Midsland, Terschelling
<p><b>Midsland</b> is a village on <a href="/pages/w/109796152379115">Terschelling</a> in the province <a href="/pages/w/112685755411055">Friesland</a> of the <a href="/pages/w/106123262753066">Netherlands</a> and has around the 870 citizens.</p><p>Near the village a statue was placed in 1982 commemorating <i>Het Stryper Wyfke</i>, an old crone who deceived English troops and saved the island's civilian population during <a href="/pages/w/132692560101461">Holmes's Bonfire</a> in 1666.</p><h2>Source</h2><p><ul><li>Municipality guide Terschelling 2005-2006</li></ul></p><p></p>