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The Good People of Taraba state today came out in Mass to Pray for President Muhammadu Buhari, Taraba state and Nigeria 🇳🇬 at Large. The Prayer session was organized by Good people of the state. They prayed for the QUICK RECOVERY AND SAFE RETURN of The President. On Behalf of Mr. President I thank you very much for this gesture. Hausa Version Alummar jihar Taraba yau sun fito kwai da kwarkwata inda suka shirya gangami na musamman don nuna goyon baya da addu'o'i ga shugaban kasa Muhammad Buhari da jihar Taraba da kuma Najeriya baki daya. Gangamin addu'o'in an shirya shi don neman samun sauki ga shugaban kasa Muhammad Buhari da kuma dawo war sa gida Najeriya cikin gaggawa. Amadadin shugaban kasa, ina mika godiya ta musamman gare ku saboda wannan zumunci.
***SEASONS GREETINGS*** Alhamdulillah for Jesus. As the world celebrates Christmas, let's do so with mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect. "Jesus is one of the greatest persons ever to have walked the earth. Two world faiths hold him in high regard. Islam holds him to be God’s Messiah, Prophet, and Righteous Servant. Christianity holds him to be all of the above and even more. Some Christians believe that Jesus is God the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Some believe that he is the Son of God. Some take this title to mean the Divine Son of God. Others think that ‘Son of God’ is a title that can refer to a person who is especially favoured by God; and that it refers to Jesus more so because he was favoured by God to a remarkable degree. Hence belief in Jesus is an element of faith that is common to Christianity and Islam even though the two faiths believe in him differently. Both faiths hold Jesus in high esteem. Muslims and Christians believe that Jesus entered the world in a miraculous manner; that he worked mighty deeds on earth; that his exit was mysterious; and that his second coming will be spectacular. His miraculous entrance is hailed by Christians as the virginal conception, as is mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The Quranic story of Jesus as found in chapters 3 and 19 has many elements in common with Luke’s Gospel, leading to the common interpretation and belief among Muslims in the virginal conception as well. Jesus’ powerful deeds, especially during the last few years of his ministry, are detailed in the four Gospels in the New Testament. Likewise the Quran informs us that God supported Jesus with the Holy Spirit and that Jesus healed the leper, cured the blind, and even raised the dead back to life, all with God’s permission. According to the Gospels, Jesus’ exit from the world was at first a mystery to his disciples. But the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John show that Jesus later appeared to his disciples and confirmed for them that God had raised him alive to heaven. The Quran, without describing the event in any detail, confirms for Muslims that “God raised Jesus to Himself” (Quran 4:157). The belief that Jesus is alive with God, then, is common to Muslims and Christians. Muslims also generally believe that Jesus will return to earth before the Day of Judgment. This belief is not clearly stated in the Quran although two verses (4:158 and 43:61) have been interpreted as possible references to this event. This belief is, however, stated in many sayings attributed to the Prophet Muhammad and found in the most authentic collections of his sayings. In short, Muslims and Christians share a common reverence for Jesus, and this can serve as a starting-point for dialogue leading to greater levels of mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect. Pray for Peace and unity of our People Pray for our Gallant Troops Pray for President Muhammadu Buhari Pray for Nigeria 🇳🇬 at Large Happy Christmas 🎄 and prosperous New Year Senator Aisha (Jummai) Alhassan Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development.
