Inforsec Technology Company Limited is a Specialist Private Security Company duly incorporated under the Federal Republic of Nigeria Inforsec Technology Company Limited is among the best Private Security and Intelligence Organization in Nigeria. We are working hand-in-hand with the Nigeria Police, State Security Services (SSS) and the Intelligence Units of the Armed forces.
Our Security & Intelligence Services will meet your security needs better than other services you have engaged previously. This is because Inforsec Technology Company Limited has an edge over other Private Security outfits in terms of unique operations. For instance, our personnel are all educated with specialized training in vital aspects of Security and Intelligence Operations.
Inforsec Technology Company Limited has the capacity to provide full scale security protections for you, members of your family, your business, your place of religious fellowship, your residence, your valuable properties, etc. anywhere in Nigeria at a cost that you can conveniently afford.
We also provide Personal Security Detail (Body Guards and Escorts) for Expatriates (white men & their families in Nigeria), Executives in Companies, POLITICIANS, and Business owners to protect them security-wise, anytime and anywhere in Nigeria. Inforsec Technology Company Limited has existing technical co-operation and supports from the Government Security forces, the US Marine Corps and the CRA in USA.
Inforsec Technology Company Limited conducts BACKGROUND SECURITY INVESTIGATION SERVICES for individuals, Companies and Organizations to check and confirm claims on the facts about the integrity of persons, Business Proposal, Marriage Proposals, Certificates Authenticity, genuine Address and Locations, Confirmation of true status of ownership of Landed Property or Building about to be purchased, a Company's Business activities, any organization's activities, secret activities of a political or business opponents, an on-going project in a distant place, and to trail or report an individual's private movements and activities.
We carry out this BACKGROUND SECURITY INVESTIGATION SERVICES for our clients (In Confidence) anywhere in Nigeria.
Inforsec is basically into the business of Guard deployment, Security Gadgets Sales, Security Dogs Sales/Training, Private Detective (Investigation) Services, Specialised Security Training, Private/Company Drivers' Deployment, Security Seminars and Workshops.
For more details on the coats of our services and security Gadgets, please call 08163671132, 08062061830
Please be assured that you will find it beneficial doing business with us.
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