Founded in February 2012, as the training arm of Bermondsey Educational Logistics and Training Services; Bermondsey Business Academy is essentially an entrepreneurial development initiative.
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facebook.comEBENEZER OBEY-FABIYI - the success of man is not in never failing, but to rise up each time he falls. Ebenezer Obey-Fabiyi's mother, Abigail had married her first husband for 20 years without any child in Lagos. The parents of the husband separated them after the long-year barrenness. "What God hath joined together was put asunder by them." She was adjudged a barren woman. In order to hide from public shame, Abigail Oyindamola relocated to Idogo now in Yewa South Local government where she met Fabiyi, an Egba man who was a carpenter and cocoa trader. Their marriage was unexpectedly blessed with a boy and later, a girl. This was the reason the name "Ebenezer" was arrived at in 1942. Meaning: "Nihin ni Oluwa ran mi l'owo de". Ebenezer Oluwaremilekun Olasupo. Ile aanu Oluwa ki su. Like Sarah, God answered Abigail, and took away her reproach. So shall God's promises of the fruits of the womb manifest and fulfilled in the lives of all members of His Order. Every reproach shall turn to joy and fulfilment in the life of all Meshenites. Amen. Ebenezer Obey attended Methodist Primary school in Idogo where he was made as band leader in the school, this honed his music talents. He formed Ifelodun Mambo Orchestra in Idogo. The hidden talents and potentials in all the youths of His Order shall be revealed and brought to lime light for progress and achievement. Amen. Struggle in life: May our efforts in life be crowned with great reward and outstanding successes. Amen. In 1957, Ebenezer Obey renamed his band as Royal Mambo Orchestra. He relocated to Lagos from Idogo with two men, Akinyomi Savage and Bamgbose Jumoda, also known as Abengo Mayana. Late Fatai Olagunju, Fatai Rolling Dollar was the band leader and Obey was with him for 6 years. 6 years later, Obey formed another band called International Brothers. He was stranded with no music promoter. He decided to treck from his base in Mushin to Lagos Island, about 20 kilometres journey, to seek for assistance of a music company, DECCA. Obey walked from Mushin to Yaba, from Yaba to Oyingbo, to Iddo, Carter Bridge (There was no Eko bridge and third mainland bridge then) and, from there, he reached Idumota and now proceeded to Abibu-Oki Street in Lagos Island where DECCA West Africa Limited was located. May our feet take us to our destined place of honour. Amen. The Igbo gateman who was at the entrance initially disallowed him from entering the company but Obey told him he came to record for the company. He escaped the first hurdle. The confidential Secretary explained to him that artiste manager he would see was on leave. Obey was confused, he left the place disappointedly. May our disappointments give us courage and impetus to forge ahead for progress and achievement. Amen. "Eledumare, lole f'ona han ni, ayafi Oba mimo le lona han wa o laiye." Obey prayed for a week and returned to DECCA, he had his way through the gate but the Secretary still blocked him. He told the secretary, “I am a star and I have come to record for your company. And my record will make your company a bigger one.” The secratary said, “You cannot see him!” but the confident Ebenezer replied “I must see him!” "A nrin nile, a nrin loke kama ko elesu lona Baba, Baba wa Eledumare jowo fona han wa." Obey who trekked from Mushin to Lagos Island was frustrated and he raised his voice louder as a musician when he noticed the white man, who was the Managing Director, Mr. C. K Cress was around. The noise did the magic, it attracted the attention of the M.D. Breakthrough: May you have breakthrough in life, despite all inhibitions and attacks of oppositions. Amen. "Obey de olohun Orin, Obey de olohun Orin, eiye to ma ba koowe ke koosi nigbo, Obey de olohun Orin." The white man phoned the secretary through Intercom and asked “What’s all the noise about?” “it’s this man who said he is a star and will like to see you and I said he cannot.” the secretary replied. The