¬ ADDRESS BY SENATOR AISHA JUMMAI ALHASSAN (MRS), MINISTER, FEDERAL MINISTRY OF WOMEN AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AT THE TOWN HALL MEETING ON THE NATIONAL WOMEN EMPOWERMENT FUND (NAWEF) AND GOVERNMENT ENTERPRISE AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMME (GEEP) HELD IN GOMBE, BAUCHI, JOS, AND NASSARAWA STATES 7TH T0 11TH September 2016 PROTOCOL I am delighted to be in here today as part of my advocacy and empowerment TRAIN to States to enable me interact more closely with women across the Federation.This gathering is a critical first step, to kick start the implementation of the Federal Government’s commitment to vulnerable and impoverished Nigerian women through its empowerment initiatives. 2. It is my pleasure to inform you that the Federal Government of Nigeria, under the leadership of President MuhammaduBuhari has amongst the five-pronged Social Investment Interventionprogrammesof the Administration approved the Government Enterprise & Empowerment Programme (GEEP).Under the GEEP, there is a special fund of N1.6billion set asideexclusively for women.The special fund known as the National Women Empowerment Fund (NAWEF) is popularly called JarinMata. Both the GEEP and NAWEF are financial inclusion and micro-credit programmes, aimedat increasing financial access for women with a view toreducing poverty. 3. The NAWEF scheme is a unique initiative that specifically targets grassroot women operating informal businesses.It willprovide opportunity for enterprising women to either start new businesses or expand existing ones. The start-upor scale-up credit facility will support small scale and home-based businesses with particular emphasis on rural areas dueto the high poverty levels in rural communitiesand the limited access to financefaced by rural dwellers. The scheme will directly facilitate growth and entrepreneurial development at the village and community levels. 4. The GEEP and NAWEF are designedto achievethefollowing four objectives: i. Provide micro – credit financing for women groups, particularly in poor rural communities, ii. Reduce the level of poverty among rural women, and provide skill acquisition through training and business support, iii. Assist in rebuilding the economies of rural communities especially those severely impacted by insurgency, using models that facilitate the financial integration of rural women; and iv. Establishconstructive partnerships between my Ministry, States Ministries of Women Affairs,the Bank of Industry (BOI) and development partners to ensure that Nigeria developsa solid architecture to drive this innovative poverty reduction programme. 5. The NAWEFwill be pilotedin eight (8) states and will target about 10,000 womenbeneficiaries per State.It will disburse an estimated N200million per pilotStatethroughactive and functional cooperatives, local trade associations and other community-based groups. Three (3) Stateshave been deliberately selected from the North East region namely Adamawa,Borno and Yobe because they are the worst hit by the recent insurgency crisis.In addition, one State is selected from each of the remaining five (5) geo-political zones of the country. These are Abia, Akwa-Ibom, Jigawa, Nasarawa and Osun States. The GEEP on it’s partwill be implemented nationwide and is open to citizens from all the other States of the Federation and the FCT. Both the NAWEF and GEEP will be administered through the Bank of Industry in close collaboration with my Ministry. 6. Let me at this juncture share with you some twelve (12) important features you needto know about the two schemes: a. NAWEF is exclusively for women fromthe pilot states who areengagedin productive enterprises like Agric business and other forms of trading. b. GEEP is for bothmen and women who are artisans, farmers,market women or entrepreneurs. c. A sum of between N10,000 – N100,000 can be obtained by each beneficiary as loan repayable in 6 months under the two programmes. d. Each beneficiary must be part of a registered cooperative or group.In addition,each group must have a minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 membersand must also have a Group Leader. e. Loans will be paid directly to each beneficiary through their individual bank accountsthat is why Bank account details and BVN numbers are required from each loan applicant or group member. f. Loans will be disbursed and repayment collected through local banks and money agents in orderto reach remote areas where banking facilities are not available. g. The loans are interest FREEandno collateral required. There is only an administrative charge of 5%,which is to cover the bank’s expenses for administering the fund. h. The forms are FREE and accounts can be opened in any commercial or microfinance bank. i. Payback period is 6 months and a weekly schedule of payment has been drawn up to ease recovery over a period of 24 weeks. For example a loan of N10,000 will require a weekly repayment of approximatelyN440 while a N50,000 loan will require aboutN2,200weekly repayment. Meanwhile, special repayment plan is being designed for beneficiaries involved in farming and other business activities requiring longer payback periods. This repaymentplan is so designed to help government plough back the money to enable other potential beneficiaries who are on the waiting line to also access these special financial packages. j. A verification exercise of applicants for the loans will be conducted by both bank officials or money agents together with officials from my ministry to make sure that applicants are real and loans are not granted to “ghost women or associations”. k. As I mentioned earlier, there is no collateral required for the loans because women have a record of about 98% repayment rate for loans granted to them worldwide. I am therefore counting on your sincerity, commitment and renowned enterprise to prove that women are bankable and can be trusted to use loans judiciously. l. My ministry and development partners are making arrangements to provide Financial Literacy and Skills Training to beneficiaries whileBusiness Advisory Centres will be setup to provide on-going support to enable women better manage the loans and their businesses. 7. The NAWEF and GEEP are golden opportunities that businesswomen and entrepreneurs should embrace and explore maximally as we have never had it this good before.Thereis no doubt that the two schemes will enable women support their families better and contribute to governments drive to expand and diversify the economy. 8. It is my staunch belief that if the two initiativesare effectively embraced and utilized,they would help rejuvenate the economy of the North East region and complement other economic empowerment strategies put in place by the Federal and State Governments, as well as development partners. I am also optimistic that the NAWEF/GEEP pilots would be a huge success that would necessitate the scale up of the schemes in the near future. Already, loads of identification forms are pouring into my Ministry demonstrating a huge demand for financial services to cater forNigerian women. I sincerely hope that all states of the federation will participate actively in the programmes.In so doing, they will serveas catalysts for stimulating financial inclusion and economic growth opportunities for women especially in the non-oil sectors of the economy. Thiswill greatlyhelpto mitigate the feminization of poverty in the country. 9. In conclusion, kindly be assured that my Ministry will continue to ensure that business women and women entrepreneurs in Nigeria; particularly those at the grass root level receive the necessary support to address barriers and obstacles to their full economic empowerment. We will continue to work through effective policy formulation and implementation to encourage and promote the proper mainstreaming of women’s concerns into all facets of the economy. 10. I would like to commend theGombe State Government for itswillingness to partner with my Ministry to ensure that these empowermentinitiatives of the Federal Government become a reality and to thank you all for taking time to attend this advocacy meeting. I look forwardto your partnership. Thank you for your attention, God bless you all.
