Hand of Fatima
Hand of Fatima provides Henna-art on several occasions, Henna art workshops, Henna art masterclasses and Henna art supplies in the Netherlands and internationally
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facebook.comHAVE I EVER SHARED THIS PIC? 3/3....Spiral of life and handmade bracelets by yours truly. Learned a spiritual lesson last week that has to do with my spiral of life, or the path i'm walking...when it comes to my business i have always fought for cooperating with other businesses, brands, festival organisators, eventmanagers etc. I put a lot of energy and effort in these cooperations for the simple reason that i believed in them! I believed that we shared same values and complement each others brands. I believed we matched perfectly. Why i mention the word fighting is because a lot of times i had to MAKE them see why we would be a perfect match whereas for me it was quite evident! As a result of this i was dropped cold many more times than you can imagine.....for example using my proposed concept but letting someone else execute it, or telling me we drop the henna part but finding out that ghere was another a cheaper artist cause they don't care about my achievements....they want "just" henna....but my art is not just henna as well as i believed that they werent "just" something......so all of this happened because i cannot make people see what i see!!! I can't and i have tried sooooo hard.... with every cell in my body.... and i have to accept that!! A very though lesson! because i believed in their concepts, brands, ideas and that commitment wasn't mutual...when a business relation starts out like that, there is no equavalence and that leads to putting myself second in the benefit of others, that leads to tresspassing of my own conditions....all because i believed that this SHOULD work! After ten years it has sucked out my energy, for every succesfull cooperation there are 9 of these experiences. Last week i decided it was enough. Don't step into the same trap over and over again....if someting is meant to be it will manifest itself in an energetic way. Read more in the comment. #hennaart #hand #hennastain #artistic #design #signaturelook #handoffatima #hennaartist #pro #expert #adornment #silver #berber #jewelry #morocco #spiritual #lesson #learningprocess #selfdevelopment #havingfaith #goforit #mindfulliving #mindfullife #walkyourpath #knowyourself
HAVE I EVER SHARED THIS PIC? 3/3....Spiral of life and handmade bracelets by yours truly. Learned a spiritual lesson last week that has to do with my spiral of life, or the path i'm walking...when it comes to my business i have always fought for cooperating with other businesses, brands, festival organisators, eventmanagers etc. I put a lot of energy and effort in these cooperations for the simple reason that i believed in them! I believed that we shared same values and complement each others brands. I believed we matched perfectly. Why i mention the word fighting is because a lot of times i had to MAKE them see why we would be a perfect match whereas for me it was quite evident! As a result of this i was dropped cold many more times than you can imagine.....for example using my proposed concept but letting someone else execute it, or telling me we drop the henna part but finding out that ghere was another a cheaper artist cause they don't care about my achievements....they want "just" henna....but my art is not just henna as well as i believed that they werent "just" something......so all of this happened because i cannot make people see what i see!!! I can't and i have tried sooooo hard.... with every cell in my body.... and i have to accept that!! A very though lesson! because i believed in their concepts, brands, ideas and that commitment wasn't mutual...when a business relation starts out like that, there is no equavalence and that leads to putting myself second in the benefit of others, that leads to tresspassing of my own conditions....all because i believed that this SHOULD work! After ten years it has sucked out my energy, for every succesfull cooperation there are 9 of these experiences. Last week i decided it was enough. Don't step into the same trap over and over again....if someting is meant to be it will manifest itself in an energetic way. Read more in the comment. #hennaart #hand #hennastain #artistic #design #signaturelook #handoffatima #hennaartist #pro #expert #adornment #silver #berber #jewelry #morocco #spiritual #lesson #learningprocess #selfdevelopment #havingfaith #goforit #mindfulliving #mindfullife #walkyourpath #knowyourself
