Johnsongrace Mobile Ultrasound Scanning and Microchipping
A mobile service for Ultrasound scanning your dog to confirm pregnancy. Mobile Microchip Implanters My Love for Dogs took me into breeding Golden Retrievers. From this developed this side line of services offered to other breeders or owners of a possible pregnant bitch. The reassurance in scanning can confirm a very much wanted litter. Also, although we cannot confirm any amount of pups there are (due to possible re-absorbtion or miscarriage) we can give a good indication on the size of the litter due. We can also see a rough estimate of size and confirm whether the dates match up with gestation of the pups. Post Whelping is also offered as it can give reassurance that the Bitch has completed whelping or that there may be some other complications. I am fully Vis trained and approved and registered Scanning is carried out by a high spec veterinary approved scanner.
Our price is £30 per scan (+ mileage if outside Plymouth boundaries).
Your dog (or cat) can be micro-chipped in the comfort of your own home at a very reasonable price. Implanted by a fully trained Microchip Implanter and registered with "Petlog" through the Kennel Club
£14.00 per Dog or Cat or £12.00 each for 2 animals and above. Further discount given on litters
In 2016, It is going to become Law that you must have your dog Microchipped.
When you hear about an owner's heartache when they have lost their pet or the cruelty inflictedthrough ignorance or just down right maliciousness do you feel sadness, anger or outrage? Good news for good owners - bad news for those that aren't. Identification means accountability. Here we will discuss microchipping.
The dog or cat should feel no more discomfort from a microchip implant than from a conventional injection. Microchipping uses Radio Frequency (RFID) technology and cannot be tampered with, fade or be removed. The chip is deposited mid-line into the fatty area between the shoulder blades. The needle houses the microchip and is therefore larger than a conventional needle, however, a clever design allows it to incise the skin easily with very little discomfort. Some animals cry - most do not. All microchipping is done by a fully trained and qualified "Microchip implanter" who is an authorised Petlog Agent.
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