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facebook.comHere's an important article to share! *BRITON CONFESSES TO FRAUDULENT CENSUS IN NIGERIA* The man *Harold Smith* is not new in Nigerian history. He is one of the architects of colonial foundation that midwife Nigerian independence in 1960. His response was *"I am in my 80s now; I have agreed but in the past' they' did not want me to say anything, but now I don't want to go to my grave without telling the truth about the atrocities perpetrated in Africa by the colonialists.* Brothers and sisters; on Ben TV last Thursday, Harold Smith was on a program to reveal what went behind the scene before the independence. The Oxford University graduate had this to say about his role in Nigeria pre and after independence era. *‘Our agenda was to completely exploit Africa . Nigeria was my duty post. When we assessed Nigeria, this was what we found in the southern region; *strength, intelligence, determination to succeed, well established history, complex but focused life style, great hope and aspirations*… the East is good in _business and technology_ the west is good in _administration and commerce, law and medicine_, but it was a pity we planned our agenda to give power "at all cost" to the northerner. They seemed to be *_submissive and silly of a kind._* Our mission was accomplished by destroying the opposition at all fronts. The west led in the fight for the independence, and was punished for asking for freedom. _They will not rule Nigeria !_ Harold Smith confessed that the Census results were announced before they were counted. Despite seeing vast land with no human but cattle in the north, we still gave the north 55 million instead of 32 Million. This was to be used to maintain their majority votes and future power bid. He stated that the West without Lagos was the most populous in Nigeria at that time but we ignored that. The north was seriously encouraged to go into the military. According to him, they believe that the south may attend western education, but future leaders will always come from military background. Their traditional rulers were to be made influential and super human. The northerners were given accelerated promotions both in the military and civil service to justify their superiority over the south. Everything was to work against the south. We truncated their good plan for their future. "I was very sorry for the A.G; *_it was a great party too much for African standard. We planned to destroy Awolowo and Azikiwe well, the west and the east and sowed a seed of discord among them"._* We tricked Azikiwe into accepting to be president having known that Balewa will be the main man with power. Awolowo has to go to jail to cripple his genius plans for a greater Nigeria . However, Harold Smith justified the British agenda of colonialism in Nigeria , which he believed was originally to help build Africa after the ruins of slave trade, but lamented that the British only looked after themselves and not after Nigerian interest. *The British really let Nigeria down.* When I see Nigerian been accused of fraud and from what I saw on the streets of Lagos ; *the British were worst fraudsters*. Looking at the northern leaders now he said, "If they have any agenda in Nigeria at all, sadly it is only for the north, and nothing for Nigeria . He stated that the British look after the British people and this is so all over the world. He said the time has come now to see people of intelligent minds with an open and inclusive agenda for all Nigerians in power…people who will really look after Nigerians large population…but *"I still curiously and sorrowfully see now that the British has not let go of Nigeria…her wealth,. her potentials, her future*. He opined that the Caucasian people now assert themselves as the keeper of the "New Age" keys. He therefore said that it is only logical for Europeans to maintain their position of _power, scientific superiority, economic exploitation, they must continue to perpetuate their lies and falsehoods and this is the most unkindest cut of all in relation to Nigeria situation!_ According to him, Nigeria , a great nation was crippled not because of military juntas or corrupt leaders alone but by the British and American fear of Nigeria great future. He confessed, _"The fear of the place that will be our ‘dumping ground' really occupied our minds"_. Some of the things he said were not new to Nigerians or to the whole world but hearing it from the horse's mouth is quite revealing and established more reality zones. He finally submitted that the colonial masters have caused havoc while they were in Africa , and planted timed bombs when they finally left. What we see since independence, the administration of new internal colonial masters by fellow Nigerians holding sway in power is doing more damage to Nigeria . Instead of detonating the time bombs planted by the British, the north is planting mines. He added that ‘It was my duty to carry out all of the above and I was loyal to my country. *Nigerians should try to be loyal to their country leaders and followers alike. Love your country. You have got the potentials to be great again and the whole world knows this'.* I am sorry for the above evil done to Nigeria . _I can't say sorry enough……_
