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laanstraat 4, Soest, Netherlands
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Shiatsu en Japanse acupunctuur behandelingen vergoed door uw verzekering  Het ontvangen van een shiatsu behandeling is een bijzondere en zeer persoonlijke ervaring. Het uitgangspunt van een behandeling is om jou als totaal persoon terug in balans te brengen. Deze balans is nodig om beginnende escalaties van klachten te stoppen en om reeds duidelijk aanwezige klachten op te lossen. De diagnostiek en behandeling gebeurt volgens Traditioneel Chinese Geneeskunde. Het voelen van de pols en het kijken naar de tong geven een beeld van hoe je er fysiek en mentaal aan toe bent. Ook het zacht duwen op de buik geeft aan waar klachten zich bevinden en wat de oorsprong ervan is. Want dat is wat we willen. In plaats van de symptomen de oorzaak van de klacht behandelen zodat de klacht wegblijft.
Naast het klinische effect van een behandeling, heeft een goede Shiatsu behandeling veel extra's. Een behandeling geeft je een diepe ontspanning waardoor er fysieke en mentale ruimte ontstaat en stress verdwijnt. Je wordt je bewust van de verschillende energieën die aanwezig zijn in jou en leert die voelen en herkennen. Zo blijk je soms tijdens een behandeling gevoelige of soms zelfs pijnlijke plekken te hebben waarvan je geen weet had.
Dit lichaamsbewustzijn is één van de meest begerenswaardige kwaliteiten die je jezelf cadeau kan doen door het ondergaan van een Shiatsu behandeling omdat goed luisteren naar je lichaam pas kan als je daadwerkelijk ook alles gewaar wordt.



Ben je therapeut en werk je hands-on met mensen? Dan kan het gemakkelijk gebeuren dat je mee resoneert met de verstoorde energie van je patient. Hoe hou je je eigen balans en hoe reinig je jezelf? Deze vragen worden beantwoord op het seminar met Jason Dean Are you a therapist working hands-on with people? It is common you pick up the sick resonance of your patient's. How to keep your own health and balance and how to cleanse yourself? Those and more questions will be answered at the seminar with Jason Dean


Humans Institute

I am inspired looking at my friend Jason Deandemonstration and playing Taiji in a way that touches me. The way his breathing and moving are one is so essential. All the 13 essences are represented. To me after many years of practising different forms of Taiji and Qigong this approach of the arts is the most natural I have seen. Thanks to professor YK Leung who is so kind to share the treasures he found in his live time training and studying the inner alchemy of the Nei Dan. The ever present principles of Yin and Yang are within this methodology never neglected. When movements don’t make sense in application or just don’t work for us we have to dig deeper in our senses and awareness of our physical abilities and find a way to express ourselves that’s closest to spontaneous. All that is Dao comes about spontaneous.

Humans Institute



Bacteriofagen informatie en advies

Bacteriofagen informatie en advies

BACK TO THE ROOTS OF TAIJI 2019 A most practical approach to the Daoist principles of "XingQi DaoYinShu" today known as TaijiQuan and Qigong. In three weekends we will be educated in the first section of the Taiji form which will provide you with enough tools to make an excellent foundation to continue practicing for a long period of time. A most direct and natural way to learn to develop the health benefits and fighting skills applications. 🔹Get out of your head and into your body 🔸Enhance the sensitivity of your body 🔸Mind muscle connection 🔸Total body breathing 🔸Leading your body back to its natural state Location: Soest, the Netherlands Teacher: Jason Dean @ Humans Institute 3 weekends: 28 - 29 sept 2019 19 - 20 oct. 2019 16 - 1 7 nov. 2019 When you want to know more, please contact me: ☎️ (+31)6- 40 389 369 📧


A most practical approach to the Daoist principles of "XingQi  DaoYinShu" today known as TaijiQuan and Qigong. In three weekends we will be educated in the first section of the Taiji form which will provide you with enough tools to make an excellent foundation to continue practicing for a long period of time.  
A most direct and natural way to learn to develop the health benefits and fighting skills applications.

