An online prophetic ministry base in Abuja, Nigeria... Founded under the power of the Holy spirit to reconcile the whole world back to the first love of God through Prophecies, Deliverance, Breaking Barriers, Setting loose the Captives and Bonded! "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;" (2 Corinthians 5:18)
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Someone will cause the trouble, another will settle it, provided there is trouble, there must be a solution, Adam caused the first problem for humanity, Jesus came and settled it not minding who caused it... This morning, I ask you; what are your troubles? regardless who caused them for you, the solution is here, JESUS said "come to me all you that are heavily troubled and I will give you rest" He is waiting to settle those issues for you not minding whether you are to be faulted or not, run to Him now, there is no better solution ground outside JESUS. #HeHEARs #HeKNOWs #HeWILL #JESUStheCHOICE #PstLEO
If God could allowed Pharaoh's heart to be hardened in order to liberate Isreal, I speak to you this night by the power in the name Jesus, if there be anyone or being that has hardened their heart towards you, against your liberation, against your moving forward or holding on to your freedom, build evil alters for your sake or attempt to put you under captivity, will from this day on work beyond their capacity to favour you in the name of Jesus. #FreeIndeed #HourOfLiberationWith #ProphetLEO
"Grace isn't a substitute for God's blessing, it is the sustainer of all of God to man." Pst. LEO
"When Grace abides, no one notice you have mistakes." #WalkInGRACE #PstLEO
No weapon as powerful as PRAYER! #PrayerWins #PstLEO
A REFLECTION ON THE LIFE WE LIVE AND THE ECONOMIC TREND The emergence of Economic crises in various part of the world still means nothing to some persons, here in Nigeria we called it Recession but the truth is; recession or no recession, money is gradually failing, the BIG QUESTION NOW is: when money finally fails, what will remain? MOMENT OF TRUTH TO YOURSELF AND BY-YOURSELF ~ Is money a must-have to you? ~ Is your conscience sold or exchanged for money? ~ Are you lost in the pursuit for money? ~ Do you esteem the place of money than the place of God? ~ Is money a determinant to your life pursuit? ~ Do you worship money or God? ~ Will you do the worse to get money? ~ Do you think money can solve all your needs? A moment to reflect on the life you have been living, how you have been living it, if your response to any of the questions above is YES, then you are on the wrong lane. Retract your steps and take a new turn, let money serve you not you serving money. In 1912, in the Titanic ship, the marine chief told the merchant billionaire "Your money cannot save you any more, its useless now, after all, we may all die" only prayer they need at that moment not money. MONEY FAILS In Hospitals today, people are dying not because there is no money to pay the bills but because money can not buy LIFE. MONEY FAILS WHEN MONEY COMPLETELY FAIL. ~ Only Prayer shall work. ~ Only Faith shall triumph. ~ Only Grace shall speak. ~ Only God shall remain. #Stay_on_the_path_of_God #Only_God_will_not_fail #He_That_have_ear_let_him_hear #Pst_LEO_speaking
God's word says "...having done all to stand, Stand therefore..." Eph.:6:13,14 By understanding and revelation: Having gotten saved, remain saved. Having done all to love them that hates you, love them still. Having tried to make peace with them that fights you, live in peace still. Having gotten all the weapons of war, PRAY STILL. #NoWeaponAsPowerfulAsPrayer #LoveTheWayToVictory #PrayerIsKeyToEverything #PstLEO
Having the best things in life does not guarantee the best life, a man may have all he ever wanted in life but still; living a sinful and wasteful life while another man may not have all he desires in life but living a remarkable and Godly life. Note: Peace of mind is not in what you have, is in the life you live, live a life pleasing unto God and you will enjoy the peace of the Lord! Remain blessed. Pst LEO
There are certain books and movies you should never read or watch when your mental maturity is not build and strong enough to handle the effect. (Some lives and destinies are misguided or ruined today for this reason). Pst. LEO
Christ Reconciliation Prophetic Ministries Worldwide welcome you to 2017, your year of DIVINE FULFILMENT because the King of kings is fighting your battles and you are holding your peace... A shout of glory to the father for this victorious transition into 2017! #CRPMW #PROPHET_LEO