CAR THIEVES GONE DIGITAL!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "I locked my car. As I walked away I heard my car door unlock''. I went back and locked my car again three times. Each time, as soon as I started to walk away, I could hear it unlock again!! Naturally alarmed, I looked around and there were two men sitting in a car next to the Store. They were obviously watching me intently, and there seemed no doubt they were somehow involved in this very weird situation. I quickly abandoned my errand, jumped into my car and sped away. I went straight to the police station, told them what had happened, and found out I was part of a new, and very successful, scheme being used to gain entry into parked cars. Two weeks later, my friend's son had a similar experience....While traveling, he stopped at a motorway service area to use the toilet. When he came out to his car less than 5 minutes later, someone had managed to get into his car and had stolen his mobile phone, laptop computer, sat-nav, briefcase and other belongings. He called the police and since there were no signs of his car having been broken into, the police told him he had probably been a victim of the latest robbery tactic – there is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your remote locking device. They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. They know you are going inside the Store, restaurant, or whatever and that they now have a few minutes to steal and run. * The police officer said always to lock your car manually with the key when parking in a public area. That way if there is someone sitting in a car nearby watching for their next victim, it will not be you. When you lock up with the key upon exiting, it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the remote button, it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be easily intercepted by the device. This is very real. Be aware of what you just read and please pass this information on. Look how many times we all lock our doors with our remote just to be sure we remembered to lock them -- and bingo, someone has our code...and potentially whatever is in our car." Please share with everyone you know in the hope that we can frustrate these thieves. *PLEASE* , *PLEASE* *AND* *PLEASE* Lock your car with the *key* *manually* *NOT* with the *remote* *control* *HENCEFORTH*.
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ASIDE KNOWING YOUR GENOTYPE BF MARRIAGE, THERE'S NEED FOR ONE TO KNOW HER RHESUS FACTOR! RHESUS FACTOR INCOMPATIBILITY IS A LEADING CAUSE OF MISCARRIAGE! NOT ALWAYS YOUR VILLAGE PEOPLE! PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ DZ: Rhesus Factor is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells in most people (about 85% of humans). It is also referred to as Rh Factor. People who have the Rh have “positive” (+) blood types, such as A+, O+ or B+ are said to be rhesus Factor positive, while those who have the Rh “negative” (-) blood types, such as A–, O– or AB– are said to be rhesus factor negative . The “+” and “-” in front of the blood group is the Rhesus factor. Generally, we have A+, A–, B+, B–, AB+, AB–, O+ and O–. Rhesus factor is genetic in nature. It is inherited from the parents, emphatically the father. How does Rhesus Factor cause miscarriage? If a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh–, there wouldn’t be any problem. However, if a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh+, there would be a problem if the baby inherits Rh+ from the father . We have here what is medically called Rhesus Factor Incompatibility. The baby would obviously be Rh+. During child birth, once the baby’s Rh+ comes in contact with the woman Rh- during delivery, the antibodies are immediately activated by the woman’s body’s immune system. The activated antibodies would see the new Rh+ as foreign body or a threat and consequently they would be at alert to attack and get rid of the foreign body. Unfortunately as such, after this particular child birth, the woman would keep having miscarriages because the activated antibodies would see subsequent Rh+ pregnancies as foreign bodies and would keep fighting and taking them off. Women with Rh activated antibodies are said to be Rh sensitized and once these antibodies are activated , they can never be deactivated until the woman dies. Rh induced antibodies are activated in a Rh- woman by child birth, abortion, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. If a Rh– woman commits an abortion for a Rh+ man and the antibodies are activated in her system, the woman might end up childless throughout her life except if she later marries another man with with the same Rh–. The possibility of a Rh– woman finding a Rh– man is slim as about 85% of human beings are Rh+. This is a warning to our young girls who commits abortions all in the name of boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. If you’re a woman with Rh– and your fiance is Rh+, and you haven’t committed abortion for him and you don’t want to leave him, then, you need to take note of the following: In order to prevent the activation of the antibodies, doctors would give women in this category an injection called Rhogam during and after pregnancy to prevent spontaneous abortion due to Rhesus factor incompatibility. The injection is normally administered 28 weeks into pregnancy, 72 hours after delivery, after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. If the injection is not administered and the antibodies are activated, they would never be deactivated again! In many African cultures up till today, women who are so unfortunate to find themselves having serial spontaneous abortions due to Rhesus factor incompatibility are considered witches by some of their people. Some of the women would accuse their in-laws of being behind their predicament. So, if you’re a woman with Rh– , you need to be very careful. It might be difficult for you to get a husband with a Rh– because about 85% of human beings are Rh+. So, in order not to find yourself in the aforementioned problem, put all that have been said at the back of your mind and go for genetic counselling. If you have a daughter or a sister with Rh–, counsel them on Rhesus Factor Incompatibility and the dangers lying therein. It should also be noted that a Rh– person(man or woman) cannot receive blood donation from a Rh+ person even if they have the same blood group. The consequence of such blood transfusion is fatal. It would lead to death as the blood would clot. This is due to the incompatibility in their Rhesus factor. GOD BLESS US ALL😘😘😘😘😘😘 Know your Rhesus factor today! share this knowledge with your friends