MD asked, “A star?” “yes.” the woman affirmed. Mr. Cress asked Obey to come in. “Sir, I am a star – a future star. I have come to record for you. Just record me and don’t pay me until when you have recorded me and you see the sales of the released record. My record is going to sell.” - Obey confidently told the white man. The white man ordered the artiste manager, Mr. Ogunsanya to give Ebenezer Obey a trial. DECCA West Africa Limited recorded the songs of Ebenezer Obey, instead of 8 tracks he prepared for, 5 of the songs were recorded. Despite the fact that Ebenezer Obey moved round to canvass the distributors to buy his record, 500 copies of the Album were not sold for the selector's mark, the basic requirements for the qualification. It required just 19 copies to meet up 500 copies. May you be favoured and may help from above locate and sustained you. Amen. The future star failed, the staff were making jest of Ebenezer Obey. "Sir, your future star did not make it", the artist manager told the white man. The white man had imbued with confidence on Obey' optimistic style to succeed. He ordered for 25 copies to rescue the future star from disqualification. Obey's first Album " Ewo ohun oju ri" sold 506 copies in 1964. Ebenezer Obey' second Album changed his life. "Olomi Gbo Temi (My Dearest Wife Listen to Me)...Baby mi, jọwọ jeka Jo ma gbadun, Aya to mo Yayi lo nsefe Oko re, telegan ba ntan e, ko ma ma se gba." Ebenezer Obey was brought into limelight with his second Album in 1965 but 'Palongo' which he released the same year gave him breakthrough. Since then Ebenezer Obey has never come down in his profession. He had travelled worldwide. May the hand of God support and uphold you in high esteem to the honour and glory of His name. Amen. Surprisingly, the Military Decree of 1972 and 1976 (Nigeria indigenization decree) brought in new owners for DECCA West Africa Limited. Both Chief Moshood Olawale Abiola and Chief Ebenezer Obey controlled the 100% ownership of the company which later changed to Afrodisia Limited. Obey became the employer of the white man, his former Managing Director and other staff of the music company. He later established his own music company. The stone that the builders refused, became the head of the corner stone, so shall you be counted and recognised by your detractors in higher glory. Amen. "Labe igi orombo, Ibe lagbe nsere wa, inu wa dun, ara wa ya.. " Ebenezer Obey is an evergreen great juju musician, now an Evangelist and a Shepherd of His flock. May you fulfill your calling as a graced Mishenite and Saint below. Amen. "A i ma siko lo ndaamu, Ẹda o, Ọrọ mi lọwọ Oluwa lowa. Ire temi ko ma ni kọja mi." Amin o. A friend sent this to me, please share to encourage someone.
LATE M.K.O. ABIOLA - I WAS A BENEFICIARY Many people wondered why Simbiat was next to God in Abiola's life. Abiola owed her a lot. One, throughout Abiola stay in Grammar School, it was the uniform he used from year one, he used till year 5 until he went to Simbiat's house one day and the girl's parent saw MKO, it took the love of God to allow MKO to enter that house in a cloth that looks worse than a rag!!! The following day, they got him a New uniform. It was Abiola's happiest day. Two, the First time Abiola ate fried egg in his entire life was at his year 5 when he visited Simbiat family. Abiola was only eating YAM until they asked him to eat egg, he asked "what is this", they told him "egg"...."what type of egg is this", he asked. "FRIED EGG", they replied. "FRIED egg?, do they fry egg?".... MKO said this himself!!! Now this is the type of poverty we are talking about!!! VERIFIABLE FACT. MKO did 16 subjects and had Distictions in all. This amazed the SW Regional Government because his was the best result in the region. He was also offered overseas admissions to study LAW, ACCOUNTING and MEDICINE. Abiola, under the scholarship of Western Region went to the University of Glasgow, Scotland to study ACCOUNTING!! He graduated with First Class and got overall best result in the University!!!! He was chartered at both Scotland, England and Nigeria!!! If poverty did not stop MKO, nothing will stop your progress too!