TEARS OF JOY TODAY As the 21 released CHIBOK GIRLS REUNITES with their Parents.
PRESS BRIEFING BY THE MINISTER OF WOMEN AFFAIRS AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, SEN. AISHA JUMMAI ALHASSAN TO COMMEMORATE THE 2016 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD ON THE 11TH OCTOBER 2016 AT THE WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, KADUNA. Protocol I warmly welcome you all to this Press Briefing to flag off the commemoration of the 2016 International Day of the Girl Child (IDG). The 11th October of every year was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2011 as the International day of the Girl Child to draw attention on the need to address the challenges girls face, to promote their empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. Nigeria being a member of the United Nations, today joins other countries of the world to mark this special Day which calls for more opportunities for girls and raises awareness of the discrimination they face worldwide as a result of their gender. The Day was first observed globally on the 11th day of October, 2012, and was for the first time observed in Nigeria in 2014, when the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs & Social Development through its National Centre for Women Development in collaboration with some Development Partners and NGOs organised a women and girls summit which since then, became an annual event always organised by the National Centre for Women Development. The global theme of the 2016 International Day of the Girl Child is “Girls Progress = Goals’ Progress: A Global Girl Data Movement”. This year’s theme is timely in view of the theme of this year’s Council on Women Affairs and Social Development meeting, which is, “Empowerment: Key to Achieving SDGs Milestones.” There is no better place to flag off activities to commemorate this year’s observance of the Day of the girl child than during the Council meeting at Kaduna, which is a gathering of Commissioners, Permanent Secretaries, Directors and other stakeholders in the Women Affairs & Social Development sector from the 36 States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory. As you all know, Without Data, we cannot talk of milestones, without Data our planning process will be defective, our policy goal will be defeated and our implementation level will become immeasurable as we would not have a bench mark to work with. Therefore, Data is at the heart of any programme design and implementation. We cannot empower our girls if we don’t have statistical data on them, thus, our increased focus on gender data generation. In line with the 2016 global theme of the International Day of Girl Child, both the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development and National Centre for Women Development shall redirect our attention to increased Data Generation and Management in planning for the Girl-Child and Women in Nigeria. We shall also strive to be effective as users and/or producers of Data. The girl child represents the continuation of the cycle of life. Without the girl child therefore, life is extinct. In her formative and later years, nothing should be spared to ensure that the girl child attains her full potential. Statistical data on the girl child will enable us to plan better for their enrolment, retention and completion of primary, secondary and tertiary education, access to good health care and adequate nutrition, access to quality information and services to puberty and reproductive health, protection from emerging social vices such as rape, drug abuse, kidnap, sexual exploitation and gender-based violence which are on the increase in the society. Generally, better gender-disaggregated economic data will improve policy on employment, income distribution, social security, access to credit, training, and other related areas. It is important not to just collect more data on women and girls, but to understand that biases in data and diversity in and among categories apply to men and women, as well as boys and girls. I am happy to announce that the Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill has scaled through second reading at the National Assembly. When finally passed into Law, it will provide an enabling environment to realise our goal of protecting women and girls in Nigeria. Ladies and gentlemen of the press, in the realization of the theme of this year’s International Day of the Girl-Child, I call on us all to look towards approaches which focus on diversities in boys and girls, as well as women and men's lives, recognize stereotypes and potential cultural biases, while taking into account the needs of those using the data, that is, policy makers, planners and implementers. In doing this, policy makers will not only advance and empower women and girls in their countries, but improve national progress for sustainable development and human well-being. May I at this juncture commend the efforts of UNICEF, DFID, UN WOMEN and other Development partners who have been complementing our efforts at ensuring that the Girl-Child takes her rightful place in the scheme of affairs in the country. With concerted efforts and their support, remarkable progress has been made in advocating for the Girl-Child. In spite of all these efforts, the challenges facing the Girl-Child are reinforced by the age-long prejudice and cultural stereotypes that have made her a second class human. That must change!! The 2014 and 2015 editions of the commemoration of the Day in Nigeria featured the presentation of a document tagged “Girli-festo” which