we offer unisex service of high quality standard to suite the taste of our costumers,making them best in the world of fashion and style.
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We are out to make you look better via our bespoke fashion and design tailored to fit your day
It is yet another Friday..... ...all we got to say today is just to thank Allah for his infinite mercy and his abundant blessing on me and you..... Others who passed away... Those who are sick... Those who are in test with problems... They didn't offend Allah... But rather whats destined to happen will happen.... So all we have to say is alhamdulillah.. Ma sha Allah... Barakallahu fi.. May Allah grant us pur heart desires.. Ameen... A very good morning and do have a wonderful weekends... Jumaat Mubarak.. And do include Your duas
If Allah has written something to be yours, it will be..... No matter the Time might it will take... How ever far The journey might be ..... Donot loose hope.. Do not feel your prayers are ignore... Be strong and be steadfast... For Allah alone knows the best and the right time for you... Remember what is meant to be will be. May Allah grant us pur heart desires... Ameen. Avery Gººd morning and do have a stress free day.. Stay blessed and be happy
One of the most beautiful qualities of true person is to understand and to be understood.... Always try to understand people around you... Make them feel better from your words and make them feel at peace with your smile... For smile is the best gift you can ever give... You may not know how many life you can touch with just a smile... May our purpose be of greatness with people around us...ameen. A very Gººd morning and do have smile filled day.. Smile always
There is one quality that one must possess to win and that is definiteness of purpose the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it. Good Morning!
Every new day of our life is like a new blank sheet. We have a choice to simply Keep it neat; Write something meaningful; Or simply mess with it. Good morning! And do have a ton weekend
1. Popcorns are normally fried in the same pot, in the same oil, at the same time and under the same heat conditions, But they do not all pop at the same time. 2. When flood comes, fish eat ants and When flood recedes, ants eat fish, Only time matters. 3. To make soap, oil is required and to clean oil, soap is required. This is the irony of life. Everybody needs somebody at any one point in time. Do not despise or treat anyone with scorn when they are excelling or failing more than you. There is time for everything and for everyone. Keep TRUSTING in God and WAITING for your turn. Your time to POP will come at God's appointed time. NEVER GIVE UP! He makes all things beautiful in His own way and time.. May The Almighty God grant us our heart desires... Ameen a very Gºod morning and do have wonderful day.. Never say Never
The One who created happiness is Allah the Most Gracious Most Merciful,... Do not let someone or something take away your happiness.... For you are entitled to your own joy... And that only comes when you believe that what is meant to be Will be. . May Allah bless guide and grant us our heart desires... Ameen... A very Gºod morning and do have a wonderful weekend... Jumaat Mubarak and please do include me in your dua