Ace Foundation
ACE Foundation - A global network of value centered professionals and entrepreneurs. ACE is a faith-based gender neutral organization that seeks to raise an army of unique professionals and future leaders that have been endowed with needed and diverse set of tools to efficiently perform on the global stage. These Christian professionals will be poised to anticipate and create “the next big thing” through a variety of focused and specialized training encounters………
Our Vision: To influence and build a new generation of Africans who want to do things right, and desire to become aces in their different fields of endeavor.
Our Strategy: Mentoring, Training & Networking.
Why join this network?
1. Individuals, organizations and businesses are fusing together to enlarge their capacity, global reach and bargaining power in an increasingly competitive market.
ACE will provide a platform that will enhance your relevance in our world today.
2. You are the product of the quality of the company you keep. People long to belong to a global alliance of professionals, entrepreneurs and executives from all walks of life who share similar ideals, values and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
ACE will provide you this network.
3. Relevant information, sufficient resources and strategic relationships will keep you always ahead in your environment. As an ACE member when you attend the ACE annual congresses and conferences you will be exposed to pioneers and rising stars in your field that may help to guide you on your career and life journeys.
4. We are social and spiritual beings and need constant spiritual and social reinforcement with God and man. At ACE we believe that good balance of spiritual, social and career give rise to a better individual, even Jesus grew in favor with God and man. You need this balance in our fast paced world.
ACE will provide you the benefits of a larger family which is spiritually and socially interwoven and enabling you to build enduring friendships.
5. If you must RISE beyond your present reach, you will need Resources, Ideas, Skills and Experience. All of us are deficient in some area and sufficient in others. ACE will make it possible for everybody to be relevant on account of his contribution even the bible says “iron sharps iron”.
6. ACE will expose you to the mentoring canopy and influence that will make this your personal reality. We live in a very unstable world and uncertain times. People are looking for direction, mentoring and protection of their value systems. There are timeless secrets to every successful outcome in any venture in life.
You do not need to trade your life, your sanity and your family in exchange for your business or career successes; they are not mutually exclusive achievements.
7. Our annual congress will provide an opportunity for physical interaction, social networking and professional/ financial mentoring.
You will receive value driven relationships and principle centered on strategies to pursue personal and professional advancement.
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