advocated for the following: • New multi sectoral partnerships for implementation of all inclusive strategies educating girls to understand their rights and the safety and security of girls, especially in conflict zones. • Promoting new investments for Education, Health, and Economic Empowerment • Skills building, knowledge transfer and increased visibility for Gender Based Violence, • Producing a National Women and Girls Strategy Document with Monitoring and Evaluation Framework including a two year Action Plan and Policy Review Recommendations. The 2016 edition of the commemoration in Nigeria continues with the Women and Girls summit coming up in a few weeks from now. The summit will focus on the theme “Putting the Girl Child at the Heart of National Development.” We hope that this all-inclusive theme will pave the way for us to achieve the 2016 global theme. The National Centre for Women Development, which is a Parastatal of my Ministry houses the National Gender Data Bank. By the Ministry supporting the Centre to perform its mandate of Research and Documentation, it should be able to lead the process in collaboration with the National Bureau of Statistics to among other issues: • Identify topics that represent concerns about gender relations and opportunities, • Select statistics to be collated to highlight gender issues in the Nigerian society • Formulate concepts and definitions that adequately reflect the diversities of males and females in society and capture the different aspects of their lives • Develop data collection methods that take account of stereotypes, social and cultural factors that might produce gender-based biases. • Develop analyses and present data that can easily reach policy makers, planners, policy implementers and the Nigerian people in general. The present administration under the leadership of President Muhammadu Buhari is not unmindful of the plight of the Internally Displaced Girls (IDGs) and the abducted Chibok girls, which was occasioned by the Boko Haram insurgency. The Government shares in the plight of the girls and let me reiterate that Government stands with the parents of the Chibok Girls and shares in their pains. I want to assure the parents that the Government is concerned about the Girls’ wellbeing and will do everything to secure the freedom of our daughters, the chibok girls. Happy International Day of the Girl Child! Thank you for your attention, God bless you all. 4
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press. You are warmly welcome to this Press briefing. We have called you here today to intimate you on the progress of the implementation of the Federal Government Social Protection Programmes especially the two programmes that are being implemented by my Ministry that is, the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development in conjunction with the Bank of Industry (BOI) under the supervision of the Office of His Excellency the Vice President while monitoring and evaluation of all the Federal Government Social Investment Programmes will be done by the Federal Ministry of Budget and National Planning. The Social Protection or Investment Programme of the Federal Government has five pillars namely: 1. The Conditional Cash Transfer Programme known as the CCT 2. The National Home Grown School Feeding Programme. 3. The STEM which is a Bursary programme for Students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. 4. Job Creation Programme known as N-Power under which unemployed graduates will be trained as volunteer corps teachers where 500,000 unemployed graduates will be trained as teachers and deployed to their own communities to teach while unemployed non-graduates will be trained and empowered with different skills as Artisans focusing on creative knowledge like graphic designs and animation, technology, for example software development and hardware maintenance. 5. Government Enterprise and Empowerment Programme known as GEEP. The GEEP Programme is one of the five Federal Government Social Investment Programmes targeted at providing Micro Finance as loans to young men and women from all states of the Federation on very liberal conditions. It is instructive to announce that for the first time in Nigeria, loans of this magnitude will be given to Nigerians with no collateral and interest. This is because the Government recognizes the difficulty involved in securing business loans from commercial banks. Measures for monitoring and evaluation of disbursement, usage and recovery have been put in place. This is necessary to ensure that beneficiaries are made to repay the loans so that fresh applicants can also benefit from the revolving scheme. The Administering Bank for disbursements and recovery, the Bank of Industry, has concluded all necessary arrangements for the disbursements of the funds to successful beneficiaries. By next week, beneficiaries will be free to access the funds through their individual accounts. The repayment schedules are much easier and less stringent than those of conventional banking loans. We are sure the country will witness increased economic activities nationwide, with the desired multiplier effects and subsequent boost in the economy. Distinguished Members of the Press, you may recall that during the Democracy Day Celebration on May 29th this year, Mr. President in his speech made a proclamation of the sum of N1.6 Billion Naira for Women Empowerment. I am pleased to tell you here today that the said amount has already been released to the Bank of Industry for disbursement to Beneficiaries in eight pilot states for start