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The MOTIVATORS , Ikorodu, Nigeria
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We Have Come To Believe That No Man Is A Waste,so Ignore Whatever People Tell You,you Are Potentially Great. You Are Important That Why God Created You. You can get the latest motivational words here,we help you take away your hopelessness about life and give you COURAGE to take LIFE with all you got.

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As I was reflecting through Life, I came across some bitter truth I want us to learn from..... You see two legally married couple,comfortable and able to cater for their unborn children yet still seeking for the fruit of the womb whereby you see people out of wedlock at the same time not having what it takes to cater for children given birth to twins. You see a rich man with all his wealth yet no peace of mind whereby a poor man with nothing yet living happily. You see a pretty damsel, well endowed by God,educated etc, due for marriage yet no reasonable man comes her way whereby a lady that does not have all these characteristics, get wonderful suitors and build a blessed home. You see a man of God who fast and pray night and day whose anointing can light up Nigeria and no recognition whereby some do not go through all those stress yet well celebrated. I began to ask myself why? Immediately I got a response from the word of God which says " the battle is not for the strong neither the race to the swift but it is God that showeth mercy". Sometimes God give things to those who don't deserve it in the eyes of those that think they deserve it most, for us to understand that, whatever we become in Life, It is Him that showeth mercy. You that is rich, don't call your fellow failure cause it was not your hardwork that earn you your wealth, it was God that showeth mercy. Don't call your friend a lazy man cause you are more successful, it was God that showeth mercy. Don't look down on people or abuse them cause you are more fortunate, see it was God that showeth mercy. My friend, it is not by your power nor by your strength you become what you are today, it was God that showeth mercy. #FranklySpokenWithEmeka

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Formerly named Cassius Aureliues Clay, came from an humble background. He was born in an era when racism was at it peak. He never bothered, went on to discover his gift and conquered the world. "I Am The Greatest". He does say that in and outside the ring and at the same time proved it. He did not only dominated boxing but cares for humanity, when he was slated by America to go fight the vietnam war, he refused, this is what he said and I quote "Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years." Fought against racism, dropped all his achievement just to fight for a cause. Let me ask, what can you do for humanity. See, until you have what money can not buy, you are still poor. #GreatMuhamedAli #Adieu

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Before you ask for anything, first thank Him for everything. #Gratitude

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Why did naira fall in the market cause it is too much in circulation. Yet the lay man is crying of poverty, that is, there is no money. Then I began to ask myself, if there is too much money in circulation yet people are still complaining, then where is the money? Then I discover what can transform my life and your life if we take this to the letter. Money is not that paper in your hand, rather a problem you can solve,an idea you can generate, a quality product you can sell to the market. Whatever you find your hand to do, do it well(creativity). If you still focus your attention on paper, get rid of that mentality cause paper does not make you rich. #FranklySpoken #GrowUp

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Make your customer come back again. Key to increase your income in business world. #Service

Never look down on a street vendor, because from their ranks will come more great entrepreneurs than from most business schools! -Strive Masiyiwa-

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Come to think of it... Why does human love the hard way? Despite the simplicity of life we still choose to live it in a complicated way. Wait... What are you pursuing or should I say what is pursuing you? You want to build house, buy cars, wear expensive jewelries, you want to live big or prove to those who looked down on you etc.... Is that why you are here? Let me conclude by saying this... As long as you continue to pursue all these things, you won't stop to see life as a difficult place but I will admonish you to build a life that will naturally attract all these... Life will be simple... #LiveItSimple

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There are two kinds of people, those who are important TO your life and those who are important IN your life. Ability to differentiate this two will help you so much.. Firstly, those who are important TO your life, these people should not be in your caucus cause they are not needed, that does not mean you should throw them away cause on the long run they may be needed for a very important task... Secondly, those important IN your life, these people need to be carried along cause they think like you, if you just tell them your vision, they will tell you a better interpretation of it, they may not necessarily have possessions but they got ideas. The ability to bisect these two categories of people and how to apply them will give you a very big boost on your journey in life. #FranklySpoken

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When God wants to take a man to the zenith, He will either (1) Connect him to those who are already on top, Or (2) Connect him to those who are on their way to the top. So my friend, God will depend on people to elevate you, whatsoever kind of people you come across, learn to be kind, humble and treat people with politeness, how you use HERE will determine how THERE will treat you. So stop raising your shoulders, see... In the kingdom of God, there are no achievers rather only receivers, what do you have that you have not received... Put your shoulder down and let God connect you to the right people so you can become what He has designed you for. #FranklySpoken

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Realize this... Those who talk about money most are the poorest. #FranklySpeaking

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Not every bird that flies in the night is a witch, they might have lost the way back to their nest. Not every cat that cries in the night got evil plan, they might be crying for food. Not every lady that wears mini skirt is a prostituted, she may just be following fashion trend. Our problem is this, we are so quick to judge, always in haste to condemn. Jesus never said single word against that adulterous woman, He only said " go and sin no more". It was Christ that died not you. Stop the shallow mind stuff and start to appreciate people. #Grow #FranklySpoken

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Money does not make you RICH, people does....... #MindSet
