City ministry Care Center Nigeria
We give all thanks to God Almighty for our lives and that of the kids, we bless our donors for been our provide,thanks you for been a donor The City ministry Care center is a project to help orphans and vulnerable children. It is located in the west Africa Nigeria. Our "City home" opened its doors the 2nd November 2006 and welcomes now over 300 children.
City ministry Care center was commenced on 2nd November 2006, with an obvious and distinct intention of serving the deprived and disadvantaged children of the society irrespective of religion, caste, community, tribe, gender etc. City ministry Care center is devoted to the care of orphans children whose parents are deceased or otherwise unable to care for them. Parents and sometimes grandparents, are legally responsible for supporting children, but in the absence of these or other relatives willing to care for the children, they become a ward of the state, and orphanages are a way of providing for their care and housing.
Being in charge of caring for children, we rely on the monthly donations to provide for the daily life of the children in City Home. As any home, City Home has monthly expenses, including food purchases, education, hygiene, maintenance of the home, transport and staff salaries. To ensure the monthly availability of the necessary funds we look for permanent sponsors, who agree to give a fixed amount every month and secure the survival of a child. These sponsors allow us to balance the monthly income with the monthly expenses and ensure that we can continue hosting the children. Godfathers and godmothers are the backbone of Happy Home.
On a monthly basis we currently spend about 35€ (45$) per child every month for food, hygiene, medical care and schooling. Yes, with about ONE EURO PER DAY (1.5$) Added to this are the fixed monthly cost for running the orphanage, which amount to about 1200€ per month (1500$). They cover for all salaries, maintenance, transport, office materials, etc.
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