alongside the roll out fund for the GEEP. The Eight Pilot states are Adamawa, Borno and Yobe from North East, Nasarawa From the North Central, Jigawa from the North West, Edo from the South South, Osun from the South West and Imo from the South East. The NAWEF Programme targets 10,000 women Beneficiaries in each of the pilot states. An estimated N200 Million Naira is to be disbursed in each of the eight states. The conditions for the loans both under the GEEP and NAWEF are the same. Under both Programmes, each beneficiary will receive between N10,000 to N100,000 depending on the type of business or trade, with no interest, no collateral and repayable in six months. Beneficiaries have to form functional cooperative groups or local trade associations or other community based groups of at least ten (10) persons per group. My Ministry undertook the onerous task of Nationwide stakeholder engagements and meetings with a view to sensitizing Nigerians especially women at the grassroot level on the modalities for access and utilization of the funds. Also, my Ministry is collaborating with Development Partners and Donor Agencies like UN Women, JICA etc to train the beneficiaries on how to manage the funds to better their businesses or trade so that the Programme succeeds. Our target is to touch the lives of small business owners and traders whose capital bases are not more than N100,000. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press. This gesture by Mr. President to boost the Nigerian economy by uplifting economic status of the lowest Nigerian Woman could not have come at a better time than during this period of Economic Recession. The least Nigerians can do for this kind gesture of Mr. President is to be more patient as other good things are coming, pray for the Administration of President Muhammadu Buhari and continued peace in the country. I thank you all for listening. Happy Independence Day Celebration in advance. God bless Nigeria. Long Live Mr. President! Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE NIGERIA Senator Aisha J. Alhassan (Mr.) Minister, Women Affairs and Social Development.
ADDRESS BY PRESIDENT MUHAMMADU BUHARI ON 56TH INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY. OCTOBER 1ST 2016 Today – 1st October is a day of celebration for us Nigerians. On this day, 56 years ago our people achieved the most important of all human desires – freedom and independence. We should all therefore give thanks and pray for our founding fathers without whose efforts and toil we would not reap the bounties of today. 2. I know that uppermost in your minds today is the economic crisis. The recession for many individuals and families is real. For some It means not being able to pay school fees, for others it's not being able to afford the high cost of food (rice and millet) or the high cost of local or international travel, and for many of our young people the recession means joblessness, sometimes after graduating from university or polytechnic. 3. I know how difficult things are, and how rough business is. All my adult life I have always earned a salary and I know what it is like when your salary simply is not enough. In every part of our nation people are making incredible sacrifices. 4. But let me say to all Nigerians today, I ran for office four times to make the point that we can rule this nation with honesty and transparency, that we can stop the stealing of Nigeria's resources so that the resources could be used to provide jobs for our young people, security, infrastructure for commerce, education and healthcare. 5. I ran for office because I know that good government is the only way to ensure prosperity and abundance for all. I remain resolutely committed to this objective. 6. I believe that this recession will not last. 7. Temporary problems should not blind or divert us from the corrective course this government has charted for our nation. We have identified the country’s salient problems and we are working hard at lasting solutions. 8. To re-cap what I have been saying since the inception of this administration, our problems are security, corruption and the economy, especially unemployment and the alarming level of poverty. 9. On Security, we have made progress. Boko Haram was defeated by last December – only resorting to cowardly attacks on soft targets, killing innocent men, women and children. 10. Nigerians should thank our gallant men of the Armed Forces and Police for rescuing large areas of the country captured by insurgents. Now, residents in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States, as well as several neighbouring states go about their daily business in relative safety. People can go to mosques, churches, market places in reasonable safety. 11. Commuters can travel between cities, towns and villages without fear. Credit for this remarkable turn-round should go to our Armed Forces, the Police, various sponsored and private vigilante groups, the local traditional leaders. Security is a top to bottom concern and responsibility. 12. Besides Boko Haram, we are confronting other long-running security issues, namely herdsmen vs farmers, cattle rustling, kidnappings. This Administration is firmly resolved to tackle these challenges and to defeat them. 13. A new insurgency has reared up its head in the shape of blowing up gas and oil pipelines by groups of Niger Delta Militants. This Administration will not allow these mindless groups to hold the country to ransom. 