🔹Get out of your head and into your body
🔸Enhance the sensitivity of your body
🔸Mind muscle connection
🔸Total body breathing
🔸Leading your body back to its natural state

Location: Soest, the Netherlands
Teacher: Jason Dean @ Humans Institute

3 weekends: 
28 - 29 sept 2019
19 - 20 oct.  2019
16 - 1 7 nov. 2019

When you want to know more, please contact me:
☎️ (+31)6- 40 389 369

Zelfs één dag sedentair leven heeft al negatieve invloed op hartritmen | Psychfysio Opleidingen

Niet zitten maar wandelen...... buiten....veel😊

Humans Institute

Terug in Slowakije om verdiepining te vinden in de Daoyinshu en de Xingqishu

Humans Institute

SEIKI KSI 2019 NL Najaar.pdf

Can our body heal itself? Does TaiJi Quan still have a place in the 21. century? How to heal without using all that drugs the western medicine is using? You will find out in our Summer Camp 2019! Date: 6.-14.7.2019 Place: Slovakia - Hotel Junior Piatrová It is my pleasure to invite you to our Self Healing Summer Camp with Dr. Leung (a.k.a. Shi DeLon). A week in the beautiful mountains of Slovakia full of TaiJi Quan, QiGong and Daoist Medicine self-healing. Dr. Leung will share his vast knowledge of Martial Arts and Daoist Medicine all backed with case studies and decades of experience. XingQiDaoYinShu is a thousands of years old art we call today TaiJi Quan and QiGong. Dr Leung will teach you how to use this methodology to improve your health and quality of life. Everybody is welcome, previous experience is not necessary! How can you take part? 1. You send an EMail to 2. You make a reservation at the Hotel ( Don’t wait to long as the capacity is limited! What is the program? Everyday - 8am-9am. learning micro-Cosmic path - 9-10am. Breakfast.. - 10:30am.-12:30 noon DaoYinShu (TaiJiQuan - 12:30-2pm. Lunch... 2-3:30 pm.. sleep - 3:30-6:30pm. XingQiShu (QiGong) + Spontaneous reactions therapy - 7pm. Dinner - 9pm.. lecture or other activities!!. What are the costs? Trainingcosts: contact Frans Annegarn Accomodation? Food and Bed starts at 38,-EUR/day Don’t forget to get in touch with the hotel for reservation! Phone: +421 43 42 84 298 or Email: How to get there? There are many convenient flight connections to Bratislava or Vienna Airport. Best way to get to the place is by train from Bratislava. More questions? Drop an Email to or call me +31 640389369

Can our body heal itself? Does TaiJi Quan still have a place in the 21. century? How to heal without using all that drugs the western medicine is using? You will find out in our Summer Camp 2019! 
Date: 6.-14.7.2019
Place: Slovakia - Hotel Junior Piatrová 
It is my pleasure to invite you to our Self Healing Summer Camp with Dr. Leung (a.k.a. Shi DeLon). A week in the beautiful mountains of Slovakia full of TaiJi Quan, QiGong and Daoist Medicine self-healing. Dr. Leung will share his vast knowledge of Martial Arts and Daoist Medicine all backed with case studies and decades of experience. XingQiDaoYinShu is a thousands of years old art we call today TaiJi Quan and QiGong. Dr Leung will teach you how to use this methodology to improve your health and quality of life. Everybody is welcome, previous experience is not necessary! How can you take part? 
1. You send an EMail to 
2. You make a reservation at the Hotel ( Don’t wait to long as the capacity is limited! 
What is the program?
 - 8am-9am. learning micro-Cosmic path
- 9-10am. Breakfast.. 
- 10:30am.-12:30 noon DaoYinShu (TaiJiQuan
- 12:30-2pm. Lunch... 2-3:30 pm.. sleep 
- 3:30-6:30pm. XingQiShu (QiGong) + Spontaneous reactions therapy 
- 7pm. Dinner 
- 9pm.. lecture or other activities!!.
What are the costs?
Trainingcosts:  contact Frans Annegarn
Food and Bed starts at 38,-EUR/day Don’t forget to get in touch with the hotel for reservation! Phone: +421 43 42 84 298 or Email: How to get there? There are many convenient flight connections to Bratislava or Vienna Airport. Best way to get to the place is by train from Bratislava. More questions? Drop an Email to or call me +31 640389369
