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Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art - ACAPA

Circushall: Goossenslaan 1 (Entrance, P7 Stappegoorweg), Tilburg, Netherlands



Official account of Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art (ACAPA, Tilburg, the Netherlands) Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art (ACaPA) of Fontys School
of Fine and Performing Arts offers a four-year full-time study program with a pioneering, distinctive artistic shape. The international orientated study leads to an internationally recognized academic bachelor diploma of
professional education as Circus performer and has a highly qualified team and a clear misson. We also offer exceptional training facilities.



First try out of the high tight wire (10m)! Don't miss "Liquid times", performing 23rd and 24th June, 20h00, Tilburg, Concertzaal

Proud of our 1st year performance at Oerol

Choreographer Pia Meuthen and 9 third year students of Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art share their perspective on social structures nowadays. The performance connects various circus disciplines to one physical experience at the crossroads of circus and dance. At tines dynamic and spectacular, but also poetic and vulnerable. In Liquid Times the bonds are not permanent, the group dynamic keeps shifting and a small movement might trigger a huge effect.

Choreographer Pia Meuthen and 9 third year students of Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art share their perspective on social structures nowadays. The performance connects various circus disciplines to one physical experience at the crossroads of circus and dance. At times dynamic and spectacular, but also poetic and vulnerable, In Liquid Times the bonds are not permanent, the group dynamics keep shifting and a small movement might trigger a huge effect.

The graduates from Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art proudly present their group show in which they combine their circus disciplines with dance and theatre. Direction and production by the students. They will be coached by Bahox Temaux (currently performing with Compagnie XY) Together they will put together a dazzling performance for a wide audience

The graduates from Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art proudly present their group show in which they combine their circus disciplines with dance and theatre. Direction and production by the students. They will be coached by Bahox Temaux (currently performing with Compagnie XY) Together they will put together a dazzling performance for a wide audience

Presentation final projects April 7 Sold out

It is no longer possible to make a reservation for April 7. There are some tickets available for April 6.

Presentation final projects April 7 Sold out


Searching for something else

Searching for something else

Got some new awesome Personal Project photos! This time from @saphia.loizeau :) This weekend, I will be teaching a workshop and performing with @helenatheberry at the #BristolSwingFestival! If you love swing dance AND you love circus, you NEED to be there! Check the link in my bio for more details! #juggler #juggling #photo #show #swing #countbasie #topsy #turvy #lights #theend

Got some new awesome Personal Project photos! This time from @saphia.loizeau :)
This weekend, I will be teaching a workshop and performing with @helenatheberry at the #BristolSwingFestival! If you love swing dance AND you love circus, you NEED to be there! Check the link in my bio for more details! #juggler #juggling #photo #show #swing #countbasie #topsy #turvy #lights #theend

picture of my last personal project, thanks to @saphia.loizeau for the picture. Soon I will place a video of this act on my facebook page (link in bio) #aerialarts #aerialsilks #aerialtissue #aerialnation #poledance #strongwoman #girlswithmuscle #flexible #yoga #circus #circuslife #performance #show #circusinspiration #pepearts

picture of my last personal project, thanks to @saphia.loizeau for the picture. Soon I will place a video of this act on my facebook page (link in bio) 
#aerialarts #aerialsilks #aerialtissue #aerialnation #poledance #strongwoman #girlswithmuscle #flexible #yoga #circus #circuslife #performance #show #circusinspiration #pepearts

Due pesciolini appesi all'amo 🐠💛

Due pesciolini appesi all'amo 🐠💛

#tuesday #trickoftoday is a 441 with an Albert 1 I think? And trick no 2 is 3 balls with a foot balance :P #juggler #juggling #shouldbeatbjc #footcatch #clubs #441 #bodythrows #stripey #stripeday #skatingeverywhere

#tuesday #trickoftoday is a 441 with an Albert 1 I think? And trick no 2 is 3 balls with a foot balance :P
#juggler #juggling #shouldbeatbjc #footcatch #clubs #441 #bodythrows #stripey #stripeday #skatingeverywhere

Final personal project is over! Thanks everyone who was there to support me! #chinesepole #matchinois #circus #performance #graduation

Final personal project is over! Thanks everyone who was there to support me! #chinesepole #matchinois #circus #performance #graduation

Thursday. Attended and reviewed the personal projects of 4th year @fhktilburg #acapa #circusacademy. Wonderful mix of talented performers

Thursday. Attended and reviewed the personal projects of 4th year @fhktilburg #acapa #circusacademy. Wonderful mix of  talented performers


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