Christ Holy Church Int'l Awka Choir Past & Present Members
Christ Holy Church Int'l Awka Choir is located @ No 31 Onwurah Street umudioka Awka Anambra State
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS"This is who you should marry" Whom should I marry: the one whom I love or the one who loves me? Albert Einstein said ““Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed.” 🙂 They also say that a woman should marry a man who loves her more than she loves him. I’d say marry only for love – either the instant spark that sets your soul on fire kind or the slowly growing flame kind that keeps you warm inside kind. But marry ONLY when you are both in love. To further explain my answer – I don’t know if you are comparing the loves or if you are saying it’s completely one sided. So I’ll cover both aspects: Obviously if it’s a love marriage, the love will be mutual. Who loves more and who loves less wouldn’t, and shouldn’t, matter. For no two people ever EVER love the same way and there is no bigger insult to the emotion than to measure it and compare it in any way. You should both want to marry not because you can live with each other, but because you cant live without. Simple. However, if one has to “choose” a life partner, like in an arranged marriage setup, your question becomes pertinent. But I’d say its relevant only in the beginning – and you should make sure of that. Let me ask you this – why cant the one who loves you be the one you love? Isn’t his/her love for you invitation enough? If someone loves you despite knowing or sensing you don’t love them equally that much, and if that someone continues to love you nevertheless, wouldn’t you eventually fall in love with them as well? “Eventually” is the keyword here. No one – man or woman- should marry someone they don’t love. Or someone they believe or know they can’t love, if we are being conservative about the time you have to invest in the relationship. However, just because you don’t reciprocate someone’s feelings at the outset, don’t discredit the potential of eventually being happy together. Marriage is a mature decision and mature love is not just about the butterflies in the stomach or the gifts and grand displays of affection or raging hormones. Mature love is about mutual respect, patience, seeing a better person in your partner, belief in their character and hence faith that together you can and will weather all storms. So if someone you don’t love loves you and wants to marry you, tell them you need time and try to allow yourself to love them. I’d say you are lucky to have them, give it your best and genuinely see if you can get to know them better and love them for who they are and how they treat you. Of course, you can’t force yourself to love someone but, as Rumi says, you can and must seek and remove all barriers within yourself that you have built against love. Only then will you make the right decision and only then will you be at peace with it. I believe Love should be mutual. One sided things never work. If you love someone but he does not love you – you will get nothing back, and rather will have to return empty-handed from that road. But if you love someone, and he also loves you back in return, I can’t tell you how beautiful your world will become! 🙂 So decide yourself what you want from life. Mutual love is always amazing, and one sided love is always painful. Good luck 🙂
WHEN THAT URGE COMES KNOCKING "I have only been in one relationship in my whole life," says Pius, "and it lasted for just two months. I remember the first time we kissed, it looked harmless but it intensified subsequently until one day, things almost got out of hand, our tops were gone, but somehow we managed to stop. When she stood up to leave the bed, she looked extremely ugly and cheap. I had to bind the devil for leading me thus far. Much as I wanted to sleep with her, I considered her cheap and disgusting. I felt guilty for almost losing what I have been saving for years." Sharon’s eyes widened. "You mean you've been abstaining all this years? You mean you have never slept with any lady in your life?" . "Yes off course!" Replied Pius, a young medical doctor that was recently posted to her location. Sharon was dazed, she quietly looked at him again, "but how possible could that be? How were you able to manage your sexual desires and urges up till this point? Except you want to tell me blood doesn't flow through your veins." . He smiled, "My dear Sharon, you see, life turns out into what you make it become. When you set your rules over this issue of premarital sex, and you remain faithful to God and to yourself by running away from things that could defile you, there is a grace God releases on you to keep you chaste till marriage. Abstinence is not as difficult as many people think, just that many of us expose ourselves to intimate relationship even when we have not been helped by God. The natural life that we all came into this world with, is so weak that one needs God's divine help to be strong especially when it comes to this matter of sex. As a young lady, the moment a guy begins to touch you, and then kisses and romances follows, then your little strength for overcoming is subdued, and then your wall of defence over premarital sex is broken down. . You almost concluded that blood doesn't flow through my veins, but it does. Even sexual temptations are everywhere around me. Many times different young ladies walk into my office for check up, and many of them dress half naked without minding the temptation they bring to me. I would have considered it a great opportunity to book an appointment with some of them, and then still continue my life, but God's fear in me would not allow me do that, and thanks to His name for making my love for Him override those temptations. Is not easy you know, sometimes, I would feel like doing it, and later ask God for forgiveness, but I kept looking at that boy Joseph, who could prefer going to prison rather than riding in pleasure on the back of his master's wife. . Besides, what evil has God done to me to