Music (Gospel) Gospel concert management,composing,voicing,song production,stage management in Worship
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facebook.comFOR THE MUSICIANS I was in a rehearsal sometimes back and we were PRACTICING for Sunday service and the Lord ministered to me saying WHY IS IT THAT PEOPLE ARE CONCERNED WITH SUNDAY SERVICE EXPECTING MY PRESENCE? SHOULDN'T IT BE AN EVERYDAY THING EVEN WHILE YOU ARE REHEARSING? I was quiet and realized I was guilty faced down but I observed that has been the trend in almost all our gathering... I am not saying we shouldn't rehearse but let us be soaked in His presence while we practice....let the songs not be a Sunday thing but Sunday worship should be an overflow and extension of how we worship God...when we do not invoke His presence daily Sunday won't do the trick it will be the worship of men expecting complements and gratitude from men... Choir, ban, singer, psalmist, minstrel,poet, pastor all His servants let our worship start on Mondays, in our war room, in our cars and everywhere we find ourselves. Anytime you meet to practice/rehearse let it be another depth of worship and experience, the KOINONIA where heaven and earth intersects. Music leaders, teach and show your groups how to worship let them have that same spirit you carry. Being a music leader is indeed a burden to expose,teach and breed worshippers in God's kingdom..don't be too excited when elected or appointed as a music or worship leader down on your knees you should understand when I say WORSHIP IS NOT A MOOD. you can share this to as many as God leads you to because raising Godly worshippers is all I am made for. #worshipDNA #theminstrel #buildingworshippers
"More Than Just a Song" our live in concert album Songs of worship, praise, deliverance, fellowship and healing.. Coming soon.. #Minstrel
Do You want to organize an event that will give you a lifetime picture and memory? Any kind of event we can make it a reality for you promising to work on your budget with our bouquets all for you... Alexis-Events is here for you. Our service is excellence and delivery #eventmanagers #worshipDNA
You want to run fast? Run alone, You still wish to run far? Run as a team... Happy independence NIGERIA #WORSHIPDNA
N. I. G. E. R. I. A I see a Nigeria where LOVE will Avalanch every individual... I see a Nigeria where hunger becomes a myth... I see a Nigeria that grows thirsty and hungry for the face of Yahweh.. I see a Nigeria with a purpose.. I see a Nigeria where the Church of God takes its course and place... I see a Nigeria where men of God become decision makers on matters that affects the Nation.. I see a Nigeria with a stable economy with an increase in GDP.. I see the least Nigeria living above $20 per day.. I see beautiful Nigerian girls giving birth to children that will sound the shofar of the coming of Yahweh.. I see a Nigeria where nudity through media is wiped out.. I see a Nigeria where the Churches(denominations) become ONE.. I see a Nigerian that says no to bribe and corruption.. I speak to every land in Nigeria to listen to the voice of God's prophets turning things all around.. I LOVE MY NATION NIGERIA. THE MINSTREL (TRUE WORSHIPPERS) says a very great Happy 56th birthday NIGERIANS. 1Pet2:9 #theminstrel #worshipDNA
ONE of the greatest miracle in your life right now isnt wealth but FAITHFULNESS. #worshipDNA
I am not against the Church because it is THE BODY OF CHRIST. That is where growth is defined, deep intimacy with God is. Let us not take advantage of His grace to keep living in sin because His grace stands in our lives...lead and teach your disciples in the way of God through the doctrine of the Holy Ghost. Be the church with a difference #worshipDNA
we must develop the love for worship so we can freely worship HIM #worshipDNA
How Do You Recognize A Real Worshipper? 1. A real worshipper places God above all. Ordinary people place self above God. 2. He esteems the Word of God as the final authority in all things. Ordinary people argue with the Word of God, but for genuine worshippers, the Word of God is final. 3. He exists under Divine instructions. 4. He exists with a stewardship mentality. It makes it easy for him to relinquish anything to God at any time. #worshipDNA
We can be sincerey be faithful to God when and if we are faithful to one another. #worshipDNA
VACANCY! VACANCY!! VACANCY!!! Are You worried that Noone invites You to their church to preach or sing? Has Your spirit been low because noone bothers to give You ears when Yo preach? Are You looking for a Church with a crowd of over a thousand congregation? Do You want Your ministry to touch the lives and souls of people daily with depth and knowledge of God but still have nowhere to make Your Church? Do You find it difficult transporting Yourself to places where You think You can win more souls? Are You ready to work for the Church with little or no supervision? Can You work under pressure for God? Am here to tell You that there is a vacancy for You... Just go to Your facebook wall and start preaching the word with the largest number of congregation You can ever have and stop begging people to invite You to preach or sing...when God needs You somehwere He sends for You or send You directly but start preaching the word from where You've always been (facebook) I know most of You read Your facebook more than You read Your bible.. #worshipDNA
The point of worship is where we become nothing for Jesus to be everything, the place of worship is where we give up ourselves for God, the place of worship is where we become faithful doing the little things, the place of worship is where we lift up our hands, casting our crowns and bowing before Yeshua YAHWEH... #worshipDNA #igivemyselfaway