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Kohia Centre, The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland Epsom Campus Gate 1, 78 Epsom Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand
College & University



Kohia Education Centre provides courses and resources for early childhood, primary and secondary teachers.

Kohia Centre provides comprehensive professional learning and development opportunities for educators, social workers and those working in social and community settings. The Centre is part of The University of Auckland-New Zealand's leading university .

Kohia is also a venue for hire and hosts a retail shop that provides teachers, students and the public with the chance to browse and purchase a wide variety of professional texts and teaching tools. An online store also operates.

Kohia Education Centre has a proud 34 year tradition providing support for teachers, from the early days of 1977 at Arney Road until today at the purpose-built facility on site at the Faculty of Education.

Kohia is the Māori name for the New Zealand passion flower Tetrapathaea tetranda. This plant burned very slowly so the Māori people made use of the dried wood of the Kohia to carry a spark from village to village. This "carrying the spark" symbolism is particularly appropriate for our centre.

Our store is located at Epsom Campus of The University of Auckland, we are open Monday-Friday from 8.00am-4.30pm and always have staff on hand to aid in your search. The online store is available 24/7 with the link below.
Feel free to send us a message if you have any questions or feedback and please like us on Facebook to stay updated on Kohia's courses and new arrivals to the Kohia Shop.



Unravelling the Mystery of the Adolescent Brain – for Professionals. 14 July 9:00am - 12:00pm

This half day presentation by the Brainwave Trust is designed to provide an introduction to the information on current understanding of brain development from puberty (starting at 8+ years). City Impact Church City Impact Youth NS City Impact ChurchNZ Secondary Teachers Parent Direct NZParent Direct NZ Space NZ Trust

Teacher Education Refresh Programme – Kohia Centre, University of Auckland

Teacher Education Refresh (TER) Programme. Registrations close soon for the 10 July - 20 October programme. This programme is designed to support teachers to gain a practicing certificate.This may be provisionally certificated teachers who want to apply for another provisional practising certificate six years or more after becoming registered or teachers who completed their initial teacher education qualification six years ago or more and are applying to become registered. (Education Council approved provider) The Relieving Teacher NZTeach First NZ Ako Mātātupu Teacher Direct NZThink Pair Share: The NZ Primary Teacher's PageNew Zealand Primary Teachers are awesome!.NZ Secondary Teachers Oasis Education

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iPads in Schools:Transforming the Learning. A series of half-day workshop by Stuart Hale Stuart has worked with more than 120 schools in New Zealand to deploy over 1000 iPads. He has insight to the best ways to structure and strategically plan for the integration of digital technologies in schools. Search Facilitator: Stuart Hale Primary MLEs - NZ: Think Pair Share: The NZ Primary Teacher's Page New Zealand Primary Teachers are awesome!. NZ Secondary TeachersTeacher Direct NZ

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Unravelling the Mystery of the Adolescent Brain – for Professionals. July 14th

14 July School Holidays Unravelling the Mystery of the Adolescent Brain – for Professionals in association with The Brainwave Trust Aotearoa. NZ Primary Educators PLNNZ Secondary Teachers Mental Health Foundation of New ZealandParent Direct NZSupport for Parents of Suicidal Teens NZCounties Manukau Health

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Kohia. Who we are?

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Upcoming workshops at Kohia. Think Pair Share: The NZ Primary Teacher's Page NZ Primary Educators PLNTeaching and Learning New ZealandNZ Secondary TeachersTeam Solutions, The University of AucklandThe University of AucklandFaculty of Education and Social Work, The University of AucklandNZ ECE Teachers

Upcoming workshops at Kohia.
Think Pair Share: The NZ Primary Teacher's Page NZ Primary Educators PLNTeaching and Learning New ZealandNZ Secondary TeachersTeam Solutions, The University of AucklandThe University of AucklandFaculty of Education and Social Work, The University of AucklandNZ ECE Teachers

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iPads in Schools:Transforming the Learning A series of half-day workshop by Stuart Hale Stuart has worked with more than 120 schools in New Zealand to deploy over 1000 iPads. He has insight to the best ways to structures and strategically plan for the integration of digital technologies in schools. Search Facilitator: Stuart Hale Primary MLEs - NZ Think Pair Share: The NZ Primary Teacher's Page New Zealand Primary Teachers are awesome!.NZ Secondary Teachers Teacher Direct NZ NZ Teachers

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Ready to Read: Our Unique Taonga -June 6th

🔴🔴🔴 Last chance to enrol 🔴🔴🔴 NZ Teachers (Primary ) Teaching and Learning New Zealand Think Pair Share: The NZ Primary Teacher's Page New Zealand Primary Teachers are awesome!. Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand

Enrol Now!Ready to Read: Our Unique Taonga -6th June


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This week @ Kohia Centre, The University of Auckland Our valued presenters, Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey... supporting PCT's and others to enhance the literacy skills of all students. Louise Dempsey Sheena Cameron

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Using the rich "Ready to Read" Instructional Series

Ready to Read: Our Unique Taonga Tuesday, 6 June 2017, 9:00am - 3:00pm Remember to ENROL NOW! The Ready to Read texts from the Instructional series of reading texts are a rich and diverse resource but they are often under utilised for everyday guided or shared reading lessons. This workshop will support teachers to become confident with using them effectively. There will be time to unpack the teacher support materials that are available for the Ready to Read texts, look at how the texts sit alongside the Literacy Learning Progressions and understand how they provide a platform for developing successful readers who reach or exceed national expectations. Opportunities for learning to decode, make meaning and think critically using the Ready to Read texts will also be part of the workshop.

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