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17,Yinusa Adeniji, Off Toyin/Unity Street, Ikeja, Nigeria



Building the Innovation Nation govTechnology is the national publication covering information technology's role in governments. Through in-depth coverage of IT case studies, emerging technologies, and the implications of digital technology on the policies and management of public sector organizations, govTechnology chronicles the dynamics of governing in the information age.
Managers, elected officials, CIOs and technology staff at all levels of government rely on govTechnology to keep ahead of trends in theindustry. govTechnology also focuses on technology strategies, and political hurdles unique to the government D-Level Executive.
govTechnology leads the conversation on issues and real-world experiences for this senior tier of government. CIOs and intergovernmental IT experts utilize govTechnology to share perspectives on policies, strategies and best practices to bring change-resistant organizations into the 21st Century.



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Chellarams Plc.

Ikeja, Nigeria
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