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SWOT Foundation

7 Circular Road, Old G. R. A., Maiduguri, Nigeria
Non-governmental organization (ngo)



SWOT Foundation is a non-governmental organization committed to enhancing the quality of life by supporting initiatives that improves the welfare of Widows, Orphans and Tsangaya (Almajiri Schools). SWOT Foundation is committed to enhancing the quality of life by supporting initiatives that improves access to health care, credit facility and educational opportunities. Driven by a vision of a world with equal opportunity to all, the organization is squared-up to alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable in our society by providing aid and creating the commitment to mobilize the necessary resources in combating poverty.



INVITATION: The C.E.O SWOT Foundation Mrs. Nana Shettima invites the already selected Christian Widows and Orphans through Borno State Christians Widows Association to its Annual Christmas Gift Programme 2017 distribution tomorrow Tuesday 19 December, 2017 at the Multipurpose Hall Government House by 9:00am

Hajiya Nana Shettima the C.E.O also paid a condolence visit to the Late Family of District Head of Gashigar, Late Zannah Usman Zannah Kosso who died yesterday in a ghastly Motor Accident along with his children when their way to Kaduna. She prayed Allah to forgive them and grant them Al-janatul Firdausi and the family the fortitude to bear the loss and Borno Emirate Council has lost a great man whose contribution will be greatly missed.

The C.E.O of the SWOT FOUNDATION, Hajiya Nana Shettima has today paid a condolence visit to the bereaved family of Late Sardaunan Gwoza Alhaji Muhammad Bello, the Chairman SWOT Foundation. She described the deceased Alhaji Muhammad Bello as humble and hardworking and mentor to all whose contributions to state and National development as unquantifiable. Baba Sardaunan Gwoza died at a time when his knowledge and wealth of experience is most needed to actualize the dream of our state and SWOT foundation. The C.E.O however said Allah who loves him most decided to take him at his appointed time adding that as Muslims, we should take solace in Allah and pray for his eternal peace. She enjoined the family to take courage as death is inevitable stressing that his demise is not only a loss to his immediate family but the state as well and prayed Allah to give his family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

"Agriculture as a Powerful Instrument for Poverty Reduction", based on the above Quote the C.E.O SWOT Mrs. Nana Shettima in Collaboration with the Borno State Ministry of Animal and Fisheries distributed and empowered Fish Farmers (Women) with fish fingerlings (young fish), Fish Feed and Dry Fish processing Machine as part of her promised to reduce Poverty among Women who are most vulnerable to poverty recently.

SWOT Foundation C.E.O Mrs Nana Shettima @kujarima empowered FOOD & TEA VENDORS of Borno as part of her promise 2 support and encourage Small Scale businesses & 2 alleviate poverty among Women and youths.

Mrs Nana Shettima C.E.O. of the SWOT foundation distributed Blankets and Toiletries to Tsanyaga pupils (Almajiris) to protect them selves against this HARMATTAN. The C.E.O was represented by the Borno State Commissioner for Women Affairs Mrs. Fanta B. Shehu during the distribution yesterday.

Her Excellency, Hajiya Nana Shettima wife of the Executive Governor, Borno State, founder SWOT FOUNDATION ably represented by the Director Ministry of Poverty Alleviation Mrs. Aisha Abdulrahaman presents a Cash Donation of One Million Naira to the National Association of Nigerian Student through its Vice President Comdrate Shettima Umar to day.

The National Council for Women Societies awarded Mrs Nana Shettima at it's first National workshop in Merit House, Abuja The National workshop has it's theme as Women in agriculture Development, participation and Empowerment in a Practicing Democracy. Aligning with the new vision for Nigeria to refocus and rededicate efforts promoting agriculture as a business enterprise and vocation. Speaking at the occasion the National President of NCWS Mrs Gloria Laraba shoda, mni, women should be mainstreamed in available intervention program be given the recognition that will led to being included in programs such as credit facilities, inputs, training and other forms of empowerment. She also said there is so much to be gained from the agricultural sector such as food security, household income and reduction in the concentration on imported food. Mrs Gloria Laraba Shoda further encourage women to continue in the journey in agriculture urging both public and private sectors to support the efforts of women in this all important sector. The award she said signify and recognise the zeal, determination, contributions and support the awardees achieved in their various endeavors. Mrs Nana Shettima was represented by the Commissioner of Women Affairs Mrs Fanta Baba Shehu thanked the council for the honour and recognition of Mrs Nana Shettima's efforts in supporting the widows, orphans and the tsangaya pupils.

Yerwa Express News: Wife of Borno state Governor, Mrs Nana Shettima and others bags Award of Excellence. Yerwa Express News Awarded Mrs Nana Shettima, the founder of SWOT Foundation for community and Humanitarian Support at its First Maiden lecture and Award night yesterday in Abuja. The event was held at Zuma Hall of RockView Hotel, Abuja. YEN celebrated those who distinguished themselves in their various fields of responsibility. Mrs Nana Shettima was ably represented by Commissioner of Women Affairs, Hon. Fanta Baba Shehu. The Commissioner commended the Yerwa Express team for the achievement of being the first indigenous online News and print media in Borno state. Other Awardees include HRH The Shehu of Borno, Chief of Army Staff, Hon. Commissioner of RRR Borno state in the person of Prof. Umara Zulum, CP Damian Chukwu, Chairman of CJTF, ACP Abba Kyari, Engr. Kaigama, CEO Galaxy Transport, Hajiya Mairo Bunu Lawan among others. The Editor-in-Chief of the YEN Mal. Abdulhamid Gazali in his welcome address said as the first online News, their mission is to promote and publish the positive aspect of the region in both national and international focus/level, to change the narrative of Borno as a place that is 1000 years older than America with it's rich tradition and cultural heritage, mineral resources and hardworking people need to published and attract investors across the globe. Also speaking, the head of IT of yerwa Express News Mal Mohammed Ali Said yerwa Express is not just a newspaper but a link -up. They also intend to tap on the available talents and expand the horizon of the paper.

CEO SWOT Hajiya Nana Shettima, wife of the Borno State Executive Governor attending ongoing Annual Northern Governor's Wives Forum meeting in Yankari Game Reserve ,Hosted by the wife of the Bauchi State Governor today. Also present at the meeting, the Executive Governor of Bauchi state Dr Mohammed A. Abubakar

Nigeria @57, Happy Independence Anniversary. Let unite and live together in peace as one Nigeria despite our differences North, South, West and East.

The Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN) presented award of Excellence to the C.E.O of the SWOT foundation, Hajiya Nana Shettima, for her support toward Women and Children particularly Widows, Orphans and Vulnerable at the APWEN 2017 International Conference and Annual General Meeting in Kano State. Kudos Mother.
