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KRC - Kwara Resource Centre

05 Unity Road, Unity, Ilorin, Nigeria
Non-profit organization



Project Management, ICT Training, Consulting & Solutions Development Company..  KRC... Inspiring Excellence since 2005



I trust it is now making better sense. Let us know if it isn't... 😉 Project management has to do with coordinating all the factors (e.g. time, cost, human resources, etc.) that affect a project in such a manner that ALL the project objectives are achieved. For a project to succeed, all of the project work should be completed on time, within the approved budget and also in such a manner that quality is maintained. This means that the end result of the project satisfies the need(s) for which the project was embarked on. Please feel free to ask any questions via or 08032096777. I'll be back again to share more on project management or other subjects. You can also see our website -

Other things you need to consider when managing projects are; 1. scope of work to be done 2. timeframe for delivering results 3. cost implications, budgets, 4. quality requirements 5. your available human resources 6. whether or not you'll need to outsource part or all of the project 7. risks 8. other stakeholders including your customer or client

Once you've understood what a project is, you'll quite easily understand what project management is all about. Interested? Read on... To achieve the objectives of any project, several things need to be considered. Some of these include 1. a clear understanding of the project requirements. Requirements are those specifications the project must meet. E.g. if its a website project, your client will want visitors of the website to be able to do certain things important to their company. This is an example of a requirement. Another example is to consider how building a stadium is different from building a shopping complex - There are facilities a stadium must have in order to make a stadium. Also, a shopping complex would not need the same facilities that a stadium needs. Now we can see that each project will have its own set of requirements. By defining requirements clearly, you'd fully understand what your project is all about, you'd also be able to better determine if you have all you need to get the project done...

In case you've been wondering what project management is all about, I'll tell you in a few sentences... read on... In order to appreciate Project mgt., it helps to understand that a project is simply any task that needs to be achieved within a specified time-frame. For example, if your boss gives you something to do and s/he wants the results in in 3-days time, you already have a project in your hands. A project can also be to create a website in 30-days, build a house in 6-months, complete a degree course in 4-years, organize a event that will start in 2-weeks time or even get in 6-months time... 🤣

Education.. one of the most misunderstood words. Education has never been about acquiring certificates, diplomas or academic degrees... Real Education is a life long process of personal development through training and re-training in order to acquire practical knowledge and skills for solving real world problems and more... KRC... re-defining education, inspiring excellence.

Take a step, do something different, learn something new, Join Our Intensive BootCamp Training today. Visit and choose BootCamp Training

LEARN MORE, EARN A LOT MORE IN 2017. Register any course for NGN15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Naira only). Promo ends: 31st Jan. 2017. Call/WhatsApp : 08032096777 #inspired #earn #Jan #2017 #PMP #ICT #Courses #GIS #SOFTSKILLS #affordable #training

It is almost a new year, we know you are making awesome resolutions for 2017, and we would like to help you in your decision making. At KRC, we put your interest at heart. Join our 2017 fresh classes at a discounted fee. We look forward to a new year with you

At KRC, we deliver qualitative and intensive classes. We bring you closer to your dreams with each class. Join our classes on Project management, ICT, GIS and other soft skills today

Register any course and get 50% Discount. Three (3) courses for 30k. Start your class anytime. Promo ends 30th Nov. 2016. Only @KRC Resource Centre... #succeed #learn #more #PMP #IT #Promo #Discounts

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. Let’s help you develop that skills with our ICT, Project Mgt., GIS and Softskills training courses. 100% Practical Sessions, Flexible and Affordable. Register One course and get 50% Discount. Three (3) courses for #30,000 Only. Promo Ends 1st of July, 2016.


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