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facebook.comJillz Z #2ndplace #jodokus # dutchjumpers
Hercules #2ndplace #🥈#aesapprovedstallion #dutchjumpers #srialaddin #beasley #Catapult #quasimodoz
Sweet Aladdin, It all started 12 years ago, you being Merci's first baby. The first Quasimodo Z baby of many to follow. Because of you I started traveling to shows all over the country to see you compete. First local shows in Holland, then to the Vion-cup in Ermelo and later that year to the World Championships in Lanaken. I was so nervous when you were in the final!😅 After that I got to see you jump Grand Prix's and even saw you on television win one in Paris and one in the United States🥇🏆 You have given me so much joy, excitement, pride and hapiness as a breeder, but even more as a person. Because of you I have seen so many beautiful places and met a lot of wonderfull people. You have always given it your all, you've always stepped up to the plate and really are an once in a life time horse. Now it's time for you. Time to relax. Time to be lazy, stay up late and never having to go to bed early. It's time for your retirement. It's way too early, but you've earned it buddy. I hope to come visit you when I'm over next time. A big thank you to everyone who has been part of Aladdins journey. Riders, owners, managers and grooms. A special thanks needs to go to Fons Gilles for pointing me towards Quasimodo Z and breeding Aladdin together with me. To John Steeghs for seeing his quality as a foal. To Rob Heijligers and Nina Fortgens for prodicing him and showing his potential. To Lexi Carter for bringing him to his first International competitions and wins. To Roosje Brouwer for winning his first Grand Prix and last but also the biggest thank you to Meagan Nusz. For believing in him. Winning some amazing classes in London, Wellington and Tryon. But most of all for giving him all the care and love to compete and later to recover and now for giving him the best home ever. ❤️Roeland Plaisier
Leo the Lion🦁🌱☘️🌾 #inthefield #fullbrother #srialaddin #beasleyg #catapult #hercules #jetrun #dutchjumpers.com
Jillz Z (Jodokus x Merci v.Burggraaf) Dutch Championships 2017 Watch her video here --->
Jillz Z (Jodokus x Merci v.Burggraaf) 2nd place at the Zuid-Holland Championships🏆 and a ticket for the national show🇳🇱💪🏼 #proud #dutchjumpers #srialaddin #littlesister
Jillz Z (Jodokus x Merci v.Burggraaf) Breeder: Roeland Plaisier #dutchjumpers.com
Hercules (Quasimodo Z x Merci v.Burggraaf) Breeder: Roeland Plaisier #dutchjumpers.com #daretoask #lookingforasponsor
Hercules (Quasimodo Z x Merci v.Burggraaf) Breeder: Roeland Plaisier #dutchjumpers.com #daretoask #lookingforasponsor