14. What sense is there to damage a gas line as a result of which many towns in the country including their own town or village is put in darkness as a result? What logic is there in blowing up an export pipeline and as a result income to your state and local governments and consequently their ability to provide services to your own people is reduced? 15. No group can unlawfully challenge the authority of the Federal Government and succeed. Our Administration is fully sympathetic to the plight of the good people of Niger Delta and we are in touch with the State Governments and leaderships of the region. It is known that the clean-up of the Ogoniland has started. Infrastructural projects financed by the Federal Government and post amnesty programme financing will continue. 16. We have however, continued to dialogue with all groups and leaders of thought in the region to bring lasting peace. 17. Corruption is a cancer which must be fought with all the weapons at our disposal. It corrodes the very fabric of government and destroys society. Fighting corruption is Key, not only to restoring the moral health of the nation, but also to freeing our enormous resources for urgent socio-economic development. 18. In fighting corruption, however, the government would adhere strictly by the rule of law. Not for the first time I am appealing to the judiciary to join the fight against corruption. 19. The Third Plank in this Administration’s drive to CHANGE Nigeria is re-structuring the economy. Economies behaviour is cyclical. All countries face ups and downs. Our own recession has been brought about by a critical shortage of foreign exchange. Oil price dropped from an average of hundred USD per barrel over the last decade to an average of forty USD per barrel this year and last. 20. Worse still, the damage perpetrated by Niger Delta thugs on pipelines sometimes reduced Nigeria’s production to below One millionbarrels per day against the normal two point two million barrels per day. Consequently, the naira is at its weakest, but the situation will stabilize. 21. But this is only temporary. Historically about half our dollar export earnings go to importation of petroleum and food products! Nothing was saved for the rainy days during the periods of prosperity. We are now reaping the whirlwinds of corruption, recklessness and impunity. 22. There are no easy solutions, but there are solutions nonetheless and Government is pursuing them in earnest. We are to repair our four refineries so that Nigeria can produce most of our petrol requirements locally, pending the coming on stream of new refineries. That way we will save ten billion USD yearly in importing fuel. 23. At the same time, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Bank have been mobilized to encourage local production of rice, maize, sorghum, millet and soya beans. Our target is to achieve domestic self-sufficiency in these staples by 2018. 24. Already farmers in thirteen out of thirty six states are receiving credit support through the Central Bank of Nigeria’s Anchor Borrowers Programme. Kebbi state alone this year is expected to produce one million tonnes of locally grown rice, thanks to a favourable harvest this year. As part of the 13 states, Lagos and Ogun are also starting this programme. Rice alone for example costs Nigeria two billion USD to import. 25. The country should be self-sufficient in basic staples by 2019. Foreign exchange thus saved can go to industrial revival requirements for retooling, essential raw materials and spare parts. It is in recognition of the need to re-invigorate agriculture in our rural communities that we are introducing the LIFE programme. 26. Government recognises that irrigation is key to modern agriculture: that is why the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources are embarking on a huge programme of development of lakes, earth dams and water harvesting schemes throughout the country to ensure that we are no longer dependent on rain-fed agriculture for our food requirements. 27. In addition, government is introducing Water Resources Bill encompassing the National Water Resources Policy and National Irrigation and Drainage Policy to improve management of water and irrigation development in the country. We are reviving all the twelve River Basin Authorities, namely; I. Anambra - Imo II. Benin - Owena III. Chad Basin IV. Cross River V. Hadejia - Jama'are VI. Lower Benue VII. Lower Niger VIII. Niger Delta IX. Ogun - Osun X. Sokoto - Rima XI. Upper Benue XII. Upper Niger 28. The intention is eventually to fully commercialise them to better support crop production, aqua –culture and accelerated rural development. 29. This Administration is committed to the revival of Lake Chad and improvement of the hydrology and ecology of the basin. This will tune in with efforts to rehabilitate the thirty million people affected by the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad basin countries. 30. The second plank in our economic revival strategy is centred on the Ministry of Power, Works and Housing. The Ministry will lead and oversee the provision of critical infrastructure of power, road transport network and housing development. 31. Power generation has steadily risen since our Administration came on board from three thousand three hundred and twenty four megawatts in June 2015, rising to a peak of five thousand and seventy four megawatts in February 2016. 32. For the first time in our history the country was producing five thousand megawatts. However, renewed militancy and destruction of gas pipelines caused acute shortage of gas and constant drop in electricity output available on the grid. 33. There has been during the period June 2015 to September 2016 big improvement in transmission capacity from five thousand five hundred megawatts to the present seven thousand three hundred megawatts. 