A motivational outfit inaugurated with the aim of providing information towards achieving your goals. We achieve these via: Telecast and Radio broadcast. The outstanding motivational outfit was inaugurated in 1995. The dream was borne out of a passion to help individuals realize their purpose and destiny in life, impart them with knowledge that will help them discover, develop, release and maximize their latent potentials. Success Power International is a non governmental motivational, inspirational outfit, our main aim is to see that you succeed in all your endeavours and we are here to provide you with all the motivation and requirement to keep you going in the race of life. Success as many would take it means the acquisition of material wealth, this is not entirely true, success does not only denote material wealth, it is an all encompassing feeling of accomplishment for what is aimed at, being that we are all unique and aim for different things, e.g health, peace, wealth, long life, etc, your achieving these goals is what we equip you for. We achieve these through: Telecast, Radio broadcast, Seminars and audio & video materials and books.
The organization is headed by Sam Adeyemi, a renowned public and motivational speaker who has been guest speakers at several seminars. conferences and other public gatherings. His intention is to raise and sustain the morale, strength and capability of human spirit in an economic and social environment that has done all to challenge the realization of even the brightest potentials. Our programs explore the time-proven biblical laws of success and reconcile them to prevailing social and economic realities.
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