ASIDE KNOWING YOUR GENOTYPE BF MARRIAGE, THERE'S NEED FOR ONE TO KNOW HER RHESUS FACTOR! RHESUS FACTOR INCOMPATIBILITY IS A LEADING CAUSE OF MISCARRIAGE! NOT ALWAYS YOUR VILLAGE PEOPLE! PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ DZ: Rhesus Factor is an antigen that exists on the surface of red blood cells in most people (about 85% of humans). It is also referred to as Rh Factor. People who have the Rh have “positive” (+) blood types, such as A+, O+ or B+ are said to be rhesus Factor positive, while those who have the Rh “negative” (-) blood types, such as A–, O– or AB– are said to be rhesus factor negative . The “+” and “-” in front of the blood group is the Rhesus factor. Generally, we have A+, A–, B+, B–, AB+, AB–, O+ and O–. Rhesus factor is genetic in nature. It is inherited from the parents, emphatically the father. How does Rhesus Factor cause miscarriage? If a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh–, there wouldn’t be any problem. However, if a Rh– woman is impregnated by a man with Rh+, there would be a problem if the baby inherits Rh+ from the father . We have here what is medically called Rhesus Factor Incompatibility. The baby would obviously be Rh+. During child birth, once the baby’s Rh+ comes in contact with the woman Rh- during delivery, the antibodies are immediately activated by the woman’s body’s immune system. The activated antibodies would see the new Rh+ as foreign body or a threat and consequently they would be at alert to attack and get rid of the foreign body. Unfortunately as such, after this particular child birth, the woman would keep having miscarriages because the activated antibodies would see subsequent Rh+ pregnancies as foreign bodies and would keep fighting and taking them off. Women with Rh activated antibodies are said to be Rh sensitized and once these antibodies are activated , they can never be deactivated until the woman dies. Rh induced antibodies are activated in a Rh- woman by child birth, abortion, miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. If a Rh– woman commits an abortion for a Rh+ man and the antibodies are activated in her system, the woman might end up childless throughout her life except if she later marries another man with with the same Rh–. The possibility of a Rh– woman finding a Rh– man is slim as about 85% of human beings are Rh+. This is a warning to our young girls who commits abortions all in the name of boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. If you’re a woman with Rh– and your fiance is Rh+, and you haven’t committed abortion for him and you don’t want to leave him, then, you need to take note of the following: In order to prevent the activation of the antibodies, doctors would give women in this category an injection called Rhogam during and after pregnancy to prevent spontaneous abortion due to Rhesus factor incompatibility. The injection is normally administered 28 weeks into pregnancy, 72 hours after delivery, after ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion. If the injection is not administered and the antibodies are activated, they would never be deactivated again! In many African cultures up till today, women who are so unfortunate to find themselves having serial spontaneous abortions due to Rhesus factor incompatibility are considered witches by some of their people. Some of the women would accuse their in-laws of being behind their predicament. So, if you’re a woman with Rh– , you need to be very careful. It might be difficult for you to get a husband with a Rh– because about 85% of human beings are Rh+. So, in order not to find yourself in the aforementioned problem, put all that have been said at the back of your mind and go for genetic counselling. If you have a daughter or a sister with Rh–, counsel them on Rhesus Factor Incompatibility and the dangers lying therein. It should also be noted that a Rh– person(man or woman) cannot receive blood donation from a Rh+ person even if they have the same blood group. The consequence of such blood transfusion is fatal. It would lead to death as the blood would clot. This is due to the incompatibility in their Rhesus factor. GOD BLESS US ALL😘😘😘😘😘😘 Know your Rhesus factor today! share this knowledge with your friends
*SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COMMISSION (FRSC)* THESE ARE THE LIST OF 12 ITEMS THAT VEHICLE OWNERS/DRIVERS ARE NOW EXPECTED TO HAVE ON BOARD WHILE DRIVING ON THE HIGHWAY. 1. Warning triangle (c-caution) 2. Fire extinguisher 3. Jack 4. Spare tyre 5. First Aid kit 6. Wheel spanner 7. Water 8. Hydraulic 9. Transmission fluid 10. Torch light 11. Spare fan belt. 12. Razor Blade Ignorance of law is not an excuse even as items 5 & 12 will shock you. Disseminate the message to all those who use vehcicle for Personal, Official or Commercial purposes.