34. There were only two system collapses between June and December 2015, but due to vandalism by Niger Delta militants the over-all system suffered 16 system collapses between March and July 2016 alone. As I have said earlier, we are engaging with responsible leadership in the region to find lasting solutions to genuine grievances of the area but we will not allow a tiny minority of thugs to cripple the country's economy. 35. In the meantime, government is going ahead with projects utilizing alternate technologies such as hydro, wind, and solar to contribute to our energy mix. In this respect, the Mambilla Hydro project, after many years of delay is taking off this year. Contract negotiations are nearing completion with Chinese firms for technical and financial commitments. 36. The project is to be jointly financed by Nigeria and the Chinese-Export-Import Bank. In addition, fourteen Solar Power Projects have had their power purchase agreements concluded. Hence the plan to produce one thousand two hundred megawatts of solar electricity for the country would be realized on schedule. 37. And in line with the objective of government to complete all abandoned projects across the country, the Rural Electrification Agency's projects needing completion are provided for in the 2016 Budget. Bringing electricity to rural areas will help farmers, small scale and cottage industries to integrate with the national economy. 38. Roads Construction and Rehabilitation has taken off. The sum of twelve billion naira was allocated to this sector in the 2015 Budget, not enough even to pay interest on outstanding unpaid claims. 39. Notwithstanding the budgetary constraints, the current budget allocated two hundred and forty billion naira for highway projects against twelve billion naira in 2015. Many contractors who have not been paid for three years have now remobilized to sites. Seven hundred and twenty point five billion naira has so far been released this budget year to capital projects. 40. The Ministry of Power, Works and Housing has received one hundred and ninety seven point five billion naira. Work on the following highways has now resumed. 1. Dualization of Calabar – Itu Road in Cross River/Akwa Ibom States. 2. Dualization of Lokoja – Benin Road, Ehor - Benin city, Edo State. 3. Re-construction of outstanding sections of Benin – Shagamu Express way, Edo/Ogun States. 4. Expansion works on Lagos – Ibadan Dual carriageway, Ogun/Oyo States 5. Rehabilitation of Onitsha – Enugu Expressway, Anambra/Enugu States. 6. Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Enugu – Port Harcourt Dual carriageway, Abia/Rivers States. 7. Rehabilitation of Hadejia – Nguru Road, Jigawa State. 8. Dualization of Kano – Katsina Road, Kano State. 9. Dualization of Kano – Maiduguri Road, Borno State. 10. Dualization of Azare – Potiskum Road, Azare – Sharuri Road, Bauchi State. 11. Rehabilitation of Ilorin – Jebba – Mokwa – Birnin Gwari Road, Kwara State. 12. Construction of Oju/Lokoja – Oweto Bridge over River Benue, Benue State. 41. Other major highways are in the queue for rehabilitation or new construction. 42. Already contractors have recalled about nine thousand workers laid off and Government expects that several hundreds of thousands of workers will be reengaged in the next few months as our public works programme gains momentum. 43. On railways, we have provided our counterpart funding to China for the building of our standard gauge Lagos -Kano railway. Meanwhile, General Electric is investing two point two billion USD in a concession to revamp, provide rolling stock, and manage the existing lines, including the Port Harcourt-Maiduguri Line. The Lagos-Calabar railway will also be on stream soon. 44. We have initiated the National Housing Programme. In 2014 four hundred million naira was voted for Housing. In 2015 nothing. Our first budget this year is devoting thirty five point six billion naira. Much of the house building will be private – sector led but Government is initiating a pilot housing scheme of two thousand eight hundred and thirty eight units uniformly spread across the 36 states and FCT. 45. We expect these units to be completed within 4 – 6 months. These experimental Nigeria House model Units will be constructed using only made in Nigeria building materials and components. This initiative is expected to reactivate the building materials manufacturing sector, generate massive employment opportunities and develop sector capacity and expertise. 46. The programmes I have outlined will revive the economy, restore the value of the naira and drive hunger from our land. 47. Abroad, Nigeria’s standing has changed beyond belief in the last 18 months. We are no longer a pariah state. Wherever I go, I have been received with un-accustomed hospitality. Investors from all over the world are falling over themselves to come and do business in Nigeria. This government intends to make business environment more friendly because we can not develop ourselves alone. 48. All countries, no matter how advanced, welcome foreign investments to their economy. This is the essence of globalization and no country in the 21st century can be an island. Our reforms are therefore designed to prepare Nigeria for the 21st century. 49. Finally, let me commend Nigerians for your patience, steadfastness and perseverance. You know that I am trying to do the right things for our country. 50. Thank you and may God bless our country.
