A place where ideas, innovations, visions, and self improvement is encourage and approved. Sometimes the greatest contribution you can offer in life is putting a smile on ones face. In most of the Africans communities thousands to million of both adult and youth struggle each day to wear just a simple smile, reasons being, the level of poverty and suffering is high. We in unbreakableguard are committed to seeing that a smile is registered in the faces of many worldwide but Africa as our focus. Our vision and focus is to change the mindset of this people by meeting their need in a our own little way. In making this vision actualize we welcome contributions by concern individuals in what ever way, from donating your unused materials such as clothing, shoes to finance we can change the lives of many millions both young and old.
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facebook.comHi everyone I have a confession to make (and it might sound kind of strange, but hear me out)… ... I really don’t like being called a “nice Guy.” And to be honest, I think your life would be better off if you weren’t always a “nice Guy/girl” too. Here are some symptoms of Nice Guy/Girl Syndrome (can you answer “yes” to any of these?)... You don’t have clear boundaries with people. Are you guilty of never saying “no,” even if you don’t really want to do something? Do you choose not to stand up for yourself when someone disrespects you? You don’t have dissenting opinions. You’re afraid of going against the grain with an unpopular opinion, so instead your opinions tend to be in agreement with what everyone else thinks. If you had a differing opinion, you might offend someone, right? You deflect compliments and praise because you don’t think you’re that important. Nice people tend to give others all the credit instead of owning their gifts. “Who, me? Nah, I’m not that special!" You don’t ask for help. Asking for help might be a burden to the person you’re asking, so instead you find ways to be independent so you don’t ever have to worry about bothering anyone. You’re afraid to stand up to people. Did your friend say a borderline racist joke that you laughed off because you didn’t know how to confidently educate them on why their joke doesn’t fly around you? Do you let your parents, friends, or partner walk all over you because you’re afraid that if you really stood up for yourself, you might lose their love and approval? Did you say “yes” to any (or all) of the above? Then you miiiiight have Nice Guy/Girl Syndrome. It’s okay, I spent most of my life battling it as well! Hopefully you should start to see that, being “nice” is really just code for someone who 1) Desperately needs approval from other people instead of living by their own inner guidance system; and 2) Is afraid to be their authentic self because other people may not like it. Now, just to be clear, I’m not advocating that you go around being a jerk to everyone around you. LOL. Not in the least! Instead, what I’m asking you to consider is this: what would it look like for you to live wholeheartedly? What would it look like if you lived a life that didn’t seek approval from anyone but yourself? Would you speak up more for things that matter to you, even if it made other people uncomfortable? Would you create stronger boundaries, and stop saying “yes” to doing things you don’t actually want to do? Would you wear the hot pink, sequined dress that you secretly love to the grocery store, without worrying about what other people will think? Would you publish the Instagram post where you say The Vulnerable Thing that’s been weighing on your heart, but you’re afraid to share with the world? Would you quit the prestigious job that your parent’s think is perfect for you? Break up with the person that all your friends and family adore? Choose an unconventional path that looks different than other people’s lives? If you decided to let go of needing approval from others, what would you choose? What piece of yourself would you honor more? What decision would you make? This is one of my favorite topics to discuss, so I’d absolutely love your opinion, friend. Do share your opinion about this, I really want to learn about what you think... what’s ONE thing you’d do or change if you didn’t need approval from others? Words of Melyssa Griffin
Click here to support Africa's cultural Documentaries by Chris Sam
Do you think we are losing a touch of where we came from and how we got here? If you do then we share a common pain. I have a strong passion for creating documentaries that will raise awareness and promote the African cultural and traditional practices, and also give the global community an experience of the rich cultural heritage of the African people. These documentaries would be used as advocacy towards ensuring and promoting sustainable development practices among the local African communities. Because we share a common pain, would you like to support? Your enormous support will empower our dream to become a reality Let's partner. Please kindly visit the link below to support this vision. https://fundly.com/africa-s-cultural-documentaries?ft_src=email_share_mobile
Never let your past decide what the present holds for you, and never become a shadow in people's opinions and what they think of you. Happy Sunday to you. May August bring forth smiles and fulfillment to our dreams. © Chris Sam