deserve my unfaithfulness? A nonetity like me whom He lifted up from the gutter of timidity such that today I'm bold to stand for Him in the medical line. Many of my colleagues who were better than me could not graduate with me due to one or two issues, and some who graduated together with me are yet to get a job, shouldn't I be unfaithful to God if I use my office and body for immorality? Shouldn't I be stabing Him that showed me mercy at the back for His favour in my life? . Sleeping with people we're not married to makes us betrayers, we betray God just like our first parents did in the Garden of Eden. If we overlook the blood His Son shed on Calvary to redeem us from sin, and then start living anyhow, then we stab Him at the back. We spit on His face without regret and fear each time we involve ourself in that act. As a lady, you need to value yourself and respect your body. You need to protect your virginity and keep it intact till the day you get married to the man God will send to your way. Your sexual urge is not a license for you to go sleeping around. God placed it in you so that you will desire and enjoy sex when you are in your matrimonial home, not now that you are still unmarried. Your sexuality and virginity is to be celebrated. It is a gift that should remind you of God's beautiful creation. It is not a sin if you desire to have sex, but it becomes sin when you try to meet that desire through any means outside marriage. So my dear, try to keep yourself no matter how difficult it is. Always think about godliness and look unto God for grace as you uphold purity." . Pius was speaking with passion out of his heart, but unknown to him that his words were already affecting Sharon's heart. The more he spoke about the value of virginity and the need for purity, the more his words pierces her heart. Those words really reminded her of her days of purity where she really believed that she could abstain till marriage, until friends came and introduced her into the dating game, and then her stand for chastity was watered down and she got defiled. . Friend, what is your stand on this matter? Have you also watered down the values you once upheld? When that urge comes knocking, what did you do? Did you offer your body for sex, maturbation, kisses, petting, and all that? Did you stand your ground and uphold purity? In this world where people are ashamed of their virginity, and so they are seriously looking for opportunity to get deflowered, can you stand to be an example to the coming generation? Mary, Esther, Joseph and others, were real examples of those who upheld purity, and up till today, their names haven't ceased from our lips. You could be more faithful to God than them, if only you would give God a chance in your life today, and allow Him help you. Would you do that? Then pray with me, "Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. Have mercy on me. Clease my heart from sin,forgive and set me free today. Thank you Father for answering my prayer, in Jesus name. Amen. God bless you.#Xerox#
ADVICE TO LADIES!! See What Happens Next The Moment You Agree To Date A Married Man, The moment you agree to date a married man, you agree to be a second class woman, and every second class person is classified as a person of lower values. Now look at it this way.. If he is with you & his wife calls, he lies that he is still at the office or on an official assignment.You dare not interrupt his conversation or query him. But you can't call him when he is at home with family..... My sisters, you be toy? He sneaks you from his car into his hotel room but gives his wife his entire home..... My beloved sisters grow up, please! He visits you at home & you introduce him to friends & neighbours as your boyfriend thereby blocking your chances of getting a genuine suitor, yet you don't even know the name of the street where he lives..... My sisters, how long will you continue to sacrifice your future? He takes you out & buys you assorted types of alcoholic drinks, yet he will never allow his wife taste even a drop of alcoholic drink. Common sense should tell you he is only doing that to get you drunk so he can truly destroy you in bed...... My dear sisters, na your body good pass for experiment? He gets you pregnant & gives you money for abortion, but when his wife gets pregnant he celebrates & gives her money for antenatal & baby things...... My sisters remember he is already raising his family. Oh just in case you don't know, he describes your emotions when he is with his friends but will never mention whatever happens between him & his wife. This makes all his friends see a lesser human in you...... My sisters, na your matter them take they drink beer ooo. He gives you a few cash & you're happy not knowing that whatever money he gives you is what he calls "Body no be firewood allowances" You have his picture on your phone & saved his number as "My Sweetheart" or whatever, yet your picture cannot be found on his phone & your number is saved on his phone as generator mechanic or refuse dispose........ My lovely sisters, you be learner? PLEASE let's give ourselves a proper re-evaluation today. Please help me to pass this message round to educate our ladies by tagging each & everyone on your page. Just a piece of advice.Thanks.
A 75yrs old man got collapse and was rushed to the hospital he was given an oxygen to sustain him for 24hrs. after some time he was getting better so the doctor gave him his bill of $500. When he saw the bill he started crying, the doctor told him not to cry cos of the bill that he could pay it in instalment. But the man said " I'M not crying because of the money I can pay you all in cash. I'm crying because for just 24hrs of using the oxygen am to pay $500. But i have been breathing GOD'S air free for 75yrs now. If am to pay, do u know how much am owing." You have been breathing GOD free air without any obstruction nor payment. Just take 2secs of your time and type "thank you GOD ALMIGHTY for your free gift of nature" Dont forget to Share the Post.... Don't forget to Like Our Page.
