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facebook.comI know of a woman who has learned to trust God. People may have tried to bash her character but she knows her Worth is in Christ. She may have dated the wrong guy before,, but she grew from it. she didn't allow her past to make her bitter. A woman that pursues Jesus wholeheartedly never has to chase opportunities. God will open those door for her. Ladies keep holding on
So this was shared today by this wonderful guy. I kinda personally know this man and most of the students in KSU literally hate him for his pride, arrogance and flirting attitude. Girl wetin u go find with a beast like this na. However, domestic violence is unacceptable and I hope he pays dearly for this. If u are against domestic violence Pls share until it reaches the proper authority.
Like if u agree😊😊, share if u super agree😁😁. #xoxo
Fashion statement. Thumbs up girl!! You really nailed it
"YOU LOOK SEXY" IS AN INSULT: Ladies,do you always feel happy when people see the way you dress and say you look sexy? "You look sexy" is not a greeting, it is not a compliment, rather it is an insult. They are telling you, you are good for sex only, they are telling you you have something good under your skirt,but nothing tangible under your Cap. They are saying you are a bed professional, bedroom expert and nothing more. They are saying your greatest asset is under your pant,what an insult. Never allow anybody to tell you that you look sexy again, because that simply means they are saying you are boys toy and guys pleasure tool, sex symbol and not a great personality,not somebody to be respected. They are simply saying you are closer to been a prostitute than to been a Virtuous,qualit y and exceptional woman. So always dress to look pretty and beautiful,don't dress to look sexy. Queens and FIRST LADIES don't dress to look Sexy, they always dress to look beautiful,adora ble and pretty. But BED LADIES will dress otherwise because like whores their value and biggest asset is in bed. Always remember that good product are always well covered,branded and well packed,but worthless product are always exposed for all dick and harry to see,make yourself valuable,cover up girl,let your daughter be proud of you in future,stop been object of Lust and passion. So when you are dressing tomorrow morning ask yourself, am I dressing like a FIRST LADY or like BED LADY,let your dressing answer for you. Thank you! agree or disagree?
WHO IS A BIG GIRL? The fact that different guys pick you up every Friday night does not make you a big girl. - The fact that you wear all the latest clothes in the market, does not make you a big girl. -And of the fact that you use the latest phone, big phones, ipad, blackberry,Android and different guys pay money into your account does not make you a big girl... It does not even make you smart! You are only eating up your FUTURE!!! The fact that you dress half naked and you wear clothes that expose your cleavages and that make you look sexy does not make you a big girl. You are a public dog. THEN WHO IS A BIG GIRL? - A big girl is a girl with enough brain in her, not the one with more money. The girl that thinks of consequences before actions. -She is not the one who flirts with all the men around her. - She is the girl who respects her relationship and marriage. - She is never heard but seen. You know her by what she does, her behaviour speaks a lot about her. -She is every man's queen, decently dressed... always decently good looking. - A big girl respects the value of womanhood.. -She carries herself with more dignity... Stop boasting about the number of men you've slept with my dear..Remember, cheap articles always have more buyers.. Sleeping with all your male friends doesn't mean you are sexy. Build yourself into the woman people will always respect and admire. Never follow men who will make a mess of your life.- but be humble, be Godly.. Be hard working, respect your relationship or marriage, Be ambitious but contented.. Be bold don't make men a priority in life.. Real men will seek after you when u build yourself into the woman men will always want to take u home to their mothers,Not the one they only want to take to hotels and clubs. TRUST ME, if you just trap a man with your body, he'll go one day. A lady without morals and dignity is like a phone without a sim card... Sorry, if I just stepped on a toe, am only
my brothers and sisters, No one knows what u re going through but you, people will judge you, talk about you, point fingers, blame you, Pls don't mind them do what is in ur heart. walk ur own path. be ur own person. their opinion of u is just their opinion. Pls ask urself, “Does it really matter what they think”? please, Never let anyone steal ur joy from you thanks.
THE SEX SCENE (18+) I was watching one American film yesterday night with my Dad and Mum, as we were watching the film, a young boy of my age started romancing his girlfriend, they kissed each other and when the guy's hand crossed the girl's private part. . I looked straight at my dad and noticed that his eyes had changed, then I focused my eyes more on the film even though I knew my dad wanted me to leave the parlour at once, I did not care. . They were still kissing, this time hotter, then they both fell on the bed and the guy was about to open the girl's brazier. My Dad looked at me with his red eyes and shouted . "have you ironed the car
From the stables of doc Olu- If he prides himself at being able to bang many girls rather than being able to keep one grown woman and make incredible love to her, he's not a man, HE IS A BOY. - If he doesn’t know what he wants talk little of going for it, he is a boy. - If he makes excuses for his bad behaviour rather than own up to his mistakes, you've got a boy in your hands. - If he worries about the size of his cock rather than about his future, he's a boy with capital letter "B"! - If he fears uncomfortable conversations instead of bringing them up if need be... "...mama, na boy..."..lool.. - If he does everything he can to avoid rejection instead of putting himself out there anyway...get him a diaper...loool.. - If he is dishonest about his intentions and feelings rather than letting a woman know how he feels and where he stands, he should still be playing "who-is-in-the-garden" - If he feels the need to defend himself against every and any criticism rather than dust nonconstructive criticism off his coat, responding only to constructive criticisms, give that boy a box of toys...loool.. - He thinks he knows everything? He doesn't know there is always something new to learn and room for improvement? Boy nooni... - Does he think getting drunk with his buddies EVERY weekend is “life”. Does he not know there has to be balance between fun-time and planning for his future (and the future of his family)? Yes?'re stuck with a boy... - If he's always worried about you leaving him rather than how to make things better, he is s boy! - He thinks all women are the same? He doesn't believe every woman is different? Buy him a teddy bear...lool.. - A boy is obsessed with female anatomy. A man admires her "curves and folds" but is more impressed by her brains. - A boy makes too many promises he does not follow through. A man means what he says and does what he says he’ll do. - A boy consciously states his opinion/view beginning with “I am a man” or “From a man’s point of view…” because subconsciously he doesn’t believe he’s man enough for others to notice. A man knows he’s a man and feels no need to state the obvious – everyone can tell he’s a man. - A boy demands love and respect. A man shows love and commands respect. - If he calls grown women “girls” rather than call a girl “a girl” and a woman “a woman”, he does not know the difference, he is a boy! - If he is afraid to cry in public because he thinks he’ll be seen as “weak” instead of being able to cry in public because he’s strong and secure in his masculinity, HE IS A BOY. - If he runs away from a relationship when the going gets tough rather than stay and fight for the woman he loves, get him a pacifier, HE IS A BABY. - If, as a male - you read this and - it makes you feel like attacking the writter (rather than work on yourself), YOU ARE A CHILD, beep me, I'll recommend a great Kindergarten to you. looool... be human is beautiful... #DrOlu..
What would u do if u find yourself in this situation?