Van Kesteren Flowers & Bulbs
We are Van Kesteren Flowers & Bulbs – a family business since 1946 and a reliable address for all customers including travel organizations.
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facebook.comAlso SAT Reisen was on our shop today with Heidi
Merci amis de Cars Michel🌷🌷 A bientot😀
The colour is coming on the fields.
Haven’t seen each other for 15 years. Good friends always meet again👍, thank you Roland van Gysechem!!!
Bruno and Michel visiting our flowershop! Thank you!
Springtime mean flowertime. Today start with building our shops. Hope to see you all this season
The theme of the 2018 flowerparade will be “CULTURE”
Beatifull tulips, hyacinths and daffodils, growing to be sold in our flowershops! Looking forward to see you all again😀
Wishing all our friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Looking forward to see you all again in the 2018 seison!!!
Timeline Photos
Found in my flowershop today, probably lost by one of our customers. Please let me know if you know who it belongs to.
Dear friends, Between 16.00 hrs and 17.30 hrs it can be very busy at our flowershops. Not only with coaches but also with photographers making pictures of the tulipfields. Therefor, if possible, please consider visiting our flowershops in the morning before your keukenhofvisit. Best regards, Van Kesteren Flowers & Bulbs
#april #atulipadaykeepsthedoctoraway #tulips #amsterdam 🙊🌷💕
Into the field 🌷
Lök shopping hos Ruud #rolfsbuss
Lök shopping hos Ruud #rolfsbuss