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Royal Connecting Ministries International, Inc- RCMI

P.O. Box 1920, Obafemi Awolowo University Post Office, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Church/religious organization



Royal Connecting Ministries Int'l [RCMI], a non-profit Christian organisation, is officially the umbrella body for Prayer Connect RCMI and is committed to spreading the gospel and embarking on charitable causes. ABOUT RCMI

There are so many things that we, believers do that disqualify us from going higher in our destiny in God. Many of these things are directly related to how we think about ourselves and others. Part of our mandate in RCMI is to help men and women deal with those ways of thinking and give them understanding on how they can think the way a person of royalty would think.

RCMI is a ministry that helps men discover their Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God. Our teachings and ministrations are specially packaged to help reveal your true identity as a child of the King of Kings--royal heir to the eternal Kingdom of God. Our goal is to demolish the slave mind-set and thrust true believers forward into authentic faith, power, and impact.

RCMI believe that everybody was created with a purpose and everyone can be able to live the fullest of their calling. You can be sure that you will discover who you are as a child of God. We simply help men to unveil their royal identities in Christ and teaching them principles that will guarantee their successes in life. Our messages is so potent and anointed that it could incite a revolution of thought, heart, and action in the Body of Christ, and they are tailored not only to prepare you for eternity but also to enable you to live a victorious Christian life on earth. Our soul inspiring and heaven accepted praise and worship will usher you into God’s presence. Our culture of effectual fervent prayer will bring to pass God’s promises in your life. We’ve experienced a Reformation in the Church, but now it’s time for a Kingly Invasion to come forth.

Hallelujah…we have come this far by faith and we are persuaded that God has brought us to this appointed season.

Royal Connecting Ministries International, Inc. (RCMI) was founded by our Lord Jesus, in line with the divine call and mandate given to His Chosen Servant, the visionary and International President of RCMI, Reverend Akinade Adesola Adewuyi whom the Lord Jesus gave the mantle of leadership, in recognition, fulfilling and propagating the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“Royal” means that we are a very special part of the heavenly royal family because 1 Peter 2:9 says: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light”. This verse means that we, the Believers, are kings and priests unto God. "And hath made us kings and priests unto God" (Rev 1:6). The word “Royal” also implies that “we are joint heirs of heavenly royalty and the dignity of the priestly office which we sustained through the noble royal heritage of our Lord Jesus Christ. See also Isaiah 61:6; Exodus 19:5-6; & Titus 2:14.

Any reference to “ministry, fellowship or church”, is a reference to Royal Connecting Ministries International (RCMI).



Timeline Photos

The Love of God—Do You Show It? Go out of your way to show someone the love of Christ Jesus Love not as the world loves but as Christ loves us.

Timeline Photos

Royal Connecting Ministries International, Inc. RCMI's cover photo

Royal Connecting Ministries International, Inc. RCMI's cover photo