*THE VERTUE OF CHARCOAL*. Charcoal is one of the most disregarded products at home. We only see the need for it when it is time to set fire for Banku. However, if you really need first aid, charcoal is something you need to have on you all the time, you might not know this but it is one of the most medicinal products you can have at home due to its poison extraction ability. In case you never gave it much attention, this is the time to do so. Here are *14 benefits* of charcoal you never thought about. 1. *Odour Prevention* Does your shoe smell bad? just get some charcoal and put it in them. Do you have any bad smell in your room? Drop some charcoal where you suspect the smell could be coming from. Does your fridge or freezer smell? Put a piece of charcoal in it. Do you have strong body odour? Just make a powder out of charcoal and use, thank us later. Charcoal is very good at getting rid of bad smell. Ever wondered why your parents always scooped out the ash from the coal pot to pour in the hen coop or toilet before sweeping? That was to get rid of the odour. 2. *Keeping Food Fresh*. If you want your vegetables to be fresh all the time, just make a solution out of charcoal and leave your vegetables in them. Thank us later. 3. *Toxins Removal From Food*. These days, people complain about the use of fertilizers on plants and vegetables, making them unwholesome and poisonous. If you have charcoal, you don’t need to worry about this, all you need to do is leave the vegetables in a charcoal solution overnight and it’ll take care of the toxins. If you suspect any food contains too many chemicals, just drop them in a charcoal solution for some hours and you’re good to go. 4. *For Teeth Whitening*. If you want to whiten your teeth, pay no attention to all these adverts on whitening chemicals and technology, just get yourself some charcoal and grab hold of a plantain stalk, make a powder out of the charcoal, mash the tip of the plantain stalk, dip it into the charcoal powder and brush your teeth with it for a week, thank us later. 5. *Restoration Of Soup That Went Bad*. Did your groundnut soup or palm nut soup go bad? No need to worry about pouring it all away. Just put it back on fire and drop a piece of charcoal in it. This will extract all the bad taste and smell and restore the soup to its fresh state. 6. *Detoxification* Do you have a hangover out of a drink out with friends the previous night, just have some charcoal with you and chew on it. To make it more effective, make a nice solution out of it and drink, you’re good to go. 7. *Neutralization Of Alcohol*. If you mistakenly did some wild mixing and feel it can knock you out, just add some charcoal to the mixture and your problem is solved. Or if you took in too much alcohol, just drink some charcoal solution and you’re good to go. 8. *Healing Wounds*. Do you have a situation where someone’s wound has become so infected to the state doctors are saying they have to cut the affected area? Don’t stress over it, get a large amount of charcoal powder and pour it on the wound. This will extract all the poison from the wound and also help it heal faster. If you have a cut and you want to treat it fast, just get some powdered charcoal and pour on it. 9. *Water Filtration*. Do you feel your water is contaminated? You don’t need all these products on the market, charcoal can do better, just drop some amount of it in it. Don’t worry about the colour, it is safe, you can even chew on charcoal. It is far safer than eating chicken from KFC. 10. *Skin Cleansing*. Do you have pimples, acne or any skin disease you really want to get rid of or do you want a very smooth face or skin? All you need is charcoal. Make a thick solution out of it and smear it on your body and leave it on for some hours before taking your bath. It will leave your skin smooth and fresh. 11. *Stain Removal*. Do you have some stubborn stain in your kitchen, washroom or on your tiles? You actually need charcoal to get rid of it. I know you’re imagining how this black stainy product can actually remove stains right? Just try it, it works like magic. 12. *Getting Rid Of A Bloated Stomach*. If you ate or drank something and feel bloated, charcoal is the best solution to get rid of the bloating. 13. *Getting Rid Of Bad Cholesterol In You*. Making a solution out of it and drinking helps eliminate all the bad cholesterol you have stored in you. 14. *Ulcer Treatment*. Charcoal can treat all the ulcers out there you can think of including stomach ulcer. Just make it a habit to always chew on some.
