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facebook.comDAILY BENEFIT: SATURDAY 7TH JANUARY 2017. TOPIC: YOUR CASE IS DIFFERENT (5) TEXT: Exodus 1:8-9 (KJV) 8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. 9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: I Wish you and every member of your family a fruitful and pleasant weekend. May you live to witness more in peace and prosperity in Jesus name. According to our text today, when the king of Egypt and his entire subjects saw the goodness and the blessings of God manifested among the Israelites, they declared with their mouths that the Israelites were more and mightier than them. Brethren, you are not different when you complain, suffer and have it the same way with others around you. Your case is different only when you are having it good maritally, financially, academically, ministerially in the same environment where others are groaning. I see you becoming more and mightier than your colleagues, neighbours and everyone around you this year by the blessings of God coming upon you and your home in Jesus name. PROPHETIC PRAYERS. 1. Thank You Daddy for the gift of life. 2. I believe my case is wonderfully different now and forever. 3. I shall be greater and mightier than others in all ramifications this year. 4. Daddy, let Your miracle in my life differentiate me from others this year in Jesus name.
DAILY BENEFIT: WEDNESDAY 4TH JANUARY 2017. TOPIC: YOUR CASE IS DIFFERENT (2) TEXT: Genesis 47:12-13 (KJV) And Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and all his father's household, with bread, according to their families. 13 And there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very sore, so that the land of Egypt and all the land of Canaan fainted by reason of the famine. I prophesy, every member of your family and you shall eat in plenty this year and be satisfied, because your case is different. I told you two days ago that God is always ahead to make things good for you just as He did for Joseph. According to our text today, despite the famine that ravaged Egypt and Canaan, to the extent that people fainted, Joseph was able to nourish his father, brethren and his father's household with enough bread, because God made his case to be different. I charge you not to expect what is happening to others to happen to you this year because your case is different. When they have it bad, you will have it good, when they have it good, you will have it better in the name of Jesus. No matter how tough the economy of this nation may become, God will make your case different. Others may not have what to eat, you will have more than enough to eat and to feed others in the name of Jesus. You will not sell any of your properties this year, you will acquire new ones in the name of Jesus. PROPHETIC PRAYERS. 1. Thank You oh Lord for the gift of life. 2. I will eat in plenty and be satisfied this year. 3. Others may lack what to eat ,God will empower me to feed not only my household, but everyone that comes my way. 4. Wherever I go this year, Daddy, make my case different.#COH
CONFESSION FOR YOU I am Uncompromisingly Righteous therefore, I flourish like the Palm Tree. I am long-lived, Stately, Upright, Useful & Fruitful. I grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. I am Majestic, Stable, Durable & Incorruptible because I am Planted in the House of the Lord, I Flourish in the Courts of our God. I Grow Daily in Grace, I Bring Forth Fruits at all times and in every Season Irrespective of the weather, economy or circumstances in the Nations. I am full of Spiritual & Physical vitality and Rich in the Verdure of trust, love and contentment. I am a Living Memorial and a Proof that the Lord Is Upright and Faithful to his Promises. He is my Rock and there is no Unrighteousness in Him. #iFlourish
Follow The Word ::: Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed (John 8:31). Someone may say, “I’m following Jesus Christ.” But really, how do you follow Jesus? You follow Him in the Word, through the Word, and by the Word. The proof that you’re following Him is in doing His Word; living by the Word. He said, “If you love me, keep my words” (John 14:15). Jesus and the Word are one. Therefore, to love Him is to be quick to do the Word at all times. There’re people who say, “I’ll do whatever God tells me to do, if I hear His voice.” What such people don’t realize is that God already said all He needed to say to His children, through the written Word—the Bible. If you want to hear His voice today, study the Word. That’s the voice of the Father, the voice of Jesus, and the voice of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t act upon, or live by the written Word, even if God spoke to you from heaven, it won’t make much difference; you still won’t act. Everything He says is always consistent with the written Word, the Bible. The Bible is a compendium of His out-breathings given to us to live by: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). Live by the Word, and you’ll never lose your way, because the Word of God is light. The Word gives you a way of life, and the right mentality. Live a purposeful and focused life through the Word. Don’t live by your imaginations, observations, assumptions or worldly wisdom; follow the Word, and you’ll be a true success.
PRAYER AND INSTANT RESTORATION! We release special blessings and testimonies upon the lives of everyone on this page today! Promotions, Miracle money, marriages, Childbirths,Divine Healing and Health, New jobs, protection from danger etc. Even a miracle you did not expect , God has diverted it to you today in the mighty name of JESUS CHRIST.... AMEN!
WHAT IS WORSHIP? BY PASTOR GABRIEL O EDEGHA Worship is the recognition and appreciation of the goodness, blessing, kindness and righteousness of God. It is a confession of His character. When you say, 'Lord You are kind, You have blessed me; you are recognizing, appreciating and promoting the character of God and He loves that. When you thank Him for the blessings and all the wonderful things He has done, you are saying, 'Lord I know it's You'. You are attributing all to Him and the result is that He will do more. It means you are distinguishing Him from all others. Not only does He bless you more, He will reveal Himself to you in a greater way. Worshiping God brings a greater revelation of God to you. We worship only God, not angels. Angels can't reveal things greater than them to you.
Pastor Gabriel's day