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Magen & Shield Ltd

Opposite National Library, Oda Road, Akure, Nigeria



   MissionTo breed sound and God fearing individuals who will impact their generations positively with their readiness to serve humanity. 1.2   Aims and     The school name
‘MAGEN’ is a name of God in Hebrew name which means ‘Shield’ and ‘SHIELD’ is an English word. The two main words in the School name ‘MAGEN and SHIELD’ are weapons of protection and are names of God as used in the Holy Bible. The School is therefore named after God which means ‘God is Our Protection’. The School believes everybody is created with virtues and values as well as gifts and talents to make him/her succeed in life. Therefore the School main purpose is to protect these virtues and values to make each of her students fulfill God’s purpose. Everyone who has any positive thing to do with “MAGEN AND SHIELD” is also protected from any form of evil.


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