Copied Why men beat their wives Finally, I've discovered the reason why men these days find it very easy to beat their wives or girlfriends. In the olden days, women used to call their husbands names like "dim", " ogam", "ogbuagu" and the men used to call them "nkem", " obidiya", "obim" . One can easily capture the respect accorded to each individual in these names. Wives were submissive then and behaved like their husbands' younger sisters and even babies . The men had power. They exercised authority. Until " Change" came. Feminism started. Women now want "gender equality". " What a man can do, a woman can do even better". Hmm. Women have started taking up men's work under the umbrella of "gender equality". I'm not trying to discourage any woman from being whatever she wants to be oo... But don't make it look like you're challenging a man. Men hate challenges especially when it comes from a woman. God originally made them to be the head. These days a man would try to correct his wife and she will shut him up with thousands of words and threaten to call a lawyer because she knows her right and she is a feminist. Instead of " dim" or "ogam", you're now calling " bae" or "boo'. No respect again. He can no longer call u" oriaku" because you're now the breadwinner. Women now drive trailers, become commercial bus drivers and operate heavy machines and generators. Women now struggle for lands in the village. They now look for husbands that can cook and many other things that make them look equal to the men. #Aunty_21st_Century, when you can do what a man can do even better, you've become his fellow man and #he_has_the_right_to_beat_his_f ellow_man! Please ladies, married and singles, learn to respect men, be humble, be submissive, act like his baby not madam and he would be a devil if he beats you! Please don't come here and argue or insult me. I'm trying to make common sense. #SayNoToDomesticViolence
I watched a local football match in a school playing ground. As I sat down, I asked one of the boys what the score was. With a smile, he replied; "They are leading us 3-0" ! And I said, REALLY!! I have to say you don't look discouraged. "Discouraged?" the boy asked with a puzzled look ... Why should I be discouraged when the referee has not blown the final whistle? I have confidence in the team and the managers; We shall definitely overcome! Truly, the match ended 5-4 in favor of the boy's team! He waved at me gently, with a beautiful smile as he left; I was amazed, mouth wide open; Such confidence; Such beautiful faith; As I got back home that night, his question kept coming back to me: "Why should I be discouraged when the referee has not blown the final whistle?" Life is like a game. Why should you be discouraged when The Almighty God is your manager? Why should you be discouraged, when there's still life? Why should you be discouraged when your final whistle has not sounded? The truth is that many people blow the final whistle themselves; But as long as there is life , nothing is impossible and it is never too late for you. (Impossible is just an opinion. Believe in Infinity) Half time is not full time and HIS calendar for your life is not man's calendar. Don't blow the whistle yourself. BE ENCOURAGED! DON'T GIVE UP. With God all things are still possible!"
THE PREGNANT DEER - such a beautiful story ! In a forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth. She finds a remote grass field near a strong-flowing river. This seems a safe place. Suddenly labour pains begin. At the same moment, dark clouds gather around above & lightning starts a forest fire. She looks to her left & sees a hunter with his bow extended pointing at her. To her right, she spots a hungry lion approaching her. What can the pregnant deer do? She is in labour! What will happen? Will the deer survive? Will she give birth to a fawn? Will the fawn survive? Or will everything be burnt by the forest fire? Will she perish to the hunters' arrow? Will she die a horrible death at the hands of the hungry lion approaching her? She is constrained by the fire on the one side & the Flowing river on the other & boxed in by her natural predators. What does she do? She focuses on giving birth to a new life. The sequence of events that follows are: - Lightning strikes & blinds the hunter. - He releases the arrow which zips past the deer & strikes the hungry lion. - It starts to rain heavily, & the forest fire is slowly doused by the rain. - The deer gives birth to a healthy fawn. In our life too, there are moments of choice when we are confronted on all sides with negative thoughts and possibilities. Some thoughts are so powerful that they overcome us & overwhelm us. Maybe we can learn from the deer. The priority of the deer, in that given moment, was simply to give birth to a baby. The rest was not in her hands & any action or reaction that changed her focus would have likely resulted in death or disaster. Ask yourself, Where is your focus? Where is your faith and hope? In the midst of any storm, do keep faith on creator always. He will never ever dissapoint you. NEVER. Remember, He neither slumber nor sleep !! Strong person knows how to keep her life in order. Even with tears in her eyes, she still manages to say 'I'm Ok' with a smile. I send this to u because u are a strong person. That was why God heard your prayers. God be with you.