When you stay focused on your purpose, not your problem, you can be happy even when life seems to be falling apart. While we experience roadblocks, our responses differs in how we handle this road blocks. Some of us have the resilience to just pick up the pieces and move on. Others find it difficult to let go. Either way, how do we learn from the tough times? Initially, we will all probably experience normal feelings of frustration, sadness, disappointment or anger. What we do with those feelings distinguishes us from each other. How you reflect on what happened will help you gain a greater sense of self-awareness. It becomes important that you think and learn from what the adversity you've faced teaches you about yourself, so you can move forward. As we face challenges and adversity, it is important we recognize that dealing with failures and setbacks is a part of moving forward. No one wants to fail, but thinking that you will never fail is unrealistic. Take responsibility for your part in the failure so that you can learn from it. When making future decisions, think about the possible hurdles that will occur and plan for them, especially how you will cope with those obstacles. We need to anticipate that we will run into problems and have contingency plans and actions ready for when those problems occur. Think about what you have under your own control. If you failed due to a lack of knowledge or skills, take a course or do some more reading to gain additional skills to position yourself for success in the future. Strategize about your plans for moving forward and how you address the setbacks or obstacles. Good morning all Chris Sam
PICKING UP THE PIECES OF YOUR LIFE. We are faced with so much problems and challenges, that it becomes hard to live each day. This problems oftens times leaves us broken and shattered within, resulting to depression and unlimited worries. By experience, I know that It’s not always easy to pick oneself up when he/she feel shattered and lost or when it feels like we’re sinking under indecisions, because we don't know what is right anymore. And no matter how strong we claim to be, this challenges, setbacks, and tough times can leave us feeling insecure, helpless and paralyzed. This often times, leaves us totally lost to reasons that becomes our breaking point. It is therefore important to understand that, every thought and feelings we put out in dealing with our challenges has an energy and after- effect, and if we keep on pushing we create stress and worries, making the struggle worse. By experience, I will advise that, whatever troubles or problems you currently have, keep the faith. Because, Your most difficult moments can lead to your greatest hours. I know, you might be in your most difficult time. Just be patient and compassionate with yourself. Dare to believe and you’ll become a magnet for miracles, for that new state of mind that, right now, only exists in your imagination. You’ll be picking yourself up and starting over one step and a time, and eventually, when you look back, you’ll see you've climbed a mountain. Nobody can navigate you through this hard times, it takes only you to understand your destination. Yes the challenges your are facing, are the storm that will re-afirm your status as the chief captain of your life. Every other persons in your life are just crews, that help once in a while to keep you moving. It is your responsibility to navigate and steer your way through, towards God expected end for you. Good morning. With love from me to you. I am Chris Sam, wishing you a fulfilled day.
In today's world, they're a thousand and more factors one must consider before he or she can truly win in this life's race for fulfillment and relevance. Knowing what is obtainable gives you an edge over unwanted pitfalls littered along success way. Below are five green lights that can help redirect your steps towards developing a winning mindset. *Focus on winning, not winners. Winners focus on winning and loosers focus on winners. In life's race they're only two options, win or loose. To win, you need to focus on winning, otherwise you’ll end up being another looser. We loose because we spend too much time watching other people. However, successful people focus on themselves and their goals in life. Winners focus on winning because they are obsessed with the outcome. They want to win badly as compared to other people. So you must focus on your own game and finish line. Let other people do whatever they want to do. And you must put in the work and win at any cost. When you can do that, you will become unstoppable and no one will ever try to compete with you. *Be willing to do whatever it takes. The statement above does apply in going against our moral standards and obligations, or neither does it support breaking moral codes. What it simply tend to do is explain to you the concept of winning and the approach. Winners are not the one who try something and quit when it doesn’t work. Because the real winners are people who try something and keep going until they succeed. People with winning mindset never quit and never make excuses. If they are going through challenges, they will do whatever it takes to reach their goals. So if you want to develop a winning mindset and succeed in life, you must be willing to do whatever it takes. Otherwise you will end up making excuses. When you are willing to do whatever it takes, you can achieve anything you want in life. *Have patience. The word patience, has been abuse in several dimensions, but as concern this subject we need to understand that.... .......You cannot find a single person on this planet who became an overnight success. Because