major Global Soya Beans Player and to Empower our Youths with Green Wealth

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In recognition of our commitment to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and youth development, Heritage Bank has been adopted by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as the pilot bank for the Youth Innovative Entrepreneurship Development Programme (YIEDP). The programme is aimed at harnessing the latent entrepreneurial spirit in the teeming youth by providing them timely and affordable loans to implement their business ideas. It further provides a sustainable mechanism to stimulate employment, contribute to the nation’s non-oil Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and address the challenge of youth restiveness. The following youth, aged 18 – 35, are eligible under this scheme: I. Serving National Youth Corps members II. Non-NYSC members (not more than five years post National Youth Service) Qualified Business Sectors: 1. Agro - Allied 2. Food Processing / Preservation 3. Arts & Crafts 4. Manufacturing / Cottage Industry 5. Information & Communication Technology (ICT) 6. Construction Support 7. Power & Energy 8. Education & Financial Inclusion 9. Film & Photography 10. Automobile 11. Others Transaction Dynamics: • Eligible youth can apply for the loan through this portal using his/her NYSC State Code • Applications can be made as an individual or as a group of 3-5 applicants with similar business interests • A single applicant can access up to a facility limit of N3million while group projects jointly owned by 3-5 qualified beneficiaries can access up to a facility limit of N10million • Applicants can also track application status via the same portal • Applications will be processed centrally from the Head Office Annex • Security: Graduate entrepreneurs will use their tertiary institution(s) certificate(s) and their NYSC discharge certificate. Serving Corp members will pledge their NYSC discharge certificate and their tertiary institution(s) certificates(s). Also, legal ownership of assets financed by the bank and 3rd party guarantors will be requested as additional collateral from all entrepreneurs • Successful candidates will be assigned to ECs close to the intended business locations. Please refer to the FAQ for further clarification Copied! ! Thank you.

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THE AYEAID CAPACITY BUILDING WITH - AMAR VORA (Business Development Adviser VSO) - UPDATE : Date: 21st March, 2016 Venue : AYEAID Centre Minna Niger State, Nigeria The much awaited International Capacity building of Management of AYEAID kick started today in Minna Niger State Nigeria. AYEAID has in its quarterly activities and translation of work plan for each year, give Capacity to the Management for Purposefulness, effective attainment of desired results and improvement of Individual performances. Management is on hand based on Departments to receive the capacity.

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