Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Word of God and His Holy Spirit- Through HIS WORD.
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facebook.comThe grace that makes the day break, will make you break new grounds with ease and beyond your imagination. Your hopes, good dreams and glorious expectations will surely manifest and translate fully to testimonies in Jesus name.
Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it. Jeremiah 1:12 KJV The Lord will FAST FORWARD your progress of 10 years time to your today, The Lord will FAST TRACK your destiny that has been in obscurity to limelight, The Lord will FAST FULFILL His promises over you & your generation after you, The Lord will pull a FAST ONE on your enemies that He will disappoint their schemes over your life in Jesus name. Have an awesome Weekend
I declares Peace, Favour and Mercy in all your ways and your endeavours this week and beyond in Jesus' name. Have a Breakthrough week!
Pray these Prayers with passion: 1. I silence the evil cry of this land against me by the power in the blood of Jesus. 2. I close the doors of calamity against myself and my loved ones in the name of Jesus. 3. I reject shame and disgrace; owners of evil load, carry your load and die in Jesus name
Favour and Mercy shall locate you and your household this week in Jesus' name.
The Chief Butler introduced Joseph to Pharaoh, Mordecai introduced Esther to the King, King Saul's servant introduced David to the King, This week, somebody will introduce you to the helper of your destiny, in the name of Jesus. Obed-edom never applied for the ark, Joseph never contested for the palace, Elisha was never a son of a prophet, Mary never contested to be mother of Jesus, Peter never invited Jesus to his ship. As from today, Divine Favour, Mercy and Grace of GOD will distinguish you and your household. God's plan for your life will come to manifestation in Jesus mighty name. Good Day!
This new month of MAY,may lord will go out with u,you will go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: you will enjoy divine help and favor. The blessing of God will rest upon you and all that you represent. Every wilderness is turning into a fruitful field. Whatever that looks like a case in your life and yr family is sorted. Today you are exempted from all evil. You will not be afraid for the terrorby night; nor for the arrow that flies by day; nor for the ones that walk in darkness; nor for the destruction that wastes at noonday. You and your family are preserved in Jesus name. Good morning, Happy New month.
As the rain always give relief to the earth after its duty, so shall the peace of God be with you. Today shall be more friendly with you as you step into it. Every satanic agenda trying to take advantage of today, to inflict sorrow into your life or household, shall be a waste because it's plans has failed over you. I bless you, bless your efforts, bless your soul, bless your day, bless your going out and coming in, bless your finances, and bless everything connected to you in Jesus name. As you embark on the journey to a new day, you shall surely make it to the end in joy and peace in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Good morning and have a blessed day.
THIS WEEK, There shall be no loss concerning you and every of your loved ones. The death sentence passed against you and your family is annulled. Those who think they've pushed you away from favour will soon realise that they have actually pushed you into the fulfilment of your destiny. God will remove your name from borrowers' list to lenders' list in Jesus Name. Wherever you go, you will encounter special favour in Jesus name.
This is your week of uncountable blessings and breakthroughs in Jesus name. Happy Sunday!
You shall not cry over anything/anybody this week in Jesus name.
Declare, “I have the favour of God. Blessings are chasing me down. The right people are coming my way. I haven’t seen my best days. New levels are in my future.” If you keep talking like that, you’re going to reap a harvest of good things.