OceanSat levert sateliet communicatie apparatuur in de zeevaart. Wij vertegenwoordigen merken als Intellian, Setel, Peplink, iDirect, Telenor en Cisco.
Al sinds de oprichting in 2005 kiest OceanSat er voor om het anders te doen. Door ons niet neer te leggen bij het gangbare, zorgt OceanSat continue voor verandering in, met name, de (satelliet) communicatie markt die volop aan het veranderen is.
Want ook de scheepvaart is onderhevig aan de veranderingen rondom het gerbruik van data, die de aankomende jaren exponentieel stijgt.
De scheiding tussen privé en zakelijk internet gebruik wordt vager, men wil kunnen werken waar dan ook en op elk gewenst tijdstip.Technieken worden veelzijdiger. Technologieën worden gecombineerd zodat men WIFI, 4G en satelliet systemen met elkaar moeten kunnen samenwerken.
OceanSat zorgt er voor dat techniek nooit een obstakel is voor wat u wilt doen, namelijk; communiceren en navigeren!
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facebook.comWe successfully repaired two FleetBroadband 250 antennas. The Koninklijke Marine can now deploy the units again as their back-up communication solution on board. OceanSat is also your partner for Repair, Maintenance and Installations for all your Satcom equipment! Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)85 04 03 600 | www.oceansat.com #FleetBroadband #FBB #Sailor #Intellian #Satcom #Satellite #VSAT #Airtime
Try-before-You-Buy! A new policy at OceanSat! Try a VSAT connection on board your vessel with no string attached or long term contracts. Try it out a few months and decide for yourself! Experience our state of the art configuration and service level before deciding anything! What do you think about this approach? Let us know in the comments. We gladly help with any questions you might have! You can always contact us; info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com #VSAT #Airtime #bandwidth #Intellian #Sailor #IoT #Ocean #Satellite #Sat #3G #4G #iDirect #Peplink
Worldwide 3G/4G Connectivity for you! In more than 180+ Countries and 900+ network operators we can provide you with a worldwide 3G/4G Sim solution. Save time and money trying to get local simcards for each country you visit. No more unexpected bill shocks because of out of allowance data usage. Interested in your own personal pricing plan? Contact us now! Leave in the comments down below any questions you might have. Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)85 04 03 600 | www.oceansat.com #M2M #4G #3G #Mobile #Data #Connectivity #Failover #Ocean #Sat #UMTS
Don't forget to protect your data! Secure yourself without the need to manage anything yourself. We got you covered! How do you currently secure your data? How do you monitor your firewall safety? Let us know in the comments below! We have a fully managed solution for you! Read more about it on our website by clicking on the link below; https://www.oceansat.com/solutions/faas/ Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com #Cybersecurity #Cyber #Security #Airtime #VSAT #Ocean #Sat #Safety #Sercure #Intellian #Sailor #idirect
Its Friday! Almost weekend! But did you know OceanSat is available for you 24/7? Even in the weekend! We are excited and ready for your call or question. Do not hesitate to contact us any time of the day, any day of the week! For now have a good weekend! - Cheers from the OceanSat Team. Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com
What do I need for my satellite connectivity needs? Which partner fits my needs? A lot of questions, and technique behind the term VSAT. Click on the link below and read why OceanSat could be the prefect fit for you! We are open for any questions you might have. Leave them below in the comments, contact us or come and see it for yourself in our VSAT Experience Center! #VSAT #Satellite #Airtime #Connecitivty #Intellian #Sailor #iDirect #X7 #X5 #Pelink #VoIP #Ansur #Cyber #Security #Ocean #Sat Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)85 04 03 600 | www.oceansat.com
Our passion is to support you. Getting you connected anywhere you want. No hill to high, no question to hard! We are happy to help with any questions you might have in regards to satellite communication systems; VSAT/TVRO What solution fits my data needs? 3G/4G or am I better of with an Iridium Communications or Fleetbroadband solution? Leave a comment below or contact us via a private message, we are happy to help! Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com
Did you know you can also follow OceanSat on LinkedIn? Check out our page by clicking on the link below and keep in touch with us! You can contact us anywhere! And stay updated with our latest sales offers, updates and more relevant information. Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com #LinkedIn #Contact #OceanSat #VSAT #Airtime #Connectivity
Worldwide 3G/4G Connectivity for you! In more than 180+ Countries and 900+ network operators we can provide you with a worldwide 3G/4G Sim solution. Save time and money trying to get local simcards for each country you visit. No more unexpected bill shocks because of out of allowance data usage. Interested in your own personal pricing plan? Contact us now! Leave in the comments down below any questions you might have. Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)85 04 03 600 | www.oceansat.com #M2M #4G #3G #Mobile #Data #Connectivity #Failover #Ocean #Sat #UMTS
Why is OceanSat the right partner for your connectivity on board? 10 Reasons how we can be beneficial for you! Click on the link below and read more.... #VSAT #Airtime #Intellian #Sailor #iDirect #Connectivity #Satellite #Ocean #Sat #Bandwidth Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com
Special Offer! Try-Before-You-Buy! Are you interested in what the Intellian V60Ka can offer you? Check out our solutions in combination with the V60Ka and experience it for free! Try out this beauty for 1 month, without any obligations! Read more on our solution below; https://www.oceansat.com/vsat-selector/thor-7/ Contact us for more information and get yourself a free month of VSAT experience! Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com #Intellian #Sailor #Thor7 #Airtime #VSAT #Bandwidth #ocean #sat #Internet #On #Sea — Products shown: Intellian V60Ka.
What is your take on this question? Leave a comment below and share what you think! Unlimited bandwidth and guaranteed data speeds via a VSAT connectivity enables more in the future. Read more below..... We are also happy to help you with any questions you might have. You can contact us below; Info@oceansat.com | +31(0)850403600 | www.oceansat.com #BYOD #IOT #Cloud #computing #Bigdata #VSAT #Unlimited #data