🌀26 LIFE PRINCIPLES* *A* ✍🏽 *ACCEPT* Accept others for who they are and for the choices they have made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives or actions. *B* ✍🏽 *BREAK AWAY* Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life. *C* ✍🏽 *CREATE* Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and happiness together. *D* ✍🏽 *DECIDE* Decide that you’ll be successful *&* happy come what may, and good things will find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way. *E* ✍🏽 *EXPLORE* Explore & experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give. And every time you try something new, you’ll learn more about yourself. *F* ✍🏽 *FORGIVE* Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness *&* grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes. *G* ✍🏽 *GROW* Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way. *H* ✍🏽 *HOPE* Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain dedicated to the task. *I* ✍🏽 *IGNORE* Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and remember your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds. *J* ✍🏽 *JOURNEY* Journey to new worlds, new possibilities, is mostly by remaining open-minded. Try to learn something new every day and you will grow in Knowledge. *K* ✍🏽 *KNOW* Know that no matter how bad things seem, to be they will always get better. The harshest Winter always follows the Warmth of Spring. *L* ✍🏽 *LOVE* Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there is *NO* room for anything else, but when love is in your heart, there’s room for endless happiness. *M* ✍🏽 *MANAGE* Manage your time and your expenses wisely, and you’ll suffer less stress and worry. Then you’ll be able to focus on the important things in life. *N* ✍🏽 *NOTICE* Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering people. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding. *O* ✍🏽 *OPEN* Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there’s still much to be thankful for. *P* ✍🏽 *PLAY* Never forget to have fun along the way. Success means nothing without happiness. *Q* ✍🏽 *QUESTION* Ask many questions, because you are here to learn & be informed. *R* ✍🏽 *RELAX* Refuse to let worry and stress rule your Life, and remember that things always have a way of working out in the end. *S* ✍🏽 *SHARE* Share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. Everything that you invest in others will return to you many times Multiplied. *T* ✍🏽 *TRY* Even when your dreams seem impossible to reach, try anyway. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish. *U* ✍🏽 *USE* Use your gifts to your best ability. Talent that is wasted has no value. Talent that is made into efforts will bring unexpected rewards. *V* ✍🏽 *VALUE* Value the friends and family members who have supported and encouraged you *&* be there for them as well. *W* ✍🏽 *WORK* Work hard every day to be the best person you aspire to be, but never feel guilty if you fall short of your goals. Every *sunrise* offers a second chance. *X* ✍🏽 *X-RAY* Look deep inside the hearts of those around you and you will see the goodness and beauty within. *Y* ✍🏽 *YIELD* Yield to commitment. If you stay on track and remain dedicated, you will find success at the end of the road. *Z* ✍🏽 *ZOOM* Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rears its ugly head. Let nothing interfere with your goals. Instead, focus on your abilities, in your dreams, and truncated
Two weeks ago, I was about to prepare lunch for my family, when I took out a fresh Titus fish from the freezer. Suddenly my one year five months old daughter who stood by watching, started crying and demanding that I give her the fish to eat. I Kept trying to tell her in my own way that the fish was raw, I needed to spice it up, cook and then take out the bones so it can be ready for consumption, but my toddler wouldn't hear but chose to cry louder and even fell to the ground and no one was able to comfort her. I decided to ignore her, went ahead to do what was right and when it was ready, she had her fish and didn't even remember all the drama she had put up. But the Holy Spirit ministered to me that this is how many of us cry for a blessing that is not yet ready. God is saying am spicing it up, cooking it and taking out the bones so you don't get choked. If only my little daughter knew, she would have waited patiently instead of being anxious. (Phil.4:6) God is saying to someone here that you should be anxious for nothing, Be still and know that I am God I am spicing up that blessing so you will enjoy to the fullest. Wait on the Lord! (Is.40:31) Like Job said..All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change comes. (Job 14:14) Change is coming, Help is on the way.
10 COMMANDMENT FOR WOMEN. 1. Don't be in a hurry to move out of your parents house. 2. Don't wait for a man before you start living. You can live a fulfilled life as a single woman. 3. Stay away from alcohol. It has killed others and you are not special. 4. Don't entertain a wrong number call, especially at night. Its not the right way to find a lover. 5. Develop a healthy eating habit. Always take breakfast and avoid sweets. 6. Dress well: Impression count. People will judge you by the way you dress even before they talk to you. 7. Don't use sex as proof of love. Sex is no proof of love, he'll leave you after the sex. 8. Don't marry for the money, else you'll become one of his possessions. 9. Addvalue to yourself - get a career. Don't be fooled that a man will solve all your problems. 10. Beauty is not everything. If it is all you have, you'll lose your place to someone beautiful,better more matured and competent than you.
