Ckacino Foundation
CKACINO FOUNDATION is an (NGO) that is primarily concerned with community development issues. It is an up coming, but fast growing with its amiable volunteers who are wiling to contribute their quota to the society.
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facebook.comWe are thinking on the huge post harvest lost been experienced year in, year out by farmers. The way forward to encouraging people in agriculture, addressing food security challenges, and poverty eradication. We'd like to hear your opinions to help us plan better. We love you; all of us @Ckacino Foundation.
Thank you all for your likes. From all of us @Ckacino Foundation
Agriculture is the option for Nigeria, Africa and the youth in general. From all of us @CkacinoFoundation.
There's power in words, listen more, but say little!
Hello, will like to have a quotation for the prices of a Cassava processing and Cassava Peeling Machine. Thanks.
Nig./Nigerians still battling to recover from recession.
Prov. 15:9 The LORD detests the way of the wicked, but he loves those who pursue righteousness.
The way things are going, i urge Nigerians to give more attention to Agriculture than ever to at least have food on the table; as we pray for God's intervention.
Happy weekend to you all who share in our passion, may the good Lord bless you in abound. From all of us cKACINO.
Proverb of the Day July 22 Proverbs 16:31 Proverb of the day. Prov. 16:31. Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Show respect to the elderly, so could become one.