HIGHLIGHT OF MY VISITS TO BORNO AND YOBE IDP CAMPS It is a privilege and honour for me to be present at this camp today, First and Foremost I wish to thank the Almighty God for his mercies and protection granted us to witness this day. 2. As you are aware, Nigeria is experiencing arrays of social vices including insurgency, persistent and worsening violent conflicts. Thousands of Nigerians have lost their lives in various levels of armed conflicts and violence. These array of conflicts have sapped enormous energy and resources meant for economic development and improvement of living standard of its citizens. 3. The insurgency of recent times has placed tremendous burden on Nigerian communities especially in the North- East geo-political zone. Women, youth and children like yourselves living in IDP Camps and host communities have suffered, and continue to suffer displacement, food insecurity, fear of kidnapping, sexual violence, assault, involuntary pregnancies, sex trafficking, and loss of lives. Many citizens have been forced into slave like conditions. These various forms of violence have hindered women’s personal development as well as their contributions to socio economic development and national building. The aftermath of violent and conflict has hindered progress towards Sustainable Development Goals while the dreams and aspirations of the affected citizens have been either shattered or distorted. 4. To compound the situation, Gender-based violence (GBV) and human rights violations have emerged as a serious challenge in IDP camps. The degree of trauma coupled with continuous uncertainty and risks of violence, has had acute impacts on the psychological well-being of all IDPs especially women and children. Gender-based violence is known to undermine peace and security, violate human rights and distort the achievement of sustainable development. The fact is that no country or region is immune from its impacts and there is always hope for those who have survived the crisis. 5. As you are in this condition today which is not by your choice but by circumstances beyond your control, I am optimistic that your condition will change for better with the collective effort of all, we are assured that you will make it through the recovery process and resume normal life at the earliest possible time. I want to seize this opportunity to inform you that in spite of the current economic recession in Nigeria, the Federal Government through the Ministry is working assiduously to alleviate the suffering of the people of Nigeria. 6. It is in pursuit of this objective that the Ministry has taken the following steps: (i) A rapid assessment report on primary care post traumatic stress disorder and safe guard for women and children internally displaced persons. The study was able to identify gaps in the psychosocial response efforts in the North East. In response, appropriate tools have been developed to standardize and better regulate gender focused humanitarian service providers. (ii) Sub-sector on GBV Group set up and jointly chaired by the UNFPA and the Ministry. They monitor issues of GBV and the provision of counseling, relief and psycho - social support. I am delighted to acknowledge the support of UN Women, UNFPA, NSRP and other partners working together with the Ministry to achieve its mandate. (iii)The government of President Mohammadu Buhari has also launched several Social Protection initiatives. The components of these interventions are: • Government Economic Enterprise Programme; • School feeding system in primary schools and • Mass recruitment of young graduates in various sectors of the economy. • National Women Empowerment fund (NAWEF) 7. The Safe Spaces established by development partners and NGOs in various camps are meant to seek redress and provide measures to reduce the burden of life in IDP camps and I want to encourage you all to utilize them fully. To reduce the burden further and to protect the dignity of human hood. We will be providing some hygienic items for women and girls of sanitary kits, post-partum delivery kits, dignity packs. We are providing basic relief items such as milo, milk and indomie. In addition basic toiletries such as dettol, soap and detergents. 8. The relief materials brought to you today is the collective efforts of my Ministry, the office of the SGF, UN Women, UNFPA and the PINE. The items including washable sanitary pads, packs of postpartum delivery kits, toilet rolls, bathing soap, detergent, hand sanitizer, keep-cold water-bottles, plastic cups, hijabs and towels are temporary support and show of love, concern to the vulnerable in the camp in other to cushion the current situation you find yourselves. Consequently, Government will see to area of other psycho social support needs, rehabilitation, violation, temporary shelters, and provision of safety nets buffers that promote economic growth. I am highly impressed with the way Borno and yobe state Government are taking Good care of the IDP’s, I was over excited when I saw the level of skills acquisition programme going in all the camps. At Pumpomari IDP camp, Damaturu, Yobe state a woman gave birth and she named the baby girl after me AISHA, I am greatful. 9. However, I call on all well meaning Nigerians, development partners, philanthropist and wealthy individuals to continue to assist in this enormous task of providing basic materials and social services to the IDPs. I pray that with the success achieved in maintaining peace, and the accelerated pace of reconstruction, you will all be rehabilitated to vibrant and dynamic communities in a short time 9 Thank you and God bless you
Hello Nigerians, I departed abuja yesterday to MAIDUGURI the Borno state Capital. On arrivals I was received by the wife of Borno state Governor Hajiya Nana Shettima and the Commissioner of Women Affairs Borno state. I am in Borno state on facts finding missions on the state of IDP'S and to meet with the PARENTS OF CHIBOK GIRLS. The Chairman of Chibok local government Hon. Yaga Yarakawa (J.P) was the leader of the delegation from chibok. We had a successful Meeting. 18 parents were present at the meeting. More details later
Yesterday i was honoured by NAFOWA NATIONAL PRESIDENT AND MY BROTHER CHIEF OF AIR STAFF IN MAIDUGURI, BORNO STATE. NAFOWA has been carrying out SKILLS ACQUISITION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM. I was among those that witness yesterday's GRADUATION of over 200 youth on different skills and vocational training. this is in line with President Muhammadu Buhari Change mantra