#Copied #Money Mistake 1: Never borrow money that accrues interest to start a business (except if you are paying for it through your salary); only borrow to grow your business. This is because business takes a long time to gain ground and begin making profit, yet most loans repayments have to be made within a month of taking the loan or even earlier. Therefore, never borrow money to start a business expecting that the business will generate income to pay back the borrowed money plus the interest. #Money Mistake 2: Never spend money you haven't received. Don't even promise someone money based on a promise you have from someone else. If someone tells you: "Ezra, come to my office tomorrow at 9am and pick #30K"don't go out to buy items on credit based on this promise, with the hope that you will pay off your creditor when the promised money comes; it may not come as promised and this will leave you in problems with your creditors. #Money Mistakes 3: If you want to save, whenever you receive money, don’t start spending hoping that you’ll save what remains. Normally what remains is zero because as long as money to spend is available, the numerous things you can spend it on are also available. And things to spend on even incite their 'relatives' so that you spend even more than you had planned. When money to spend is not available, we naturally find a way of doing without it. That's why I've learnt to save with an INVESTMENT CLUB. Once I send money there I assume I no longer have it. Before you spend any money, put your savings aside then spend what is left after saving. #Money Mistake 4: When you get an opportunity to meet a very wealthy person, never ask for money. Ask for ideas on how to make money. They may even choose to give you money on their own after seeing that your ideas are great, but let getting money from them never be your objective. #Money Mistake 5: Keeping your seed instead of planting it. Many people stop at saving. It's very, very difficult to save and have all you need to maintain your lifestyle especially after retirement. When you save, your savings are seed; plant it. When you just keep the seed (saving money) some seeds begin to die (eaten by inflation and the like). That's why I recommend that you read about the different types of investment vehicles you can use to grow your savings. I am not necessarily talking about putting the money in a business, because you can easily lose money in business. I am talking about putting it in an investment. #Money Mistake 6: Never lend someone money you are not willing to lose. By the time you lend someone money, be contented in your heart that should the person fail to pay, you will not die. You should not even lose that person's friendship if they fail to repay the money you lent them. If you feel the person might fail to pay you and this will not affect your relationship with them, then lend them money. If their failure to pay would make you hate this person’s entire clan, please advise the person to go to the bank. #Money Mistake 7: Never append your signature to guarantee someone on a financial matter if you are not willing or able to pay the money on their behalf. Do I have to explain that one? No, it's self-explanatory. #Money Mistake 8: Avoid keeping money you don't intend to use in the short-term within easy reach. For instance, don’t walk with #100K in your pocket when all you plan to do in a day costs #20K. Like I mentioned in Money Mistake 3, there are always expenses available to gobble any money that is within reach, so if you don't want to lose it, put it away in a safe place. #Money Mistake 9: Avoid keeping money in inappropriate places e.g. in socks, under the pillow, in a pit, in the sitting room, in the bra, in a travel bag that you will place somewhere in a bus ... impulse buying is a devil that will keep you busy! #Money Mistake 10: Spending money on an item that you can do without (at least for the time being). These days when I pick money from my pocket or wallet, before paying for something I ask myself: What would happen if I didn’t buy this? If I find I can live with the consequences of not having that thing, I smile and walk away. #Money Mistake 11: Paying an amount for something that's not the minimum you can get that same value for. In other words, if you are along Opebi Street and you pay #5K for a shoe that you can get at #3K at Ikeja market, that's a money mistake except for those who have achieved financial freedom. #Money Mistake 12: Wanting to be the savior of the world by helping everyone in financial need. My sister, my brother, you are not Jesus. If you find it so hard to say no to a financial demand, you may think you are practising generosity when in actual sense you are committing (financial) suicide. We are not learning to be miserable here; we are learning to live within the boundaries of reality. #Money Mistake 13: Consistently spending all you earn or more than you earn. It's like having a drum where you have an inlet that's smaller than the outlet. It will never get full. And should the inlet ever reduce significantly the drum will run dry. If you do it the other way round and the inlet is bigger, it will get full and even overflow. Hence, we have to always ensure we are widening the inlet while narrowing the outlet – all the time. Your side hustle comes in handy! #Money Mistake 14: Thinking about short-term only and forgetting about long-term or thinking about the long-term and forgetting about the short-term. For instance, Lydia was told that there's money in land. She saved money over a long period of time and bought 30 acres of land. Now she has the land but she is always broke. She is always complaining. She's disgruntled and she doesn't seem to see herself earning from the land in the near future. Now, let's ask ourselves: Having 30 acres of land and no money to feed your family or take a child to hospital, is that wealth or poverty? I think Lydia only looked at long-term needs and forgot that she has short-term needs that require money. What of those who find they are one paycheck away from salary? Are they thinking about the long-term needs? Let’s take stock of our finances. How many mistakes are you guilty of? Do you now feel better-equipped to do better with these tips? Good luck, Share this knowledge with your friends because it will not benefit you if you are selfish with it.