Job Recruitment - Part 1 Edo University Iyamho , located in Etsako Central in the central of Edo North, is one of the world's leading teaching and research universities. Since its opening in 2016, EUI has been dedicated to finding solutions to big challenges and to preparing students for leadership in a complex world. We invite applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following Academic positions below: 1.) Lecturer I (Pharmacology and Toxicology) 2.) Lecturer I (Science Laboratory Technology) 3.) Lecturer I (Physics) 4.) Lecturer I (Microbiology) 5.) Lecturer I (Geology) 6.) Lecturer I (Computer Science and Mathematics) 7.) Lecturer I (Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management) 8.) Lecturer I (Pharmacology and Environmental Medicines) 9.) Lecturer I (Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry) 10.) Lecturer I (Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology) 11.) Lecturer I (Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy) 12.) Lecturer I (Mining Engineering) 13.) Lecturer I (Production Engineering) 14.) Lecturer I (History and International Studies) 15.) Lecturer I (Mass Communication) 16.) Lecturer I (Political Science and Public Administration) 17.) Lecturer I (Economics) 18.) Lecturer I (Accounting) 19.) Lecturer I (Nursing) 20.) Lecturer I (Physiology) 21.) Lecturer I (Medical Microbiology) 22.) Lecturer I (Medical Biochemistry) 23.) Lecturer I (Hematology and Immunology) 24.) Lecturer I (Chemical Pathology) 25.) Lecturer I (Morbid Anatomy) 26.) Lecturer II (Pharmacology and Toxicology) 27.) Lecturer II (Morbid Anatomy 28.) Lecturer II (Chemical Pathology) 29.) Lecturer II (Hematology and Immunology) 30.) Lecturer II (Medical Biochemistry) 31.) Lecturer II (Medical Microbiology) 32.) Lecturer II (Physiology) 33.) Lecturer II (Nursing) 34.) Lecturer II (Accounting) 35.) Lecturer II (Economics) 36.) Lecturer II (Political Science and Public Administration) 37.) Lecturer II (Mass Communication) 38.) Lecturer II (History and International Studies) 39.) Lecturer II (Production Engineering) 40.) Lecturer II (Mining Engineering) 41.) Lecturer II (Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy) 42.) Lecturer II (Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology) 43.) Lecturer II (Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry) 44.) Lecturer II (Pharmacology and Environmental Medicines) 45.) Lecturer II (Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management) 46.) Lecturer II (Computer Science and Mathematics) 47.) Lecturer II (Geology) 48.) Lecturer II (Microbiology) 49.) Lecturer II (Physics) 50.) Lecturer II (Science Laboratory Technology) 51.) Senior Lecturer (Pharmacology and Toxicology) 52.) Senior Lecturer (Morbid Anatomy) 53.) Senior Lecturer (Chemical Pathology) 54.) Senior Lecturer (Hematology and Immunology) 55.) Senior Lecturer (Medical Biochemistry) 56.) Senior Lecturer (Medical Microbiology) 57.) Senior Lecturer (Physiology) 58.) Senior Lecturer (Nursing) 59.) Senior Lecturer (Accounting) 60.) Senior Lecturer (Economics) 61.) Senior Lecturer (Political Science and Public Administration) 62.) Senior Lecturer (Mass Communication) 63.) Senior Lecturer (History and International Studies) 64.) Senior Lecturer (Production Engineering) 65.) Senior Lecturer (Mining Engineering) 66.) Senior Lecturer (Pharmaceutical Technology and Industrial Pharmacy) 67.) Senior Lecturer (Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Microbiology) 68.) Senior Lecturer (Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry) 69.) Senior Lecturer (Pharmacology and Environmental Medicines) 70.) Senior Lecturer (Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management) 71.) Senior Lecturer (Computer Science and Mathematics) 72.) Senior Lecturer (Geology) 73.) Senior Lecturer (Microbiology) 74.) Senior Lecturer (Physics) 75.) Senior Lecturer (Science Laboratory Technology) Qualifications Candidates should possess a Ph.D degree in the discipline applied for from a recognized University, with at least 5 years teaching and research experience in a University, with at least 2 years as a Lecturer I. A candidate must also have sufficient administrative experience. Computer literacy and ability to teach using Multi Media is mandatory Salary and Allowance Salaries and allowances are as obtainable in Nigerian Public Universities. An enhanced welfare package is also in place to attract the best in the education sector. Conditions of Service As contained in the approved conditions governing service of Senior Staff of the University. How to Apply Interested and qualified candidates should: Click here to apply online: In addition to stating the names of the referees, applicants should request their referees to forward reference on their behalf directly to: The Registrar, Edo University, Iyamho, Etsako West LGA, Edo State. Note When the page opens, Click on "Apply Now" then select Academic Staff and click on "Continue" Candidates who have applied before need not reapply Application Closing Date 29th June, 2017.
