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facebook.comDANGER OF BEING OVERWEIGHT!!! A. What is Overweight? Overweight is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. B. How do I know if I'm overweight? You can know if you are overweight by a simple calculation called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). The body mass index (BMI) is a measure of a person's weight taking into account their height. It is given by the formula: BMI equals a person's weight (mass) in kilograms divided by the square of the person's height in metres. BMI Calculation interpretations: 18.5 or less = Underweight 19- 24.5 = Normal weight 25- 29.5 = Overweight 30 - 34.5 = Obesity 35 - above = Super obese C. What causes someone to become overweight or obese? Being overweight is generally caused by the intake of more calories (by eating) than are expended by the body (by exercise and everyday living). Factors that may contribute to this imbalance include: *Alcoholism *Eating disorders (such as binge eating) *Genetic predisposition *Hormonal imbalances (e.g. hypothyroidism) *Insufficient or poor-quality sleep *Limited physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle *Poor nutrition *Metabolic disorders, which could be caused by repeated attempts to lose weight by weight cycling *Overeating *Psychotropic medication (e.g. olanzapine) *Smoking cessation and other stimulant withdrawal *Stress *Little time to exercise or cook healthy meals * Using cars to get places instead of walking. * Hereditary factor *Sleeping too much *Sitting at a spot for too long *Too much processed food or Junk food (in some people) D. What are the health effects of being overweight or obese? Being overweight or obese open d door to so many health challenges and can increase your risk of: *Heart disease *Stroke *Type 2 diabetes *High blood pressure *Breathing problems *Arthritis *Gallbladder disease *Depression E. Treatment The usual treatments for overweight individuals is diet and physical exercise. We have a Tested Natural, Organic, with no side effect weight loss tea called IASO TEA. Don't wait until it is too late! Call or message 07036284340 for your free Delivery Nation wide (Limited stock Available)
Do You Or Have Someone Who Is Suffering For Eye Problems? Have You Done So Many Eye Operations Without Solutions? Here Is Your Best Opportunity To Be Well Again. We Treat Eye Problems Ranging From: Cataracts, Glaucoma, Short sitedness, Long Sightedness. With God On Our Side, Your Permanent Cure Is Assured. Call Us NOW! 07036284340
Know your genotype before you say yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with... Genotype & It's Appropriate Suitor: AA + AA = Excellent AA + AS = Good AA + SS = Fair AS + AS = Bad AS + SS = Very Bad SS + SS = Extremely Bad (In fact, don't try it) # SickleCellAwareness Pls share BLOOD GROUP COMPATIBILITY What’s Your Type and how common is it? O+ 1 in 3 37.4% (Most common) A+ 1 in 3 35.7% B+ 1 in 12 8.5% AB+ 1 in 29 3.4% O- 1 in 15 6.6% A- 1 in 16 6.3% B- 1 in 67 1.5% AB- 1 in 167 .6% (Rarest) Compatible Blood Types O- can receive O- O+ can receive O+, O- A- can receive A-, O- A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O- B- can receive B-, O- B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O- AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O- AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O- This is an important msg which can save a life! Please share with at least 20 people and a miracle can happen! A life could be saved.... : Your Blood group also speaks about you. 🅰(+) : Good leadership. 🅰(-) : Hardworking. 🅱(+) : Can Sacrifice for others and very ambitious, tolerance. 🅱(-) : Non flexible, Selfish & Sadistic. 🅾(+) : Born to help. 🅾(-) : Narrow minded. 🆎(+) : Very difficult to understand. 🆎(-) : Sharp & Intelligent. What is ur blood group ? Try....It....share the Fantastic information..
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Great News For All Ulcer Patients. The Cure For Ulcer Is Here. Get Ulcer Natural and Permanent Cure Here. Ulcer Has A Natural Cure. This Secrets Cures Ulcer Within 7 Days. No Chemicals And Drugs All Home Made. No Boiling or Cooking. Secrets Are Revealed To Those Who Ask For It.
Reasons why you are not losing weight? There are only a few reasons why you might not be losing weight, but if not checked, it might be jeopardizing your efforts at weight loss no matter how hard you try. The No:1 reason is YOU DON'T DRINK ENOUGH WATER You might not know how important H2O is when it comes to shedding weight. It helps to suppress appetite, so you're less likely to overeat. But that's not all: When you're dehydrated, your kidneys can't function properly, so the body turns to the liver for additional support. Because the liver is working so hard, more of the fat you consume is stored rather than burned off. The No:2 reason is YOU SKIMP ON PROTEIN Several studies show that high-protein diets result in more weight shed, at least initially. Protein enhances the feeling of satiety and prevents your losing muscle as you lose fat. You also have dietary thermogenesis, which is the energy you burn to process and use the food you eat, on your side. The No:3 reason is YOU SIT AT A DESK ALL DAY "I walk around sometimes, but outside of that, my time is mostly spent sitting in front of a computer." This is what a client told me some couple of days ago when we had a conversation on BBM. Research finds that dedicated workouts simply can't compensate for being sedentary the rest of the time. According to one University of Missouri-Columbia study, sitting for just a few hours causes your body to stop making a fat-inhibiting enzyme called lipase. Getting up and walking for just two minutes during each of those hours burns an additional 59 calories a day, according to recent research from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Do you want to lose between 5-10kg within the shortest possible time in a safe and natural way? Then IASOTEA is your best bet... call 07036284340