HAVE I EVER SHARED THIS PIC? 2/3~ Hand of Fatima with a Hand of Fatima lol... I know in general my work is regarded as Moroccan...but most of my designs that i share on insta are not traditionally Moroccan. But this one is a 99% traditional design (1% isn't, the fingertips...lol didn't know what i was doing there...hhh) As you can see Moroccan is not just straight lines and there can be flowers and vines too... I would call this style a combination of Fessi and Mrakchi and a bit of Moroccan khaliji.... if you have questions about this subject, please let me know in the comments! Because i will do a Q&A live video soon, to talk about all these matters. I will keep you posted about date and time! Make sure you will be there 💕 #hennaart #hand #skin #bodyart #hennastain #hennastainresult #artistic #design #handoffatima #hennaartist #pro #expert #adornment #silver #berber #jewelry #northafrica #morocco #freestyle #crazy #hennadesign #beautyritual #culture #heritage #expression #fessi #mrakchi
HAVE I EVER SHARED THIS PIC? 1/3~ Getting lost in my photo files.....i always make too much pictures and at this point it is just like an iceberg...the little top is what you all can see on social media...but the real mountain is hidden...in my computer, laptop, memory cards, external hardrive and cameraroll on my phone....and all is full!!! My goal is to organise my work more efficiently.....getting there...but very sloooooooooowly....any advice you want to share? #hennaart #hand #skin #bodyart #hennastain #hennastainresult #artistic #design #signaturelook #handoffatima #hennaartist #pro #expert #adornment #silver #berber #jewelry #northafrica #morocco #freestyle #crazy #hennadesign #beautyritual #culture #heritage #expression #nourishyourself
WELCOME & MARHBABIKOUM~ to all my new friends from around the world! Isn't it exciting we are only one push on our telephones away from each other..so happy to welcome you on my instafeed! Let's get in touch 😄 Let's play a game...make me a riddle...tell me Hello in the comments in your own language...i will try to guess the language!!! Who is gonna start? 😀😀😀 . . #handoffatima #instafeed #welcome #newfollowers #new #friends #letsplay #riddle #languages #interaction #connection #stayintouch #virtual #meeting #hennaartists #aroundtheglobe #henna #hennadesign #morocco #netherlands #artist
Workshop Henna Kunst zondag 24 september 2017 @ Hand of Fatima! Doe jij mee? inschrijven kan op www.handoffatima.nl
DOING MY THING~ yeah i know my face looks angry when I'm applying henna due to concentration, but my heart on the other hand is singing....This my moment of pure joy. Everything falls into place and all my sorrows disappear. Every second of this moment is anwering to its true calling. No stress, no need for words, just focus and creation..... By the way Summer Holiday is over... so i'm about to plan the live Q&A on instagram. You can ask me anything about Moroccan Henna, Fessi designs, my signature style, how to use the syringe etc, all henna and/or Hand of Fatima related....if you already have a question...please comment yours below...that would be very helpfull for my preparations....i will put together the questions to make it a story that makes sense and still leave some room for spontaneous questions...everything in English....This will be fun! What do you say? #henna #hennaartist #art #artistry #applying #freestyle #hennadesign #intuition #free #flow of #energy #manifested in #natural #bodyart #syringe #blunt #needletip #glass #technique #morocco #live #qanda #questions #answers #live #soon #gathering #courage #lol #handmade #art on#skin #craft #artisan
TOOLS OF THE TRADE~ Look for my glass syringe in this picture! Can you find it or are your eyes distracted by the amount of Berber Bling in this pic? Well it is never too much for me, obviously. I love it and this picture shows my love for artisan products! I've been carrying this pretty heavy Handira around for quite some time now, it has always de decorated my booth but since i'm redoing my bedroom I'm thinking of hanging it on the wall....would be great right? #henna #hennaaplicator #hennasyringe #glass #syringe #blunt #needletip #moroccan #technique #traditional #way of #applying #hennadesigns #toolsofthetrade #handira #handoffatima #khmisa #khmissa #hamsa #pouch #artisan #morocco #art #culture #heritage
Voor alle aspiring henna artiesten....wist je dat je in onze webshop niet alleen alle henna benodigdheden kunt kopen, maar ook veel informatie vindt over bereidingswijze, nabehandeling, benodigdheden etc. We doen ons best om alle informatie zo overzichtelijk mogelijk te rangschikken. En mocht er toch nog een vraag van jou niet beantwoord worden? Laat het ons weten....we zijn altijd bezig met verbeteringen.
