Machinefabriek De Valk
Welcome to de Valk machine factory
The de Valk machine factory is a dynamic organisation established in Valkenswaard, close to Eindhoven, the Netherlands. We are specialised in the production of mechanical components in all common steel types, non-ferrous metals and plastics, as well as the full production and assembly of modules and machines.
Furthermore, the de Valk machine factory has the capacity and the expertise to offer a broad range of additional services such as hardening, anodising, nickel plating, sheet metal work and engineering.
The machine factory has a fully equipped cleanroom facility that complies with ISO class 7.
This website should give you an impression of our company’s possibilities and versatility.
Interested in finding out what our company can do for you?
Please feel free to get in touch with us.
Tell your friends
Join us at Rapid Pro booth 30, as we offer a glimpse into the future of industrial additive manufacturing. Visit us 7, 8 and 9 March in NH Conference Centre Koningshof, Veldhoven. #metalprinting #3dp #RapidPro2017
RapidPro 2017
RapidPro is uitgegroeid tot de belangrijkste beurs in de Benelux rondom prototyping, (low volume) productie en productontwikkeling. Een belangrijke prototyping/productie techniek op RapidPro is 3D-printing. Maar ook allerlei andere technieken zijn uitgebreid vertegenwoordigd. Op RapidPro vindt men de hele keten van idee tot product.
3D-print magazine
Pjotrs Spica Virginis: 3D geprinte titanium vulpen
Photos from Machinefabriek De Valk's post
#Rolled #goeiepannenkoek #Vrijmibo
Voor herhaling vatbaar! #Rolled #goeiepannenkoek #Vrijmibo
AddLab wordt AddFab en richt zich op industriële serieproductie (via
Industriële 3D-print serieproductie in Addfab • Metaal Magazine