success doesn’t happen overnight. Success comes to those who have patience. You need patience in life because not everything will work out instantly. Things takes time to work out. People with winning mindset will always outwork those people who don’t have patience in life. As it is said, “The man who master patience master everything else”. When things don’t happen instantly, just remember that it takes 13 hours to build a Toyota and 6 months to build a Rolls Royce. Here’s how patience is key to your success in life. *Believe in your dreams. If you want to become a winner in life, you must believe in your dreams before you can bring it to reality. People with winning mindset believe that they can achieve their dream life. It takes courage to believe and once you started believing in your dreams, no one can stop you from achieving it. Successful people believes, when other people are doubting. As it is said, “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”. Most people fail because they never believe in themselves and they doubt their own abilities. However, successful people believe and take massive action according to their beliefs. When you believe in your dreams, you will take action and those actions will bring out the results. *Feed your mind with positive and successful thoughts. Your mind is a garden and if you want roses and sow only sunflower seeds, you will get sunflowers, not roses. Just like the same way, when you feed your mind with negative and unsuccessful thoughts, you won’t get positive and successful results. When you feed your mind with positive and winning thoughts, you actually develop a winning mindset. Successful people use affirmations and auto suggestions to feed their mind with successful thoughts. When you feed your mind with positivity, you train yourself to attract health, wealth and success in your life. May your dreams come true
BEFORE QUITTING, THINK AGAIN WITH THIS SEVEN FACTS. Do you feel like giving up? Truth be told, I have felt like quitting a thousand times over and over again. But inbetween my thoughts to give up, they're seven things I put into mind, and so far this seven things have been of a great help to me. So before you think of quitting, think again: 1. Think of the why. Remember why you started in the first place. What did you want to achieve? What did you want to accomplish? 2. Don't do what is easy. Anything great is worth fighting for. 3. Remember it's not over till it's over. Some people fold after making one timid request. Don't be that person. Do all you can to succeed, even when the odds are against you. Even if it's late in the final, you can still win it--unless you quit. 4. Mind your attitude. Negative thoughts create negative results. Do what you can to turn it around and replace negativity with positive thoughts. 5. Take responsibility. You can't always control the results. But you own your efforts, your ideas, and your perseverance against obstacles. 6. Keep learning. Everyone makes mistakes and goes through rough patches. But if you learn from the things that go wrong you can redeem your failures. It's not about avoiding adversity, but knowing how to handle it. 7. Believe in second (and third and fourth and fifth) chances. Just because you didn't get it right the first time, that doesn't mean you won't get it right the second. REMEMBER you are not alone, 98% of the successes registered on social media are fake, no one becomes great automatically. Even as I am typing this right now I still face challenges and situations some of you reading this may completely loose it, if you where in my shoes. The only time you loose is when you accept you have, but as long as you speak and say otherwise....you're hundred percent still in the winning race. Have a great day ahead. #ChrisSam
The only way to be truly happy.... Is to connect with the present Become one with the moment. Because You can't live your past today.. It will only Rub you of what today has in store for you.
ARE YOU PURPOSE DRIVEN? Chris Sam This post was written far back 2016 and was shared here too, but I believe it could be an important question for you today as you read through it. There are a over a trillions plus voices on earth, all praying, hoping and waiting for a miracle of abundance. Within the echoes of this voices are a few who do know what they want. The question for you this morning is; WHAT DO YOU WANT? It wont surprise me to see a grown man confused when given ten million naira or dollars. Why? He actually do not have a working dream. There is one thing dreaming about a better tomorrow and another knowing what is required for a better tomorrow. Dreams should be a mirror of what your future should look like, but purpose is what get you there. For life to be worthwhile, one should be purpose driven, you should know what you want, you should know where your passion lies. It isn't enough to dream, it will be when you are purpose driven. Your actions and energy can only be efficient when you are focused towards achieving a goal, which vision is guided by purpose. That is, when you understand your place in this world, your voice becomes unique and in the mix of a ceaseless echoes of a trillion plus voices, yours become outstanding and identifiable. The society, your environment and the entire world becomes a platform for your manifestation. Dream big, but be purpose driven. Be focused, and be ready to explore your hidden potentials. Then you will be victorious. A very good morning to you. Wishing you open doors of possibilities.
ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS. Let's talk about setting goals and achieving them. It is our greatest desire to see our goals and vision cone to reality, for our daily efforts, choices and decisions leads us towards one desired outcome, which is fulfillment. But one thing, one must take into consideration is understanding that the more refined and defined our goals are, the greater our chances of achieving them. It’s impossible to align your focus on something that is just a vague generality. Having a crystal clear vision of what we intend to accomplish gives us something to really focus on. Success requires that we take the time to clearly define our goals. It doesn’t stop there! There are several other necessary elements to setting and achieving goals. Here’s a sampling of things that will greatly increase your ability to turn dreams into reality. 1) Determination. This is especially important with respect to big goals that will require considerable time and energy. One way to increase your determination is to… 2) Break big goals into manageable stages. Smaller, “stepping stone goals” keep you from feeling overwhelmed. They also provide positive reinforcement and a sense of accomplishment along the way. 3) Eliminate distractions. If your efforts are too diluted, it really won’t matter what else you do. When you are serious about achieving an important goal you need to push less important things out of the picture. 4) Constantly evaluate your progress. To reach your target you must stay on course. That means checking you progress to make sure you are still moving in the right direction. Your path will always be somewhat fluid, so keep your eye on the ball. 5) Believe in yourself. Doubt is a waste of time and energy. Deal with doubts before you start working toward your goal, not after. Doubt is the opposite of determination and engaging in it will bring your progress to a standstill. 6) Make a commitment. Every important goal will present you with challenges along the way. If you are not totally committed to success, those challenges could seem insurmountable. Making a total commitment to success will shrink those challenges down so you can climb over them. 7) Make yourself account Tell others what you intend to do so you will feel accountable. This can be very motivating for several reasons. The more accountability you feel, the more motivated you will become. You must take ACTION or nothing will happen!
When you compare what you're doing with what other people are doing, you end up doubting yourself the most and When you compare your accomplishments to a colleague’s, you'll start feeling inadequate. Your friend's or colleague’s accomplishments are not the benchmark to test or grade your own success. It is important to remember that everyone is on his or her own journey. I find that I am most successful in my personal and professional life when I am following what works for me and what makes me feel good, even if it is different from what someone I look up to is doing. When you care about what everyone else is thinking of you, you inprison yourself. You’d rather do nothing and not get judged than do something and risk criticism. Worrying about what other people think of you will continue to hold you back from doing something potentially huge for yourself. If you hold dreams for your future—which you probably do if you’re reading this or a follower of unbreakableguard, then at some point you have to let go of everyone else’s opinion; otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a constant state of self-doubt. Good morning all.
WELCOME TO THE MONTH OF MY BIRTH. Welcome to the month of my birth. As we wake up strong and grateful to God for the privilege of life, sound mind and good health, however it is important we look back to the last 6 months, as we Begin our journey to complete the next half of the year. For how you begin, will determine how you will end. So my thoughts for you today as I wish you a happy new month is... That you understand the effect and dangers of hanging to your past failures, pains and setbacks will do to you and your development as person. When your entire life is spent within your past, you imprison yourself in negative thoughts that would never allow you to move forward. If you want to deal with life problems in a good way, move pass your past. Dare to do something differently, in ways you've never done before and you will get results that you have never gotten before. For a start, own your problems, never blame people, your family, friends or partner. You should realize that you control your own destiny. “Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles, they toughen and make strong.” Norman Vincent Peale Look for the positive side of each problem and concentrate on it, by turning the bad situation into a great opportunity for you. You should never view a problems as a distraction, but rather as a strategic phase that ensures continuous improvement, opening doors for opportunities previously unseen. Choose to be intentional about your life, never give up on you, hold on to your values and keep focus and let your passion guide you towards your purpose. Happy New months family.