Mooie ‘plaatjes’ met Henna kunst in Roosendaal 23-08-2017 Het festival Artisjok vind jaarlijks plaats in Roosendaal en is bedoeld om leerlingen van HAVO en VWO kennis te laten maken met diverse kunst en cultuur vormen d.m.v. het volgen van workshops. Het thema is dit jaar Beauty and the beast; Over hoe je met sociale media als Instagram en Facebook de werkelijkheid kan manipuleren en wat de keerzijde hiervan kan zijn. Op 28 september 2017 vindt het Artisjok festival plaats op diverse locaties in Roosendaal. Fatima Oulad Thami ontwikkelde een Henna Workshop op maat, genaamd "Maak je mooie 'plaatjes' met Henna Kunst?", waarbij dit thema aangesneden wordt. In onderstaande aankondiging, die ook te lezen is op de Artisjok website waar de deelnemende leerlingen zich inschrijven, lees je hoe Fatima's concept in elkaar steekt. De Henna Workshop vindt plaats in Rabobank Galerie de Kring in Roosendaal Aankondiging Henna Kunst op de huid bestaat al duizenden jaren en wordt toegepast in verschillende culturen. Door gebruik te maken van de kleurende eigenschappen van de hennaplant zijn deze traditionele rituelen inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een ware kunstvorm die Fatima Oulad Thami meester is. Zij geeft wereldwijd, onder de naam Hand of Fatima, Henna Masterclasses en nu is de eer aan jou om een Hennaworkshop bij haar te volgen. Je leert met geduld en precisie een prachtige hennaversiering aan te brengen op je huid. Hennaversieringen zijn eigenlijk géén plaatjes, maar patronen, figuren en symbolen. Jij gaat er wél een mooi plaatje van maken! Een foto van je henna kunst werk maak je namelijk niet zomaar, nadat je de versiering hebt aangebracht. Daar komt heel wat meer bij kijken….denk aan compositie en positie, achtergond en props. Ga jij de uitdaging aan? Hand of Fatima is in de Internationale hennascene een bekende naam. Op social media pagina’s als Instagram en Facebook zijn inmiddels meer dan 20k fans te vinden. Dat heeft Henna Kunstenaar Fatima Oulad Thami wellicht bereikt door haar artistieke foto’s die zij van haar prachtige Henna Kunstwerken maakt en online post. Een like of een hartje is binnen een seconde met één simpele klik te geven. Maar hoe lang duurde het eigenlijk voordat onze Henna kunstenaar haar eindresultaat bereikt had? In deze workshop ervaar je zelf hoeveel vaardigheid en oefening ervoor nodig is om een mooi hennadesign te maken, maar ook welke passie en moeite er achter een mooi "Instagram plaatje” schuilgaat alvorens het gepost wordt. Fatima deelt haar ervaringen en laat jou eigenhandig hetzelfde ervaren. Klik op één van onderstaande afbeeldingen om naar de Artisjok website te gaan. Vanaf 9 oktober 2017 kun je foto's bekijken van de workshop: "Maak je mooie "plaatjes" met Henna Kunst?
In between paint jobs in my bedroom, a little henna paint job on myself...hihi...pretty happy with the stain if you take in consideration that i have been painting walls and shelves and putting up wall paper...and looooots of cleaning my hands. Anyway in the back the other wall that has a mustard color now....i guess i long for the sun...this was quite a rainy and cloudy summer holiday so far..... #handoffatima #headquarter #underconstruction #lol #hennadesign #design #hennaart #art on #skin #hennastain #roots #heritage #culture #patterns #natural #henna #handmade #bracelet #freestyle #hennadesign #mustard #turquoise #housedecor #interior #eclectic #colorful
SUMMER PROJECT~ You might have noticed my absence last weeks... I thought it was time for a summer break from henna business. But i didn't went on holiday or anyting...9 years ago i moved into this place and since then i have remodeled my sons bedroom twice. The bathroom, kitchen, livingroom and deskspace everything has been done....except my sleepingroom...it was a horible room aka storage room aka laundry space etc....it was anything but a bedroom...so i started clean-up, throw old stuff out, undo the walls from the grey wallpaper and rebuild the space....this is my color scheme and my new walls in the background. Thank god my family helped me with this project...it is still not finished but I'm getting there!!! What do you think so far? #remodel #makeover #upgrade #bedroom #pip #pipwallpaper #pipbehang #pipstudio #pipstudiocom #interior #interiorstyling #colorfull #home #mustard #turqoise #indigo #raspberry #hennadesign #hennaartist #nonhenna #project #decorating #styling #handoffatima #hennaart #hennahand #freestyle #design