good Friday ,what is it all about?: The following are the informations published by the Research Scholars of OXFORD University....��⛪ THE RARE INFORMATIONS OF JESUS, HIS SUFFERINGS AND CROSS... �� 1. CROSS : Weight = 150 kg Length = 15 feet Breadth = 8 feet 2. NAILS : Thickness = 3/4 inch Length = 8 inch 3. JESUS : Height = 5 ' 11 inch Weight = 85 kgs Information on Jesus's Sufferings.... JESUS stumbled and fell to the ground 3 times while carrying HIS cross to Golgotha... �� JESUS was very thirsty and HE suffered for 17 hours longing for water...���� There were 5480 wounds all over in JESUS BODY.... �� There were 150 DEEP WOUNDS on HIS Back alone....�� 17 Thorns pierced JESUS HEAD...�� JESUS shed 6 . 5 litres of blood....�� 350 Soldiers and 50 Horsemen dragged JESUS whipping, beating on the streets of Jerusalem... �� According to JEW's Calendar... JESUS DIED on... Ak Aboorve Konjeetha 785 , Nisaan 15...�� According to our Calendar JESUS DIED on April 7, BC 30... �� The meaning of the Latin Word written on the cross INRI.. I - IESUS N - NAZARENE R - REXO I - IDONEUS Means... JESUS the Nazarene the KING of JEWS..�� LUKE a Doctor, certified the DEATH OF JESUS.
ass of Water 30 Minutes before a Meal - helps digestion.. 1 Glass of Water before taking a Bath - helps lower your blood pressure. 1 Glass of Water before going to Bed - avoids Stroke or Heart Attack.
*MEDICAL FITNESS* *PREVENTION IS* *BETTER THAN CURE* _MEDICAL FITNESS_ *BLOOD PRESSURE* ---------- 120/80 -- Normal 130/85 --Normal (Control) 140/90 -- High 150/95 -- V.High ---------------------------- *PULSE* -------- 72 per minute (standard) 60 --- 80 p.m. (Normal) 40 -- 180 p.m.(abnormal) ---------------------------- *TEMPERATURE* ----------------- 98.4 F (Normal) 99.0 F Above (Fever) *Must read* Know your genotype before you say yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with... *Genotype & It's Appropriate Suitor:* AA + AA = Excellent AA + AS = Good AA + SS = Fair AS + AS = Bad AS + SS = Very Bad SS + SS = Extremely Bad (In fact, don't try it) *#SickleCellAwareness* *BLOOD GROUP COMPATIBILITY* What’s Your Type and how common is it? O+ 1 in 3 37.4% (Most common) A+ 1 in 3 35.7% B+ 1 in 12 8.5% AB+ 1 in 29 3.4% O- 1 in 15 6.6% A- 1 in 16 6.3% B- 1 in 67 1.5% AB- 1 in 167 .6% (Rarest) *Compatible Blood Types* O- can receive O- O+ can receive O+, O- A- can receive A-, O- A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O- B- can receive B-, O- B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O- AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O- AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O- This is an important msg which can save a life! A life could be saved... What is ur blood group ? Share the fantastic information.. *EFFECT OF WATER* We Know Water is important but never knew about the Special Times one has to drink it.. ! *Did you ?* Drinking Water at the Right Time Maximizes its effectiveness on the Human Body; 1 Glass of Water after waking up - helps to activate internal organs.. 1 Gl