Mr tourism kaduna
Mr tourism kahuna is all about empowering young intellectual men and provides a platform to build themselves and affect life's positively
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facebook.comWe thank God almighty for his grace and all he has Done as regards victory camp international. We thank all participants for believing in us and all sponsors and well wishers of victory camp international. As we celebrate our 3rd anniversary on the 30th August 2016. Anticipate great explosion, more success and new projects. Victory Camp... We are the light of the world... For inquires, call : 07014797356, 08131807408 Facebook : fb/victorycampinternational
#mrtourismkaduna #BirthdayPhotoShoot shout out to Lilian Samuel Akutson Fantastic Sunday Aisha Blessing Tajudeen @maya Billy Yahaya Aaron Charles #bless
See you there....
U re Invited 2 d Birthday Photo-Shoot of Mr Universe North 2015>>>Billy Yahaya Date: 27 July 2016 Time: 11:30 am Behind ABC transport,b4 kd Brigde after Station roundabout Look Fashionably Uniqe Photography by : cloud_9ja, Dip-Ace Supported by Victory Camp,Arewa Modern Man Style Collective,Sahara Fashion & Mendox Design Cal:08186381689
#TheArewaKing.... Coming Soon.....#Anticipate